Patch 24.2, a big and controversial Battlegrounds update, is going live later today. The patch, however, didn’t contain any Standard balance changes at all, something that players have wanted since the last massive buff patch didn’t change the meta in the way they would like (weak classes that were buffed still mostly remained weak).
Good news is that there’s another patch coming, and it’s coming pretty soon, confirmed by Aleco. They plan to lock in card changes this Friday and then release the patch roughly a week later. Given that patches usually go out on Tuesday or Thursday, I would suspect that Thursday, September 8 is the most likely date it will be released. We don’t know what cards will be nerfed yet, but given that Druid, Mage and Rogue seem to be the best classes at all ranks, I would expect nerfs for those. On top of that, Hunter and Warlock are overperfoming around Diamond rank, so I suspect that we might see them taking a smaller hit too. But, of course, I’ll keep you updated if I learn anything.
We’re going to be making some Standard balance adjustments soon. Next patch will likely be more nerf focused than the previous one and might include some neutral cards. We’ll be locking in our changes this Friday, and the patch will go live ~1 week after that.
— Aleco (@AlecoGereco) August 30, 2022
Sire Denathrius should become an “At the end of your turn” card. Removing Battlecry would eliminate it working with Bran.
I hope Theotar gets nerfed or – even bettter – removed from standard. Theotar counts for half of my losses playing Shaman in Legend. I am not exaggerating, it’s not fun anymore.
Nerfing Theotar would single-handedly counter any amount of nerfs made to Druid, Mage, and Rogue. Besides, if you’re playing Control Shaman, it would be wise to run Theotar yourself.
same here, theotar is just stupid, should swap random cards at best not steal the win condition
Yes, it’s one of the neutral cards fun killing game, same as Denathrius.
If you draw it before your opponent you’re going to win. Same if you draw the kael’thas combo first.
Neutral cards shouldn’t be so all present due being so much op.
I mean, that’s the reason why they moved out of standard cards like leroy.
Decks should have their own class cards strategy and some fitting neutrals to complete.
I’m hoping for a Guff and an Imp King Rafaam nerf.
Druid seriously need some nerfs to the ramping.
Another way to nerf Druid could be a serious limitations of Topior ability to spam tokens.
God we need a stop to Freeze Mage. It’s just f#cking stupid lose a game after not playing for 4-5 turns because you are fronzen.
and Warlock’s Abyssal Curse damage counts in favor of Hunter’s quest what is insane. How it went into production I dont know but is just a joke
How can you possibly think this is enough of an issue to warrant any changes lol, quest warlock is tier 5 garbage, and quest Hunter is pretty bad as well