The Dalaran Heist is out! It’s the biggest and most ambitious single player content Hearthstone ever had. And at the same time, it manages to be one of the most challenging ones. Or, to be more precise, most challenging one when you’re playing in Heroic mode. After spending long hours grinding the first chapter on both difficulties, I have to say that the balance is great. Casual players should not struggle in Normal mode, but they will still have to work for their wins. Veteran players should breeze through the Normal mode, but then Heroic mode will be a real challenge for them – something that was missing from Hearthstone’s previous roguelike adventures.
Dalaran Heist’s third chapter follows player going through the crowded streets of the magical city of Dalaran. While it might not seem as grand as the previous two, you will encounter many townsfolk and guards that will try to stop your quest.
With every “good guy” trying to disrupt Rafaam’s evil plan, the Heroic mode of Streets of Dalaran turns into a great challenge that tests your deckbuilding and gameplay capabilities.
Check Out Our Other Guides!
- The Dalaran Heist General Guide
- The Dalaran Heist Heroic Bosses Guide
- Chapter 1: Dalaran Bank (Heroic Strategy)
- Chapter 2: The Violet Hold (Heroic Strategy)
- Chapter 4: The Underbelly (Heroic Strategy)
- Chapter 5: Kirin Tor Citadel (Heroic Strategy)
Twist: Crowded Streets
Each of The Dalaran Heist chapters has its own so-called “Twist”. To put it simply, it’s a mechanic, which makes it stand out and bring part of the story into actual gameplay. It’s also something you need to take into account when building your deck and playing it – especially when we’re talking about Heroic format.
In Chapter 3, the twist called “Crowded Streets” limits the number of playable minions to four for both sides by placing three temporary tokens (similar to the ones seen in the last chapter, except for the fact that they never “break out”) on each side of the board. This means that you need to tailor your strategy accordingly, as you can’t rely on going as wide as you would normally be able to – in a way, this is a more extreme version of last week’s “The Prisons”. Luckily, this can really hamstring some of the bosses as well!
There are several things to take into consideration playing The Merchant District on Heroic Mode. You must keep in mind that you’ll only have four slots on the board to work with throughout the entirety of your run. That may sound trivial in the first place, but it’s hard to not keep the habit of calculating things with seven minion board slots in the back of your head.
Rogue and Priest are the new hero classes made available to you, and both are well-suited for this adventure due to their ability to buff their minions. With Priest, you can sometimes simply value-trade your way to victory even on the later Heroic stages with potent enough synergies (like a double Battlecry effect with a Kabal Talonpriest and an Elixir of Vile plus spells like Velen's Chosen and Divine Spirit… yummy…)
Strategy Guide
In this section, we’re going to get deeper into the general strategy you might want to take when going into Chapter 3. If you’re looking for specific boss guides, click here!
The chapter-specific strategy for The Merchant Streets doesn’t really revolve around the twist mechanic, as it is pretty much non-interactive. It is much more important to know what bosses will possibly be present during your run and to build your deck with the “Crowded Streets” mechanic in mind.
Since you can’t just swarm the board with minions, it’s worth trying to avoid cards that summon multiple critters at once, trying to build a “tall” board of strong individual ones instead. Treasures which allow you to cheat out expensive minions early on like Robes of Gaudiness are extra valuable in this chapter.
Even if the mechanic itself doesn’t fundamentally change the way you’re meant to play in the run through Chapter 3, it means that the same sort of deckbuilding principles apply as before as we attempt to beat the most prominent bosses in The Merchant District!
We know that the pool of bosses per chapter is not really fixed; however, we do know that certain bosses will appear in Chapter 3 that didn’t appear in the previous chapters. Some of them don’t mesh well with this chapter’s twist, which is definitely something you should use to your advantage, like Anarii Duskgrove or Lavanthor. (Meanwhile, Haro Setting-Sun is a nightmare to face.) You can read an extensive guide on every single Dalaran Heist boss here!
I did this with Shaman.
I picked up emerald goggles and robes. I had 2 lich kings and 6 Yseras. I did control on the last 2 bosses and easily won.
I had board clear from Ysera and Lich King and a little healing from shaman cards. I don’t know if this is possible without robes.
i beat chapter 3 & 4 Heroic with Warrior deck 2nd skill and 1st deck with Robes (halves all cost of cards) and gettin Garrosh and Varian. Varian was big help. (choose all big minions like onyx, Yshaari and Ragnaros)
This was absolute sound strategy.i beat both chapter 3 and 4 on my first try with this setup.
My Strategy was Using priest with basic deck and basic healing power:
1. Getting the double battlecry
2. Get the cost of Minion higher than 5 to 5
3. Get all the buff for Old-gods (Had like 5 C’thun by the end of the run)
4. Balancing out healing cards so I could survive while waiting to draw my Cthun
5. It was a walk in a park, I destroyed every boss with at least 2-3 cthun with each buffed to 16/18 per game
I used Robes of Gaudiness (clearly OP) + Rush to all minions. Then I had Anubarak (8/4 deathrattle summon 4/4 and return it to hand) and the Undatakah…
They hardly ever touched me.
My strategy was to make every minion in my deck a 5-mana Malygos that I could discount even more with the second Mage hero power.
I beat the final boss on turn 6.
Thanks for the guide! i still haven’t started with heroics, im working on clearing all normals first with all HP and decks. Just finished this one on normal yesterday for the first time. So far this is my least favorite chapter, didnt like at all the limited space.
Btw, the 2nd and 3rd paragraph of this guide need updating, cos they are specific to the 2nd chapter intead of the 3rd.
Thanks, that’s what you get for Copy + Pasting without paying too much attention
My strategy for clearing this was as follows:
Step 1: Robes of Gaudiness
Step 2: Add 20-30 Ragnarosi (Ragnaroses? Ragnaros?) to your deck
Step 3: Give some of them that handy lifesteal stealth divine shield spell
Step 4: Profit
Sounds like a good strategy. So completely opposite of what I’ve been getting in my runs