Our Survival Puzzle Lab Solutions Guide will run you through all of the answers for each of the puzzles listed in the Survival section of the Puzzle Lab! We’ll have a full list of the puzzles, as well as the answers and some tips to help you get through the lab.
In this puzzle style you will be trying to survive your enemies hero power. Each scientist will have a powerful hero power that is looking to wipe you off the board. Find a way to survive or you will be repeating these puzzles again and again! Here’s the official description from Blizzard:
The Survival trial requires the test subject to restore their own health in order to survive their opponent’s next onslaught. A recent study has shown that dropping to zero health inversely correlates with winning games, and this experiment will further explore that relationship.
Our Other Puzzle Lab Guides
- Lethal Puzzle Lab Solutions Guide
- Board Clear Lab Solutions Guide
- Mirror Lab Solutions Guide
- Dr. Boom Puzzle Lab Solutions Guide
Survival Puzzle Solutions, Answers, & Puzzle List
We’ve got all of the solutions to the Survival Puzzles listed below! Be sure to follow each step carefully, order can be important depending on the puzzle.
Boomnician Breena Survival Puzzles Answers & Solutions
You will need to heal yourself to full health for each of these puzzles to survive her hero power!
Puzzle #1 – Don’t Panic
- Holy Light onto your face.
- Forbidden Healing onto your face.
Puzzle #2 – A Gentle Touch
- Binding Heal the Deranged Doctor.
- Holy Smite the Doctor.
- Flash Heal your face.
- Trade the Doctor with Flamewreathed Faceless.
- Hero Power your face!
Puzzle #3 – Cleansing Corruption
- Play Truesilver Champion.
- Play Seal of Light.
- Remove Corrupted Healbot with your Truesilver.
- Use both Holy Light on your face.
Puzzle #4 – A Dire Situation
- Play Equality.
- Trade your Silver Hand Recruit into Corrupted Healbot.
- Holy Light your face twice.
Puzzle #5 – Double Dip
- Play Crystalsmith Kangor.
- Play Forbidden Healing on your face.
Puzzle #6 – A Priest’s Feast
- Play Radiant Elemental and Priest of the Feast.
- Cast both Flash Heal on your face.
- Shadow Word: Pain the Radiant Elemental.
- Hero Power your face.
Puzzle #7 – Splash!
- Cast Reincarnate on Mistress of Mixtures.
- Healing Wave yourself.
- Cast Lightning Bolt on Mistress.
- Jinyu Waterspeaker yourself.
Puzzle #8 – Visions of Vitality
- Play Radiant Elemental and Priest of the Feast.
- Cast Shadow Visions.
- Pick Shadow Visions and cast it.
- Pick Shadow Visions and cast it.
- Pick Shadow Visions and cast it.
- Pick Flash Heal and cast it onto yourself.
Boommaster Flark Survival Puzzles Answers & Solutions
Puzzle #1 – Up for Auction
- Trade Deranged Doctor with Booty Bay Bodyguard
- Cast Flash Heal on yourself twice.
- Use your Hero Power on yourself.
- Cast Light of the Naaru on yourself.
- Use your Hero Power on yourself.
- Use Topsy Turvy on one of the minions.
- Use your Hero Power on yourself.
- Heal yourself with Voodoo Doctor.
Puzzle #2 – Sowing Seeds
- Play the two copies of Wisp.
- Play Floop's Glorious Gloop.
- Trade your two active copies of Wisp with one Haunted Creeper.
- Play both copies of Poison Seeds.
- Play Tree of Life.
Puzzle #3 – Mechanical Medic
- Play Glow-Tron to the left of Flying Machine.
- Play Zilliax to the left of Flying Machine.
- Attack Turret Sentinel twice.
- Cast Forbidden Healing on yourself.
Puzzle #4 – Lifesteel
- Play Steel Rager.
- Play Glow-Tron to the left of Steel Rager.
- Play Zilliax to the left of Steel Rager.
- Trade with Target Dummy with Steel Rager.
- Cast Battery Pack.
- Cast Forbidden Healing on yourself.
Puzzle #5 – Double Trouble
- Play Murmuring Elemental.
- Play Refreshment Vendor.
- Play Forked Lightning.
- Play Lava Burst on one of the Turret Sentinels.
- Play Shudderwock.
- Antique Healbot and Healing Wave.
Puzzle #6 – Revived and Refreshed
- Play Reincarnate on Corrupted Healbot.
- Play Ancestral Spirit on Corrupted Healbot.
- Play Unbeakered Lightning.
- Play Zilliax.
- Cast Rockbiter Weapon on Zilliax.
- Trade with Corrupted Healbot.
Glow-Tron 2000 Survival Puzzles Answers & Solutions
Puzzle #1 – That’s the Spirit
- Play Replicating Menace to the left.
- Play the second Replicating Menace to the left.
- Trade with Turret Sentinel.
- Cast Spirit Lash. Thanks, Velen!
Puzzle #2 – Underhanded Dealing
- Cast Earthen Might on Turret Sentinel.
- Play Vicious Scalehide.
- Trade both Rusty Recycler with Turret Sentinel.
- Play White Eyes.
- Play Jinyu Waterspeaker.
- Play Healing Wave.
Puzzle #3 – Pesky Priest
- Damage Auchenai Soulpriest with Light of the Naaru.
- Give your minions charge with Breakout.
- Trade Auchenai Soulpriest with Abomination.
- Play Earthen Ring Farseer on yourself.
- Use Binding Heal on Abomination.
- Buff Lightwarden with Elixir of Life.
- Attack Abomination with Tournament Medic.
- Cast Circle of Healing.
- Use Hero Power on yourself.
- Trade Lightwarden with Abomination.
Puzzle #4 – Hallazeal? Hallaheal
- Freeze the right Turret Sentinel with Brrrloc.
- Play Hallazeal the Ascended.
- Reincarnate the left (wounded) Turret Sentinel.
- Play Moat Lurker on the non-freezed, fresh Turret Sentinel.
- Play Murmuring Elemental.
- Play Unbeakered Lightning.
Puzzle #5 – Primal Investment
- Play Zilliax.
- Cast Blessing of Might on Zilliax.
- Trade Zilliax with Bronze Gatekeeper.
- Cast Forbidden Healing on Primalfin Champion (so that Mana Addict gets buffed).
- Trade Primalfin Champion first, then Mana Addict.
- Cast Forbidden Healing on yourself.
Puzzle #6 – Healing Hands
- Play Wickerflame Burnbristle.
- Play Moat Lurker on one of the Turret Sentinels.
- Play Uther of the Ebon Blade.
- Trade the 4/3 Turret Sentinel with your face.
- Play Steel Rattler to the left.
- Cast Lay on Hands on yourself.
- Trade Microbot with the last Turret Sentinel.
- Cast Lay on Hands and Holy Light on yourself.
Crystalsmith Kangor Survival Puzzles Answers & Solutions
Puzzle #1 – Just Jaraxxus
- Cast Phasing Portal on Lord Jaraxxus.
- Use your Hero Power.
- Cast Demonic Research.
- Play Lord Jaraxxus.
Puzzle #2 – Strike me Down
- Play Moat Lurker on the rightmost Turret Sentinel.
- Play Glowstone Technician.
- Play Wickerflame Burnbristle.
- Play Grimestreet Outfitter.
- Play Glowstone Technician.
- Play Paragon of Light.
- Play your second Paragon of Light.
Puzzle #3 – For Me?
- Play Tentacle of N'Zoth.
- Trade Nerubian Unraveler with Turret Sentinel.
- Cast Silence on Nerub'ar Weblord.
- Cast Entomb on Lord Jaraxxus.
- Use Elven Archer on Mana Wraith.
- Play Bright-Eyed Scout.
- Play Lord Jaraxxus.
Puzzle #4 – Risky Research
- Play Carnivorous Cube on Mistress of Mixtures.
- Play Dark Pact on Carnivorous Cube.
- Play Cataclysm.
Puzzle #5 – Tempting Demons
- Cast Phasing Portal on Lord Jaraxxus.
- Cast Demonic Research.
- Play Witchwood Piper.
- Play Mistress of Mixtures.
- Cast Dark Pact on Mistress of Mixtures.
- Cast Sacrificial Pact on Witchwood Piper.
- Play Lord Jaraxxus.
Dr. Boom Survival Puzzles Answers & Solutions
Puzzle #1 – Mal’Ganis and Me
- Play Crazed Alchemist on the Turret Sentinel.
- Play Unlicensed Apothecary.
- Play Soul Repressor.
- Play Ratcatcher.
Puzzle #2 – Sharing is Caring
- Play Lorewalker Cho.
- Copy it with Zola the Gorgon, then play it again.
- Play Forbidden Ancient.
- Play Battery Pack.
- Cast Mark of the Lotus.
- Cast Earthen Scales on the Forbidden Ancient.
- Play Azalina Soulthief.
- Play Battery Pack.
- Cast Mark of the Lotus twice.
- Cast Earthen Scales on the Forbidden Ancient twice.
Puzzle #3 – The Path to Victory
- Play Oaken Summons.
- Attach Zilliax to the Steel Rager.
- Give the Turret Sentinel Taunt with the Rusty Horn, then kill it with the Steel Rager.
- Play Strongshell Scavenger.
- Cast Earthen Scales on the Steel Rager.
- Cast Branching Paths and gain 12 armor.
Puzzle #4 – Doomed!
- Cast Phasing Portal on Mal'Ganis.
- Cast the two Sacrificial Pacts on 1/1 Imps.
- Cast Demonic Research.
- Cast DOOM!.
- Play Witchwood Imp and Soul Repressor. Eat Soul Repressor with Carnivorous Cube.
- This will play Voidlord.
- Cast Dark Pact on the Voidlord.
- Cast DOOM!.
- Play Flame Imp on the left and lay Void Terror between the two Soul Repressors.
Puzzle #5 – Copycats!
- Play Red Mana Wyrm.
- Play Ixlid, Fungal Lord.
- Play Battery Pack.
- Play Djinni of Zephyrs.
- Cast Savage Roar.
- Use your hero power.
- Play Battery Pack.
- Play Gloop Sprayer between the two Djinnis.
- Cast Earthen Scales on the Red Mana Wyrm.
Puzzle #6 – Fungal Frugality
- Play Explosive Sheep.
- Play Ixlid, Fungal Lord.
- Cast Barkskin on Ixlid.
- Use your hero power.
- Play Battery Pack.
- Play Spiritsinger Umbra.
- Play Mistress of Mixtures.
- Play Voodoo Doll and target the sheep.
- Play Plated Beetle.
Thx a lot for this guide. Appreciate it.
Stonekeep, You put an extreme amount of effort and time into all of your articles. I went through the lethal wing myself and by the time I was done with that, I was bored. I am just a collector of the game cards at this point. Thank you for saving me time in obtaining the cardback! Even following the guide takes a considerable amount of time. I wish you well in honing your writings skills while spoonfeeding people like me.
tnx for all!
thanks for the awesome guides
the website has been updated SUPER and all errators correct THXXXXXXXXXXXXX DUDE
error XD
thank for your hardwork. I’m really glad you did the great job for guideline. thx man.
OMG thank you but some of the tips are not quite good there are small mistakes
First of all, thanks for maintaining this website!
I am really stuck in PUZZLE #4 – LIFESTEEL… Came to this website for clues but that solution does not make sense… =P
Any help is appreciated.
What doesn’t make sense about it?
It doesn’t lead to a win as is. it gets you to like 26 health. Unless i’m doing something wrong but then directions aren’t clear.
I just did it myself and it worked fine. I updated the directions slightly so hopefully they make more sense.
Ok now it makes more sense.. or for some reason i was reading it wrong previously on the putting the two to the left of one thing not the other.. now i got it.. i think it was just my own stupidity.. maybe.
Doom #5
play red mana
play ixlid
play battery
play djinn and get a copy
play savage roar
play hero power
play battery pack
play goop between djinn
play earthen on red mana
your welcome
DR boom part 5,
play red mana, then play lixid, battery pack.
then play genie and savage roar, battery pack,
then play gloop sprayer into scale on the red mana wrym
Play the gloop between the genies
#5 Doomed (at the end currently) doesn’t work…
Ignore #4 and go right to #5, then it works
No, it’s not, #1 and #2 are in the wrong order and number 4 doesn’t apply.. still doesn’t lead to a win
Dr. Boom part 6 anyone? I’m stumped!
First you sheep, then ixlid. Then bearskin the ixlid and hero power both just for the armor gain and mana efficiency. Next you Battery pack, then umbra, followed by mistress of mixtures, then voodoo doll the sheep, and finally play the plated beetle
That worked perfectly, GreyGrayson, thanks so much. The sheep first… didn’t occur to me and was the key.
The most i’ve gotten is 34 the board space is the only problem for me tbh
Crystalsmith Kangor
1. Cast Phasing Portal on Lord Jaraxxus.
2. Hero Power on your face.
3. Play Demonic Research.
4. Play Lord Jaraxxus.
Nobody any luck with part 4?
Highest I’ve been able to get is 37HP/AP
I’m very sorry but I didn’t record and I don’t know the names on top of my head
Sacraficial Pact on imp x2
Phasing Portal on the big demon dude
Demonic research
Soul Repressor
Witchwood Imp
Carnivous Cube on Witchwood Imp
Dark Pact on Void Lord
Play imp that does dmg to you
then destroy two Soul Repressors with that demon beast that destroys minions around him
I said that wrong sorry Carnivous cube on Soul Repressor
Final Dr.seven?
How did you do number 4??
This is incomplete, the puzzle: Survival Puzzle B-3 The Path to Victory is not here, or anywhere else
Pesky priest is missing heal self at end with hero power.
I need help for Survive Dr. Doom part 4
how’d you beat part 3?
I forgot how it looked like I can’t go back
you remember the first card or something?
No, sorry. Can you send me a image or something
give the 4/8 taunt
recruit minion
play zilliax
send 5/1 into the enemy taunted
this refreshes mana
gain 12 armour
+2 attack to all
earthen scales zilliax
attack with both your lifesteals
thx man
i love you
Did you beat part 4?
Dr. Boom*
how you beat the 3rd??
Hey im not sure if this is part of the solution, but i just realized you can give the sentinel taunt lol
solved, thx man
anyone know how to solve druid puzzle on dr boom surivival, its on the 3rd puzzle
stuck here
does not work for me. Can’t trade Nerubian Unraveler with Turret Sentinel casue first is 5/4 and the second 4/6..
Help, please?:)
got it 
for Kangor #2 :
– eat one of them
– give hand one of ur big buffs
– give hand ur small buff
– play the pirate
– play the girls
Crystalsmith Kangor Puzzle 2:
1. Play grimestreet outfitter
2. Play Moatlurker on the 4/7
3. Play a Paragon
4. Play a Glowstone
5. Play Wickerflame
6. Play your other Paragon
i worked out the “strike e down puzzle”
1) play the 3/3 destroy a minion
2) pla the 6 mana buff +2+2
3) wickerflame
4) play the outfitter
5) play the ssecond 6 mana buff 2+2+
6) playboth of the 7/10 taunt lifestealers
– Grimmestreet
– Moat Lurker (damaged)
– Paragon
– Glow
– Wick
– Paragon
Can confirm and you are a lifesaver. Nearly had a stroke on that one.
Hey you got the order down wrong for Glow-Tron #3, or maybe I just found another way idk. I swapped step #4 and #5, and I also Binding Healed the Abomination and then tapped it with the 1/8. Just another way to make the Lightwarden massive, which is the whole point of the puzzle.
Glow-Tron 2000 Survival Puzzles, Answers, & Solutions
1. Cast “Earthen Might” on Turret Sentinel.
2. Play “Vicious Scalehide” to the LEFT of left-most Rusty Recycler.
3. Trade both Rusty Recycler’s with Turret Sentinel.
4. Play White Eyes.
5. Play Healing Wave.
6. Play Jinyu Waterspeaker.
I have done that but I put it next to the totem I got more health but the thing is I don’t have enough mana for the solution. Can anyone help me with this one?
You probably were doing the same as I was doing… you need to cast “Earthen Might” on enemy’s Turret Sentinel, not in your Totem
i cant get past puzzle 3pesky priest
Anyone got “Doomed !” ? It’s one of the Dr.Boom ones but I’m hardstuck
Sac Pac your imps
Put Mal’Ganis at the bottom of your deck
8 mana spell
play the 0/4 mech
play the demon with stealth
Cube the 0/4 mech
dark pact voidlord
play imp
use terror to kill off the 2 0/4 mechs
Should be winner winner there.
anyone got to ‘primal investment’? stuck for quite some time now
nvm figured it out
damage the healbot with light of Naaru
give minions charge
charge soulpriest into abomination
use hero power on soulpriest
buff lightwarden with elixir
heal abomination with binding heal
attack abomination with lightwarden
heal face with 3 mana healing guy
do not use circle
Pesky priest is wrong, doesnt work good to have wrong tips on ur website huh?
Hey at least they’re trying to help people, one is wrong wow, how about you try to help and not be a dick?
how do you feel about fake news @Pharos
Pesky Priest
1. Cast Light of Naaru on Corrupted Heal Bot
2. Cast Earthern Ring Farseer on Corrupted Heal Bot
3. Give Elixir of Life to Lightwarden
4. Cast Breakout and Trade Auchenai into Abomination
5. Hero Power your Auchenai Soulpriest
6. Cast Binding Heal on Abomination
7. Attack Tournament Medic into Abomination
8. Cast Circle of Healing
9. Attack Light Warden into Abomination
Perfect, thank you. That one was tricky.
Pesky Priest doesnt work. Can’t kill the corrupted heal bot
Not a good solution
The hardest one i play for an hour but i can’t find the solution
Posted actual solution above