Welcome to our Hearthstone Legendary Weapons Guide for the Kobolds and Catacombs expansion! This guide will will explain how the mechanics of these new weapons will work, as well as list all of the cards, and eventually feature decks that utilize these unique cards!
Update: I’ve added a deck list for each of the 9 Legendary Weapons! I will be updating this post more when more and better improved deck lists are available.
All 9 hero classes will be getting a weapon! That means even classes that have never had a weapon like Druid, Mage, Priest, and Warlock.
If you are a F2P or Budget player, don’t fret! Each player that logs in during the release of the expansion will get one FREE randomly chosen legendary weapon card! There’s a weapon for every class, so you will get 1-of-9 potential options.
Legendary weapons that are associated with classes that are more spell-based will be 0-attack. That will be classes like the previously mentioned Mage, Priest, and Warlock. Classes that have had weapons in the past or are have attack based hero powers (Druid), however, will get ones that have attack.
While there hasn’t been a collectible legendary weapon in the past, there is Ashbringer from Tirion Fordring, and Sulfuras from Fire Plume's Heart.
Legendary weapons that have abilities/effects will not lose durability when the ability is triggered unless it is stated on the card (like Atiesh), and will only lose durability when attacked with.
If these cards become popular it will be likely that you’ll see a whole lot of Acidic Swamp Ooze and your good friend Harrison Jones.
Legendary Weapons Deck Lists
If you are wondering where to put that free weapon you got from logging in during the Kobolds and Catacombs expansion then this is the place for you!
None of these decks are refined yet, so be very wary when considering what to craft. I’m going to include one for each class, and I will add more/better lists as they are refined.
Druid’s Twig of the World Tree Deck
The Twig is only likely going to fit in a Big Druid or Ramp list so I hope you have a lot of the Legendaries available to you! This has been one of the least experimented with Weapons, so stay tuned for hopefully some more refined decks.
Hunter’s Rhok’delar Deck
Most likely can only fit in one style of deck, but VERY early on it has shown promise!
Mage’s Aluneth Deck
One of the cheaper lists you will find. Mage’s Weapon potentially fits into the already strong Secret Mage shell.
Paladin’s Val’anyr Deck
If you’re looking for a fast deck then this Aggro Paladin that hit #1 Legend the day of the release is worth trying! It’s not clear how important the weapon is to the list, but it’s worth trying out if you have the cards.
Priest’s Dragon Soul Deck
Another one of the early standout decks is Eloise’s Silence Priest. Dragon Soul synergizes well with all of the spells in the list and allows it to not only rely on the Inner Fire combo.
Rogue’s Kingsbane Deck
Early contender for one of the best weapons. There’s been experimentation with Doomerang versions of the list, but it’s still too early to know if those lists are viable.
Shaman’s The Runespear Deck
I’d be VERY hesitant before investing in any deck that runs The Runespear. It’s super RNG based, and Shaman might end up being one of the weakest classes in the upcoming meta. Consider the following deck only for fun at this moment.
Warlock’s Skull of Man’ari Deck
Warlock’s weapon saw a lot more play than I expected, and it seemed to do pretty well. The initial worry was that if it was destroyed you would essentially have wasted your turn, but until there’s a lot of weapon destruction it doesn’t seem to currently be a problem.
Warrior’s Woecleaver Deck
Big Warrior is very experimental right now, and while the list I’ve included below hit #1 Legend I would still be very cautious investing too heavily into this deck.
Legendary Weapon Cards List
Here’s a full list of all of the 9 Legendary weapons!
Druid Legendary Weapon
Twig of the World Tree is a particularly interesting legendary weapon for the Druid class. As far as I know, when the deathrattle triggers you get usable mana crystals as opposed to empty mana crystals. So, a combination players have been talking about is playing this early, then playing Medivh, the Guardian which triggers the deathrattle allowing you to play something like Kun the Forgotten King and you could even follow that up with Ultimate Infestation. This is a best case scenario, but you would be looking to use it as a way to double up the mana you can use in a single turn. Your opponent would also have to be careful about using cards that destroy weapons, however, they could target it in the later game so they could prevent you from doubling up on your turn.
Either way, this is a potentially powerful weapon that could lead to some pretty insane turns!
Discuss the card on our card page: Twig of the World Tree
Hunter Legendary Weapon
It looks like Hunter is all-in on the no minions in the deck synergy! It remains to be seen whether or not this style of deck can make any type of impact on the meta, if it needs another expansion, or if it will end up like Freeze Shaman.
Discuss the card on our card page: Rhok'delar
Mage Legendary Weapon
Now this is a pretty powerful effect, but you could find yourself overdrawing and in fatigue rather quickly if it sticks around too long. It also could be a dead draw in the late game, but it’s also too early and we don’t know what other cards might support it. Remember that Aluneth will not lose durability when the effect is triggered, so this would be hard to remove unless you have something like Medivh.
Discuss the card on our card page: Aluneth
Paladin Legendary Weapon
An interesting weapon for the Paladin class, it gives you a ton of value if you are able to play it and get it back multiple times. The main problem is that it’s super slow, and the game will have to go really long before you are able to play it multiple times.
Discuss the card on our card page: Val'anyr
Priest Legendary Weapon
Dragon Soul could potentially fit into a deck like Highlander Priest that is heavily invested in spell-cycling. Dragon Priest seems like an obvious destination, especially ones with a bunch of cheap spells already in the deck because of Lyra the Sunshard.
Discuss the card on our card page: Dragon Soul
Rogue Legendary Weapon
Rogue gets one of the better weapons they’ve seen… probably ever. The card probably makes sense in Miracle Rogue where you can play some weapon buff spells and cycle with Gadgetzan Auctioneer to get it back.
Discuss the card on our card page: Kingsbane
Shaman Legendary Weapon
Well if you liked Yogg-Saron, Hope's End then maybe you will like him on a stick. The Runespear will surely lead to plenty of videos of crazy happenings, but I would guess it’s not going to be super competitive due to high variance and an extreme cost. Since there’s no Neutral spells, you will only be discovering from the pool of Shaman spells. There are some interesting AOE options such as Maelstrom Portal, Lightning Storm, and Volcano. There are also some awkward spells like Ancestral Healing and Ancestral Spirit which require you to have a board. Plus you’ve got Totemic Might which requires totems, while Ice Fishing needs Murlocs in your deck.
Discuss the card on our card page: The Runespear
Warlock Legendary Weapon
If you are playing a slow deck, I’m not sure a 5-mana cost do nothing and pass the turn card is going to help keep you in a game. It will be extremely slow against aggressive decks, but could potentially be strong against Control. However, if weapons are running rampant in the meta then expect to see a lot of Acidic Swamp Ooze and Harrison Jones to be played. This weapon getting destroyed without getting at least one turn out of it would be an absolute disaster.
I would have been interested in seeing this card at an increased mana cost with an end of your turn effect rather than a start of your turn one.
Discuss the card on our card page: Skull of the Man'ari
Warrior Legendary Weapon
Warrior gets another card pushing them towards the BIG or Recruit archetype. It remains to be seen whether Warrior’s current card base can support the same amount of removal required to make a deck like this function!
Discuss the card on our card page: Woecleaver
Woe to those of us who’s best bet is a 14k+ deck.
Techs double ooze. GG expansion
Not yet bro check the ROUGE WEOPON NEWBIE
Good luck oozing the Druid weapon.
I just hope warrior has the strongest weapon, I mean it is the weapon class after all ;p
Warrior can copy any weapon so yes, yes it does.
Molten Blade meta
Looks like machine gun priest got even more annoying….why???, why would you print an alternate win con for that deck?, or a game staller
Glad I didn’t dust my Harrison Jones
`Why would you ever? it’s a useful card for when blizz makes 1 too many good weapons and they all take over the ladder
I think Druid weapon will have attack value, cause Druid HP (Hero Power) adds an attack value to the Hero, so it would degrade the weapon durability. And if I’m not mistaken, they said in the show that only Warlock Mage and Priest weapons would have 0 attack.
You’re right, I went back through the VOD and they mentioned just the three classes having weapons without attack. I updated the post, thanks for the comment!
I disagree with the comment on the Priestweapon.
You said that it fits into Dragonpriest.
No it does not. Yes. It spawns dragons, so what? Dragondecks synergise with the dragons in your hand not the ones on your field (except for dragonfirepotion). This card synergises with playing alot of spells in a turn. Dragonpriest is as far as i can remember the most minionheavypriestarchetype ever in hearthstonehistory. I agree with the highlanderpriest part, but you should reconsider the dragonpriest part.
Great work though on the articles overall.
Keep it up
I think it does potentially work with decks that are using Lyra the Sunshard. This version has 10 spells in it: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/dragon-priest-deck-list-guide-standard/
Definitely more for Lyra and radiant elemental. Maybe throw in a yogg.
What do you think the warlock weapon will do? If it’s a heal warlock will be top tier.
I think it might be something about the discard mechanic, so it would be like: any spells discarded are casted instead, targets are randomly chosen.
You think so? That would be awesome if it was. I opened ten ungoro packs and got both lakari sacrifice and the grandmother, in addition I have a golden Jaraxxus which I intend to turn into guldan! A discard weapon would be just what I need!
Whoops, autocorrect, I mean Zava the Clutchmother not grandmother
You got jarraxus from ungoro, you dumb?
Bruh, who said i got Jaraxxus from ungoro? I said I had him already! He’s from a classic pack! Pretty happy day when i got him!