How-to Beat Azari, the Devourer – Dungeon Run Final Boss Guide

If you’re facing down Azari, the Devourer as your final boss in your Kobolds Dungeon run then I’m hoping this guide will help you defeat him on your way to that sweet Candle King card back!

Azari, the Devourer Basic Information

  • Hero Power: Devour (0 Mana) – Remove the top 2 cards of your opponent’s deck.
  • Flavor: The most terrible of demons is loose! And VERY hungry.
  • Starting Health: 70

You might recognize our friend Azari, the Devourer as the final part of Rin, the First Disciple‘s ritual. In this case, he doesn’t just instantly destroy your deck but removes cards from it turn by turn.

For general dungeon run information check out our Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon Run Guide!

More Final Boss Guides

Azari, the Devourer’s Deck

Azari runs a Demon-based Warlock deck.

Azari, the Devourer Gameplay Video

How-to Defeat Azari, the Devourer

You are going to need a bit of luck to defeat Azari, but I do think he’s one of the easier final bosses if he doesn’t mill your best cards and you can dodge DOOM!.

The best way to beat Azari is to establish an early board and eat away at his health. He has nothing in the way of healing, so if you are continually removing his board and chipping away at his health he has no way to prevent this other than sticking a Mal'Ganis for multiple turns. Some of his minion’s do damage to him making him more susceptible to aggression. I would also keep any important cards in your mulligan if you happen to get them so they don’t get burned.

The majority of his minions are fairly weak, if you have AOE or ways to remove his board in your hand you can afford to be a bit more passive. This is also the case if you have a ton of Health from one of your treasures. He also doesn’t have anything other than Doom! in the way of removal, you can afford to hide behind taunts and big minions and be more aggressive.

One of the biggest cards to dodge is DOOM! once turn 10 comes along. If you’ve had an established board this entire time you might want to consider making weaker trades or holding off on adding to the board so you don’t get absolutely punished for it. Pay attention if he plays Doomguard, because if he discards Doom! then you can be more aggressive with the board. If you just flat out are going to lose to Doom! anyway then be aggressive and take a gamble. He won’t always have it so at the very least you have a chance to win.

Try not to focus on his hero power, it’s actually better to draw cards and not worry about going into fatigue. You’d rather have access to more cards and go into fatigue a bit sooner than have no cards in your hand. Once your deck is empty Azari’s hero power no longer does anything, you don’t have to worry about him dealing extra fatigue damage to you every turn.

Good luck and hopefully this guide helps you to obtain victory!

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  1. domdomdom
    June 6, 2018 at 5:50 PM

    i won with shaman turn 6 i killed him
    treasures: wax thingy/double deathrattle/enemy minions cost 2 more

    i only playes flametongue wax thingy, i had luck he didnt removed my wax thingy

  2. ze
    April 22, 2018 at 1:18 PM

    Very easy if you have the stealth thing

    • jr565
      July 12, 2018 at 10:35 AM

      Not if every card that gets destroyed is a good card. and every card you draw is garbage.

      • jr565
        July 12, 2018 at 10:42 AM

        I just played against him with Stealth. And I watched him mill through my deck and remove every single card that was good. I had +3 spell damage so with once card could inflict 7 damage e to him and 5 damage to all his minions. Of course, that one went by the way side. Then the Silence and Desory all enemies goes bye bye. But the card I got. Extra mana.
        Ok, so that was just bad luck. Second discard, my second silence deal 7 damage + 4 to all other minions. and the 8/8 Taunt. Go down the line. Every single discard took out two great cards. every draw was crap. I can understand bad luck, but this was so common that it didn’t really seem random.

  3. nando
    April 18, 2018 at 1:52 PM

    I have beat the dungeon with every hero except druid. doesn’t seem to matter which deck I build I can get to the boss and then crap for cards….

  4. DeathS
    April 4, 2018 at 6:47 AM

    I just beat him in 5-6 turns facing him the first time!
    I’ve played Paladin, focused on Secrets, Health Regen (including Blackguard), Sunkeeper and dragons.
    Got lucky to draw “Portable Forge”, i chose Aluneth while holding my middle finger againts the boss. Yea, i ran out of cards in 4 turns, but he couldn’t burn my “Horn of Cenarius” (lucky for me) which was his demise.
    Here’s a screen

    Ofcourse, i was reading over an hour on the web to what combo cards are great, and honestly i’ve sh*t my pants when i saw him. Once again i think it’s more for luck than strategy!

    Good luck, guys!

  5. Matyjazz
    March 26, 2018 at 3:56 PM

    This is not about “bit”of luck, this is about “tons of luck”.
    I had boombox ( destroyed ), Four Aoe spells with mage ( destroyed ), medivh, pyroblast and 2xjaine destroyed. Woooow, how super cool. This boss is rubish – i think the roullete has more predictable playing than this mofo

  6. Vasen
    March 16, 2018 at 9:21 PM

    This guide is a joke. “One of the easier”?!?! Azari is basically invincible has been my experience. That experience has had me go against him 8 times now. Xol and Vustrasz have been fairly easy, The Darkness can be brutal but still beatable. But this boss is seriously just disheartening and takes the fun out of dungeon runs. I’ve never even really made any progress against Azari. The card burn is devastating, his board is quickly out of control and it’s over. That’s even using a Wish once to restore full health. Insurmountable and very disheartening.

  7. Marina
    February 27, 2018 at 1:25 PM

    Defeated Azari with first try, used cloak of invisibility, the 3 secrets at the begining of each game, and the adapt a minion 7 times (didn’t really used this one). I just kept my best cards in hand, chose dire demons, sworn and little legion as much I could. And I had lucky to draw Mal’ganis 2x early. And just tried to eliminate his demons trying to survive until I could play Mal’ganis and stayed immune the rest of the game, lol.

  8. Apra
    December 24, 2017 at 11:11 AM

    This was the absolute worst boss for me to face with my Reno/Kazakus Mage deck. Guess which cards got discarded.

  9. CD001
    December 20, 2017 at 5:13 AM

    I’ve completed the dungeon run will all classes … but I never managed to defeat The Darkness – a guide for _that_ scumbag would be most appreciated 😀

    • Evident - Author
      December 20, 2017 at 7:04 AM

      Working on one for each boss!

    • JoyDivision
      December 21, 2017 at 12:13 AM

      In my first 10 runs, I met The Darkness 9 times. Since then, I didn’t see him again. I wonder if Blizzard changed it’s appearance rate or something. A really frustrating final boss.

    • Dale
      December 23, 2017 at 12:06 AM

      The stealth passive is really good against darkness. The only time I’ve beaten him was with a Stealth Rogue deck with tons of Jades + 2xSonya + 4 shadowstep + 2xshadowcaster

      So I was able to keep bouncing ayas and jade spirits to my hand and building giant jades until I was able to overwhelm him and he couldn’t use entomb / mind control / etc since all my minions had stealth. Due to randomness probably not something you can replicate easily. But a lot of darkness’ abilities involve stealing your minions so I do think stealth is powerful against him. Unfortunately you just have to get lucky since you don’t know ahead of time.

      Besides getting lucky with your skills, just know that he runs Mind Control, Potion of Madness, Cabal Shadow Priest, Shadow Madness, Entomb, Pyschic Scream, SWP, and I think SWD but I’m not sure on that. He basically is able to remove or take over tons of your minions and he doesn’t need to play minions for tempo since he gets a free 5/5 every turn. If you don’t have stealth I’m really not sure how you’re supposed to beat him unless you have all 4 attack minions, in which case you can’t trade into his 5/5 minions effectively. He’s really OP.

    • Nero#3935
      January 7, 2018 at 7:22 PM

      I beat The darkness with mage.
      1.Robe of magi. 2.Potion ofvitality
      Treasure. : Archmage staff *2
      After each boss I mostly choose
      (Unique cards)(not sure what’s that traslate in english ,I play in asia)
      Basically you’ve got whole lot of health, and you can restore your health with”Reno Jackson”.
      Focus on wipe out darkness’s minnions.
      Wait to Aoe his minnions till he empty his deck, then just keep focus on his minnions till he kill himself.
      And I remember only use one of the three 0 cost cards that game gave us.

  10. YasinK
    December 20, 2017 at 12:25 AM

    Great guide Admin! Almost complete dungeon run with all classes, 2 classes left but haven’t get the chance to battle him. This will help in the future. I hope there will be updated guide on how to beat the Lich King with the addition of the new cards. I know there’s a lot of guide out there but most of them are wild and use bunch of murlocs which mostly I don’t have and I aint gonna craft cards for single player mode.

  11. HypeTrain
    December 19, 2017 at 6:55 PM

    Dude you seriously need a section dedicated to dungeon runs and a search bar.

    • Evident - Author
      December 21, 2017 at 12:55 PM

      Hey, you were absolutely right about this. I added an Articles area in the navigation as well as search, and I added a Kobolds section as well. I also added search boxes in the mobile navigation. Thanks for the suggestion!