In the upcoming Fractured in Alterac valley expansion, we’ve seen some new support for two distinct Rogue archetypes: Deathrattle and Burgle (effects based around non-Rogue cards you might play or draw). On top of that, we get a hero card like all the other classes which serves a more general function in several different lists.
While one of my least favorite archetypes of Rogue is the one that involves playing random non-Rogue cards, when the support for it is right you’ll find me including them all the same. This expansion promises some solid options in that regard, as well as some memes.
The Deathrattle package is a bit more curious, as we need to figure out how to make some powerful support cards work in the presence of fewer Deathrattle minions. Nevertheless I think we can find ways to make the most out of a few options.
Finally, some existing strategies get some promising upgrades we can also review, even if they’re less novel.
Here we have an aggressive Stealth list, which looks to get under the opponent fast, dealing huge bursts of difficult-to-interactive-with damage early in the game. The cheap cards allow you to get onto the board fast and consistently, while the large package of card draw should keep you from running out of gas. Notable new cards include Drek'Thar and Sneaky Scout. In the context of this deck, Drek’Thar is another form of card draw and initiative, essentially reading: “Battlecry: Draw two cards and gain 2-6 mana this turn”. As most of your minions are stealth, the opponent also should not usually be able to pull them off the board on their turn, allowing them to sneak in some damage. The other inclusion – Sneaky Scout – doesn’t look too impressive on its face, but there’s something to be said about the increased synergy they provide the deck. With enough stealth minions, your Ashtongue Slayers and Greyheart Sages should almost always be active, allowing you to keep doing what you do best: putting things in play and hitting your opponent in the face.
And here we have a new exploration of the Deathrattle and Burgle cards. Taking them in order, the Deathrattle package provides some heavy board presence. When Korrak the Bloodrager is drawn from Sketchy Information, it will summon a copy of itself on the board. A similar outcome will be obtained if you can then get that Deathrattle on a Counterfeit Blade. Infiltrator Lilian is included as a backup plan in case the Korrak is drawn naturally so your Informations don’t turn into blanks. Combining either with Forsaken Lieutenant provides yet more persistent presence. Reconnaissance is included as a bridge between the Deathrattle and Burgle Packages, allowing you to bank mana for a big board push on the next turn.
The Burgle cards provide another powerful board push. Wildpaw Gnolls and Double Agents provide large piles of impactful stats for their costs, and in that context Maestra of the Masquerade is no meme inclusion. At the start of the game you will count as a different class, so the Rogue cards you draw will discount Gnolls permanently and, if Agent is the first card you play, it should summon an additional copy. From there we include a few cards for further activations of those payoffs throughout the game while providing a little extra gas. If all else fails, reset the board with Shadowcrafter Scabbss and set up another one immediately to finish the game.
This version combines the powerful punch and resources of the weapon package with the board presence of the Burgle cards. They can piggyback off each other to get you the board, assist each other in pushing damage, and keeping the resources flowing into your hand. Further, this deck seeks to push the power of Foxy Fraud as hard as possible, including Coldtooth Yeti as a strong early push of initiative, offering as much as a 3/2 and 4/5 on turn 2 with the coin. Vanessa VanCleef is included to improve both packages further, possible bridging between them if you can steal a non-Rogue card with her.
Finally, as this deck intends to churn through cards quickly while sticking a board, Frostwolf Warmasters offer another opportunity to get cheap 3/3s, going as low as 0 mana if you’re in the middle of a big, early board push.
For those who are looking for that taste of random fun that Hearthstone can offer, the full Burgle package offers a likely less-competitive option. Cera'thine Fleetrunner admittedly has some anti-synergy with your burgle cards, as she will transform your Gnolls and Agents into other things, but by the time you’re playing her in the game, it’s likely you have already played the payoffs you had available to you by that point. She does not transform Contraband Stash, however, which can serve as a board-in-a-box for a reasonable price. The deck’s heavy focus on nabbing the board hopefully provides enough time for you to start playing your stolen goods. Again, in case you have fallen behind, Scabbs offers a strong reset button along with some armor, giving you time to reestablish your position.
And last, but not least, Quest Rogue seems to gain a solid set of upgrades in both Yeti and Scabbs. It’s not a completely new deck compared to the current list, but new cards look to bolster an already good build. The Yeti allows you to improve the quality of your Foxy Frauds by a large margin. Additionally, the Yeti loves the Gizmos generated by the Questline itself, providing cheap combo activation and threatening bodies. Just remember: you’re still a Quest deck, and will likely want to look for cheap SI cards in the mulligan. Nevertheless, Yeti on the coin provides a tempting offer.
Quest Rogue in particular seems adept at utilizing Shadowcrafter Scabbs, as the two 4/2 stealth minions he provides on an empty board can be abused with Battlegrounds Battlemaster nicely on the following turn, providing up to 16 points of damage.
I pick you! Go Random Burgle Rogue. <3 Oh men, this decks keep me alive in any Meta.
I had to leave My comment here!
I barely get the same theory whit they korrak one! I admire You! As a Main rogué and Many Legends always enjoys your creations!
They interactions áre too good, instacraft in gold
Thanks You J Alex!
Sorry for My Bad English
Greetings from México !
thanks, i love theorycrafting (even if its limited in this game).