In case you don’t remember of simply weren’t following news at the time, there’s a huge patch tomorrow (November 12). It will pre-load an entire Madness at the Darkmoon Faire expansion, and on top of that release some of the new features. For example, Duels will get into early access for everyone (and a new set – Whispers of the Old Gods – will get added to it), we’ll get a whole new achievements system… and progression system will get revamped.
Long story short, Quests will be reworked to no longer give gold, but XP instead. Similarly, you will get XP for playing Hearthstone in any format. Al that XP gained will progress you on a rewards track, where you will get Gold, Arcane Dust, indivdual cards and – of course – card packs (and some cosmetics on top of that). You can learn more about the progression system update here. But the important part for now is that when the new system is implemented, all the old Quests are gone. Yes, gone – if you had three of them in your Quest Log, none of them will roll through into the new system. The only exceptions are Starter, Returning Player, and Duels Legendary Quests – if you have those, they will roll transfer to the new system.
And we’d also like to answer a question that we’re getting a lot – NO, you DON’T need to spend your Gold before tomorrow. Gold is not gone. The only difference is that Quests will no longer provide gold DIRECTLY, just level you up on the progress track that will then give you more Gold.
That’s why you should be finishing all of your Quests before tomorrow’s patch – and then you should probably save that Gold for the packs from new expansion!
Please note that when the Progression revamp goes live, all Quests (with the exception of Starter, Returning Player, and Duels Legendary Quests) will reset, so be sure to complete any old Quest you have in your log by November 11!
Ah damn, I wish they would warn you in game. I knew it was coming, but thought it was around midnight, so I had cleared out most, except a spectate a friend quest, so I lost a classic pack. You win some, you lose some.
as a side note, I still get a new daily quest for the 12th November. So blizzard actually gave the wrong info for once.
But still, everyone still need to finish all quests nonetheless.
Still Nothing in Hearthstone. Guess it will be launched at 7 p.m UCT+1, like if it is an expansion
Yeah, it should be the usual patch launch time, around 10 AM PT / 19:00 CET.
So, if we complete our quest that we get at refresh tonight, will we get a new quest with the patch tomorrow for the new progression system?
I have absolutely no clue. Blizzard didn’t say anything about that.
Do you know if we are going to get the three weekly quests tho ?
Also don’t know, but knowing that ahead of time wouldn’t really change anything
Plus, i would recommend having a arena run open on 2 losses, because when they change the arena tickets, you’ll get a free one. Don’t know when exactly they’ll do that though, might not be tomorrow.
I’m not so sure about Arena. Last expansion they didn’t change the format at all, but kept it as Standard, just added a new expansion without a reset. If they don’t change the format again, just add Darkmoon to the pool, you won’t get a ticket back, you will just have an active run.
And if they will change it after all, it would probably happen at launch. They should announce sets available in Arena in tomorrow’s patch, though!
I meant that that the arena tickets will change to tickets for both Duels Heroic and Arena. So if they implement that change, they might reset current runs.
New arena doesn’t start until 11/17 according to patch notes, so if it does reset it will be in a week when the xpack releases, not on patch day.
Oooh, that’s what you mean. I’m not sure if they will reset Arena runs because of that.
BUT they’ve confirmed that we’ll get a new format, so it should reset with expansion’s release on 17th. I’ll post a reminder a couple days before so people know that they can get free ticket
Aaaaah! Thanks for the warning.