A new card pack bundle was just released. It contains:
- 10x Year of the Dragon Card Pack
- 10x Ashes of Outland Card Pack
- 2x Random Scholomance Academy Legendary
Year of the Dragon packs can contain cards from any YotD expansion – Rise of Shadows, Saviors of Uldum or Descent of Dragons. While they’re last year’s sets, there are a lot of powerful staple cards in those sets, and we still have 8 months until they rotate out. Overall, the value is quite nice, but sadly the bundle doesn’t contain any Scholomance Academy packs. 2 random Legendaries from the set are quite nice, though, you can roll some really cool ones, and they will always make it more likely to find the Legends you need in your packs.
You can get it in game shop or through Battle.net shop for $19.99 / €19.99. The bundle is available until August 31.
Is it just me, I didn’t get a legend from the year of dragon pack (no pity timer)?
ok see you in one month mr bundle
do we get the legendaries right away?
For me, nothing came up, all bundles gone.
I’m sure they meant for this to be a mid-August bundle after pre-orders closed, just like they did the Year of the Dragon bundle in mid-April. They don’t want this bundle to compete with pre-orders, but as a second chance for people to invest in packs.
When i wanted to buy it and changed my device for that is just disappeared… :-/

I don’t know how blizzard will handle this issue… Because some where able to buy it and many others not!
It feels kinda unfeir for all of those who didn’t even had a chance of getting that deal!
Some prople already opend the packs and others didn’t even hear of it’s existence!