Yesterday was absolutely packed with news. New Standard Year, new class (Demon Hunter), big Hall of Fame rotation, ranked system & Priest class reworks… so it might have been easy to miss something. And we did not cover one important thing. We have mentioned it throughout different posts, but it deserves a separate one, since it will benefit every kind of player.
Yesterday Blizzard has announced that we’ll be getting duplicate protection across all rarities. Previously, it only worked for Legendaries. It was a very welcome change, because getting Legendary duplicates was one of the most annoying things about the entire game. However, the system still wasn’t perfect. Getting your 4th or 5th copies of a certain Epic, or even Rare, while still having lots of cards you have never seen was mildly infuriating. This will no longer be the case. Given that you can no longer open ANY duplicates, the value of card packs has gone up by quite a bit, because it means that less of your cards will be straight up Dust. Just like with Legendaries, you will receive duplicates again once you open every single one from a given set.
It might not seem important for e.g. Commons, but keep in mind that not everyone opens a hundred or so packs. I had situations in which I’ve opened dozens of packs and was still missing a Common card or a bunch of Rares. In the new system, it will take less than 30 packs on average to open every single Common from a set. Similarly, it will take only just above 60 packs on average to open every Rare from a given set. That’s a big improvement.
One more thing about the system that lots of players have missed is that any disenchanted card also counts towards duplicate protection. It means that if you get a bad Legendary and decide to Dust it, you WON’T open it again until you get every other Legendary in the set. Players always feared disenchanting bad cards because they could be opened once again in the pack instead of something playable. With this kind of system in place, you can Dust any card you don’t want to use and you won’t get them back, but rather keep opening new cards.
Another big change is that new / returning players will get a free, “competitive” deck of their choice. Yep, they will be able to pick the class they want! We still don’t know what those decks are exactly (we’ll cover them as soon as we do), but we know that they will contain only Year of the Dragon cards, meaning that they won’t be made useless in 3 weeks. New players will get it after getting through “new player ranks”, while returning players will get those upon log-in (after finishing a short mission). “Returning players” means players who haven’t logged in for 4 months before March 17 (so if haven’t been playing in a while, but logged in yesterday or today, don’t worry, you still qualify). Both changes will be released on March 26, alongside other things like Hall of Fame, Priest rework etc.
On top of those, ranked system will have better rewards now. On top of random Rare/Epic cards, we will get packs from the latest expansion, and it might actually be worth it to climb higher now, since we will get 5 packs in total for reaching Legend (and that’s every month). Read more about the new system here.
Overall, those changes should make Hearthstone significantly easier to keep up with. We hope that the game will be made as new player friendly as possible, because every game needs fresh blood if it wants to grow!
P.S. It also means that you might want to hold onto any packs you currently own (or get from Brawl, Arena etc.)! It’s better to open them after the changes go live.
I’ve been looking online but i can’t seem to find it anywhere, does the new duplicate protection just go live when the expansion drops or will it come out sooner?
Hey sorry if its a dumb question, but say you wanted the full set, how many packs would you need to get?
When are these changes (not getting duplicates) going live?
I haven’t played for 4 months and I want to play again, i’m not sure if i should log in after march 26 or i can log in right now in order to get the free deck.
So, I have an old Millhouse I never dusted so I wouldn´t get him again. Will it be safe to dust him after the 26
Yep, it will be safe to disenchant him.
Good thing I saw this post, nearly clean my library from unwanted card ><
Yeah, everyone who wants to disenchant some stuff right now should wait until those changes go live
Do we know how golden cards effect this process? Will golden cards count toward the max two you can have or are they a separate thing?
Also, do golden cards of x rarity show up more often or exclusively if you already have all the normal cards of x rarity from that set?
Legendary duplicate protection is “shared” across both normal and golden version. If you already have a regular version of a Legendary card, you won’t open a golden version of it and vice versa. If you hit a golden Legendary, it will be a card that you still don’t own at all (UNLESS you own all of the cards, then protection disappears and you get random cards once again).
That’s why people recommend that if you want to have a golden version of a given card, you should craft it before opening packs from a new set – this way you won’t open (a useless) regular version anymore.
So I would assume that the same thing will happen to different rarities. Which also means that golden cards won’t show up more often or exclusively in that case.
So, with golden and normal cards being counted separately, it will be harder to dust, for example, golden epics (rares and commons are mostly not a big deal). On average, we could get one or several normal copies of an epic and a golden epic. It was nice to dust that golden epic and keep 2 normal. Now, if you want to maximize dust gain, 400 dust… when you open a golden epic as the 2nd copy, you need to dust it and hope to get a normal later. Of course, I’m talking about players who don’t care about cards being golden, but about dust (e.g. me, using it for Wild crafts). Now, they will be mostly stuck with valuable golden cards. Additionally, it will be harder to hoard epics while waiting for nerfs. On the other hand, overall the new system with plenty of gifts and freebies totally makes for all of this. We will need less packs to get useful stuff, that’s for sure.
2 years ago I pre-purchased the cheaper option for the Witchwood (so 50 packs I think?) and I opened 17 Blazing Invocations!
I’m very excited about this change
That’s really crazy
The most unlucky I’ve ever been with openings (at least from what I remember) were seven copies of Wrenchcalibur in ~120 Rise of Shadows packs. I mean, at least the card has seen play, but 2 copies were enough – in the new system I would get 5 other Epics instead.
That’s like 14 bombs!
Is there any known information if the won cards while ranking up will still be golden like they are now? I doubt it because that would be too much dust from Blizzard’s side.
And I understand that correctly: With the start of the new year, if I disenchant any card from any expansion, the only possibility I can get that card again is to re-craft it, right?
They didn’t say that they are golden, so I would assume normal (because they would definitely mention golden cards for extra points from community).
Technically you can still get it after you open every other card from the same rarity (then duplicate protection goes away and you start opening random cards again). But in practice, yes, if you disenchant something you will most likely have to craft it to get it back.
No golden reward cards anymore. Not sure if there is a random chance to upgrade like with cards in packs or if they’re always regular, but definitely not always golden.
In the new system, you can get cards you have disenchanted from packs again once you have two copies of all the cards of that rarity from a set.
“Returning players” means players who haven’t logged in for 4 months before March 17 (so if haven’t been playing in a while, but logged in yesterday or today, don’t worry, you still qualify).”
Can you clarify this please? If I logged in today and perhaps a month ago the last time, should I not log in until the packs come out? Or do I just not qualify for the free deck?
If you logged in a month ago, then you sadly won’t qualify. You would need to be inactive for 4 months before yesterday (so since mid-November 2019).
Unfortunately, you do not qualify for a free deck. Logging in today is fine, but your previous login was less than four months ago, so waiting for the expansion does not help.
For me this is the greatest new; HS gets a bit cheaper!