Great news for anyone who attempts to play ladder right now (well, besides those who actually enjoy the Shamanstone meta) – balance changes are coming… next week! It might be the quickest round of balance changes ever. The previous record holder for expansion with quickest nerf patch was Rastakhan’s Rumble – nerf patch came exactly 15 days after the release. This time around, even if the patch will come next Friday (so at the latest possible date to keep the “next week” deadline), it will still be 10 days after the launch. Which is – of course – not a complaint. In fact, I’m positively surprised by the quick reaction. I’m afraid that otherwise player numbers would drop very quickly right after the new expansion, which wouldn’t be a good sign.
Balance changes will specifically be aimed at Shaman (but maybe some other cards will also get hit – we’ll see). If we had to guess, the most likely candidate would be Shaman’s Galakrond (Galakrond, the Tempest). Even if not Galakrond directly, we might see some nerfs to Invoke cards, which are the strongest out of Invoke cards for all classes. Actually, Hero Power nerf might be it, since it affects both Invoke cards and Galakrond himself. Another potential candidate would be Corrupt the Waters Quest, although that alone wouldn’t fix the issue, because non-Quest version has even higher win rate than the Quest one.
As for the non-Shaman cards, I’m pretty sure that we’ll see a nerf to Faceless Corruptor, since the card is clearly too powerful – it took the mantle of most popular card from the expansion, and it’s currently played in nearly 60% of the builds at higher ranks (which is pre-nerf Corridor Creeper and Giggling Inventor territory). Everyone who played around with the card can tell that it’s way too powerful.
I expect to see a full announcement with the list of changed cards early next week, so stay tuned!
Hey Folks,
Just to give a heads up – we’re working on a balance update that will arrive within the next week with card adjustments for Descent of Dragons, including some changes aimed at Shaman. Any cards that are affected will be given full Arcane Dust refunds.
Stay tuned for more details next week.
The Hearthstone Team
Blizz knew how broken galakrond shaman was before launch. We’re talking Blizzard here, not some indie dev. I guess what I was trying to say in my last post was that Blizzard wants controversy in the beginning of a new expansion because that’s when they make the most profit but then, they want to refine the meta as soon as possible because that keeps the community happy and playing. The beginning of an expansion is when people are buying packs and crafting cards the most, so having an arch villain archetype is beneficial in that regards; everyone’s scrambling to create the shaman killer deck. But, this also pushes meta refinement because people are trying different heroes and cards that they wouldn’t normally use if the meta was balanced. In the beginning it’s “spicy”, which maximizes profits for casuals and new players but then they want it to level out pretty quickly for veteran players, pros, streamers, try hardS, etc, so that there main fan base continues to play. It’s a fine line they walk but it maximizes profits. Also, there working on the next expansion and testing for that too, which only works on a settled meta.
Idk what everyone’s complaining about. This happens every expansion. If it wasn’t shaman, it’d be another class, prob rogue. Blizzard does this on purpose obviously. It keeps things spicy, keeps the community buzzing and it also accelerates the community building counter decks which pushes the meta refinement faster. It’s all about refining the meta as fast as possible, at least from the devs standpoint. That’s just my opinion anyway.
I cant agree with that because looking at stats the deck has about 10% more winrate than the second best deck witch in scale of thousands of games is really a big deal and deck dont really have a bad mechup so its clearly a problem and blizz did not thought that out
Why would they push meta refinement if they want to keep things spicy? Those are opposites. Either they want a stale, refined meta, or they want buzz building changes, but you can’t have both simultaneously.
My two cents. I think that just removing the rush keyword from both the gala heropower elementals and corruptor will be enough to level the field. It takes away the crazy tempo from galasham without removing the power play that a fully invoked Galakrond should be.
I think Corruptor should be a 4/3
And Frost should not be able to hit face, bc then you couldn’t use it against weapons
And maybe the Elementalist needs to be 2/3 or 6 mana 4/4
I play Murloc version I came up with though so nerfs will just be slightly annoying.
Deck code
Well lets see just how much galakrond invoke cards are unfair. Shaman have without a doubt the best tempo hp.
3 mana 1 dmg aoe with 3 att on hero (3 mana swipe with the downside of tanking w ur face not bad)
Rogue 3 mana 3dmg backstab (3 mana is worth 5dmg backstab like shadowstrike only upside is geting a lackey witch gives 0 temo rightaway)
Warlock 3 mana build ur own rager w 2 1/1 not bad but easily cleared and dont affect board right away
Priest (let me point out that in my opinion worst hp too much rng and not all priest minions are that good) 1/2 1 mana invoke really good card but like i said hp just gives 0 absolutely 0 tempo and not that much value 5 mana spell is cool and all but priest control all to well already.
Meanwhile shaman invocation of frost essentialy glacial shard w rush ultra tempo card whats next oh yes 5 mana 3/3 w 2 2/1 rush we could compare it to the giggling inventor witch was 2/1 so already a lot worse and gave 2 1/2 divine shield tount that slightly different cuz its deffencive but about the same power lvl however our 3/3 also pushes our galakrond 2 stages witch is super value (giggling inventor 7 mana now btw so nerf that shit hard)
So in conclusion shaman got cards on whole another lvl and everyone shittalking about dust shut just stuff themselves w that cards and take the lesson of patiente and next time look at the win rates.
if they tested the shaman galakrond properly they should have already realized how huge of a swing turn fully upgraded galakrond is. it is basically 21/16 total stats that can remove 3 bodies gaining back control of the board. anyone against that kind of stats is basically dead the next turn. SMH
isnt 32/32 with Quest ?
Double battlecry 4 x 8/8 with rush.
Was not referring to the one with quest. It is already known questless is better.
When Hunter is very strong ALL TIME and he gets no nerfs, but shaman was not in meta about a year before last expansion, now he needs nerfs because is some stronger… Still not wins everytime.
Blizzard has a habit of doing that in Hearthstone…. when one class is not seeing any play for a long time, they will release a bunch of broken OP cards for that class.
Then, they realize shortly after that they made the class in question way too powerful and need to nerf it back to fair levels.
This bothers me as well. Back in Saviors of Uldum, the nerf patch hit the #1 class in terms of winrate, Warrior… as well as the #5 class (Mage) and the #6 class, Priest. The #2 class at the time, Hunter, immediately climbed to the top.
You could argue that Hunter had no cards as overpowered as Dr. Boom Mad Genius, Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer’s Calling or Extra Arms. And you might be right about that. But Hunter as a class has been at or near the top for the entirety of the Year of the Dragon, and I can’t even remember the last time Hunter was below-average.
>>But Hunter as a class has been at or near the top for the entirety of the Year of the Dragon,
>>and I can’t even remember the last time Hunter was below-average.
I think that has to do more with Hunter always having fairly viable access to midrange / face strategies, and on the design-side its hard to screw that up too much. Most of the cards for those decks are “what you see is what you get”, so its pretty hard to either under-estimate or over-estimate their effectiveness–versus say Waxadred, who sounds really cool on paper but has been non-existent on ladder, or Devoted Maniac, who only got 2/5 stars here yet is in ~40% of decks played (admittedly largely due to the over-representation of Shaman, but most of the other Galakrond decks play him too).
Board full of ever spawning Waxadreds would be cool, but it’s just too slow. Maybe it will have some changes after nerfs. But Rogue has better tools now so unless those are hit it probably won’t happen. And if Apothecary gets hit, it will also effect possible Waxadred builds.
By the time Devoted Maniac was revealed and we all voted on it, we didn’t know what invoke did for Shaman yet, and Shaman has the strongest invoke effect. Besides, Team 5 gets to playtest and tweak cards before reveal, so they have way more information in terms of evaluating cards with novel effects.
I agree with you that some things will get past them, like Corridor Creeper. That’s inevitable. But I don’t think imperfect information can account for Hunter being consistently top tier and avoiding nerfs while most other classes that have been top tier have gotten nerfed this year; I think Hunter is purposely kept near the top.
There could be good, valid reasons for it, too. Aggro decks are rarely super unfair or super un-fun to play against, so Blizzard would rather have you play against a lot of Hunters than against a lot of, say, Quest Rogues from Year of the Mammoth/Raven. Aggro decks are also easier to play, giving less experienced players a good way to compete and have fun. I don’t think it’s necessarily a problem that the dev team balances Hearthstone according to criteria other than just class / archetype strength. I just wish they were open about their goals in this, and if they do go out of their way to ensure Aggro is top tier, maybe they could spread the love a little instead of guaranteeing Hunter’s place on the podium every expansion.
>>…if they do go out of their way to ensure Aggro is top tier, maybe they could spread
>>the love a little instead of guaranteeing Hunter’s place on the podium every expansion.
I think they try, it just doesn’t work out more times than it does. Pirate Warrior, (Galakrond) Zoolock, and Treant Druid all got some very nice toys this expansion, but the latter is still just a little weak, Zoolock is still being refined, Pirate is easily tech’ed against, and all 3 lineup TERRIBLE against Galakrond Shaman therefore barely breaking 50% net winrate.
naaaah c’mon dude, shaman players shouldnt cry, Quest Shaman is pretty strong, Overload Shaman is strong. Im HS Player since beta and shaman wasn one of the few classes wich are viable most of the time.
Not allways tier1 for sure cause not a single clas is always tier1 but shaman never was a rly bad class.
if we look back, How often did we complain about “Shamanstone” ?
4 Mana 7/7 ? Tunneltrogg ? 2 Mana 3/4 Totem Golem ? Tuscar Totemic ?
do you remember all these cards ?
Mogul Flesh shaper needs to go. It is the most unfair card in the bunch, terribly swing and the common element in all shaman decks.
The problem is not this card as it was not conjurers calling. The problem is the mechanic. Kripp’s solution to the problem would have fixed both giant+conjuring and mogu + evolve. If you cheat a minion for lower cost it should keep its discounted cost for effects like evolve or conjuring calling. Still mogul would be good again in token based decks but it wouldn’t be that broken
1 – Nerf the quest – make it so it only affects minions. Personally I’d change it to “the battlecries of you next 2 minions trigger twice” so it’s not current’s value fiesta.
2 – Add overload (2) to Dragon’s Pack.
3 – Change the rushing elementals to 1/1.
4 – Corrupt Elementalist should cost 6-mana.
5 – Faceless corruptor: I’m not sure this card will be balanced even at 6 mana.
Also Stormhammer could become a 2/2 weapon. And while you’re at it change the 4-mana 2/5 deathrattle rogue card to 5-mana 3/6 stats.
If the rushing elemental were 1/1, galakrond would be too weak, it would pretty much be a worse warlock, so they will not affect galakrond himself. They also probably won’t change the quests hero power, but instead, make it harder to complete the quest (e.g. summon 7 battlecry minions). Dragons pack and corrupt elementalist I agree with, but instead of overload 2 for dragons pack, it should be overload 1. Faceless corruptor will probably become EXTREMELY nerfed, so it will become a 7 mana or so. I also think dragonmoor poacher will become gain +2/2 instead of +4/4.
I suggest making them 1/2 Rushes instead of 2/1
the quest wil be still playble and viable compare to heropower of other classes in terms of powerlevel if it says just “the next battlecry”
Anyone who plays shaman in this current meta is either retarded or mentally challenged
Or they just like playing shaman, I have been playing shaman for ages and love it. I agree its too op atm, but that won’t change my view on it. I’m still playing control galakrond because I enjoy it.
Im priest only player since beta and i stopped playing priest when Highlander Priest was broken.
I couldn’t take it that the class get raped by so man people just because it’s broken and i personally hate it SO much playing OP Decks. How can you enjoy playing this deck even if you love shaman ?
Yeah lets not be ableist ok? If your goal is to win and climb, why wouldn’t you play shaman? Its a strong (and daresay fun) deck to play right now. It DEFINITELY needs to be nerfed, but saying stuff like yours makes you come off as a bratty child.
XD Social Justice Warrior wins again…
ofc you’re this kind of person
Well it’s not like Galakrond Shaman is unbeatable, I have quite good record with it on my Highlander Dragon Burn Mage.
For me, most frustrating thing is to beat it I have to think, plan and calculate which resources do I have, when switch from defensive to offensive etc.
Meanwhile Galakrond Shaman: YADA YADA invoke twice YADA wolf wombo-combo YADA 8/8’s fiesta, probably while watching something on YouTube =,=
Oh and yes, Shudderwock.
I actually haven’t had any problems with Galakrond Shaman. An earlier version of my deck wasn’t able to deal with quadrush 8/8s but now I generally force out Gal before its second upgrade. I really only have issues with high aggro hunter decks. I am still tweaking as I climb ladder, but this is the current version that’s working for me.
### stabbies 4 golem
# Class: Warrior
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Dragon
# 1x (1) Hack the System
# 2x (2) Frightened Flunky
# 2x (2) Ritual Chopper
# 1x (2) Slam
# 2x (2) Warpath
# 1x (3) Ancharrr
# 2x (3) Awaken!
# 2x (3) Hench-Clan Thug
# 2x (3) Livewire Lance
# 2x (3) Scion of Ruin
# 2x (4) Devoted Maniac
# 2x (4) Hoard Pillager
# 2x (4) Wrenchcalibur
# 1x (5) Captain Greenskin
# 2x (5) Plague of Wrath
# 2x (6) Sul’thraze
# 1x (7) Galakrond, the Unbreakable
# 1x (8) Deathwing, Mad Aspect
Hahaha 44 comments in 3 hours. At this rate, this post will be the most popular in HTD history.
My take: either the Shaman invocation needs to be weakened or the mana costs of the shaman-specific cards need to be increased. Specifically: I’d either make the elementals as added-to-hand and playable for 1 mana instead of adding them directly to board or I’d increase Invocation of Frost and Corrupt Elemental by 2. I know 2 sounds like a lot, but right now these cards are budgeted like Priest invocation cards, which have the weakest effect of all 5, whereas Shaman has the strongest effect. It ought to be budgeted more like Rogue, where both would be laughably bad if it weren’t for the invocation benefit. I’d also like to see Dragon’s Pack either nerfed hard or reworked into non-taunt since that is shoring up the deck’s only “weakness”, but realistically doing either of the aforementioned is probably enough.
Sooo are the Hearthstone game testers on strike? This is a huge miss.
As long as they don’t nerf my Treant Druid, I’ll be happy.
Goru might become 8 mana or so, he is extremely powerful at the moment (or change the 8 mana twinspell to 9 mana or so.)
I don’t think they should nerf the Galakrond hero power, because that would change the character of the deck altogether. I think it’d be enough to make the Shaman Invoke cards a bit more expensive and maybe make Dragon’s Pack +2/+2. Don’t kill the deck, because it is fun; just make it more in line with the power level of other options.
As for people complaining about them nerfing a deck you spent dust crafting: If you’re FTP, you just need to be smart about your resource management. I’m FTP but I usually have 2-3 meta decks available, with some other playable partials. You have to be patient, and _don’t_ craft a legendary until things are settled enough that you can be sure you can use it.
2 minions with 4/5 stats? oh my, *cries in priest deck*
2 minions with 4/5 stats is probably normal in power level for this expansion considering it’s a card triggered by invoke twice
What if all the elementals it summons just don’t have rush? That’s kinda huge. It is the only galakrond hp that directly effects the board (besides warrior but you are leveraging your health to influence board in that case…) Wouldn’t mind the decreased stats to the Gala battlecry that I see being widely suggested too.
I guess I should specify: that directly influences your opponent’s board. Like Shaman isn’t already very good at that…
Summon 2 2/2 minions does not sound good at all, the rest of the galakrond can be used pre invoked, but getting rid of rush will just ruin the card.
Invocation of Frost > Change to 2 mana
Invocation of Frost > Freeze an enemy minion and invoke Galakrond
Corrupt Elementalist > Change to 6 mana
Dragon’s Pack > Change to give the wolves +2/+2 if you’ve invoked twice
Galakrond, the Tempest > Change hero power to summon a 1/1 elemental with rush
Faceless Corruptor > Change to 6 mana
Faceless Corruptor > Battlecry: Transform a random friendly minion into a copy of this.
I agree with everything EXCEPT galakrond hero power, summon a 1/1? That is literally just a worker hero power than warlock. They will not affect the hero power or the card in any way, if they do, shaman galakrond will become too weak to even be PLAYED.
Maybe make it a 1/2 with rush….. but 2 attack is too much imho
While they are at it, a slight buff to the rogue Galakrond hero power/invoke would be nice. Make the hero power cost 1, or make lackeys generated from it cost 0, or something. Tempo is stifled by how it is right now.
been playing shaman since shudderwock came out, hes just fun to build around
even when he was among the worst classes
finally gets top teared and gets nerfed
For shaman slayer like me is ambivalent news. I like it challenging.
You serve a righteous cause, sir !
deck recipe, or didn’t happen.
Common Control Warrior is trying his best.
Same here, i have found that zetalot leroy priest have the right amount of board clear and combo potencial to actually give a f about shaman later on
Okay you think this is OP. It is actually. So i’d like to refund my Kronx and quest if possible. Stop complaining about op decks. Where the big priest is nerfed huh? Where is the mech paladin nerf turn 3 9/8 lifesteal + divine shield and taunt. Where is the mech hunter nerf??? I just spent so much dust at this deck. I hope only the Galakrond will take it. Prob sth like 1/1 with rush and battlecry max to be 6/6. I dont see why the quest should be nerfed. You are complaining cause of the 8/8 combo. This is hearthstone guys what do u expect. 2 mana ressurect is still there…
u do realise that mech hunter and mech Paladin aren’t OP (and that’s coming from someone who plays both of those decks) and btw big priest not only got nerfed but it isn’t played much anymore
Btw they never said that they were going to nerf the quest and even if they do it will still probs see play
Also btw the way u probs still need ur kronx
Also btw Galakrond shaman is extremely cancerous and deserves to go no matter what you think
The thing is i made the Galakrond deck by my own. It is my own deck and i won’t remove it. For me it is not that op cuz my deck is foucsed not only at Galakrond. This deck has reno, board clear cards and the shudder grumble combo.
Still loose against secret mages and big priest. Idk what is going on in standart but hope the nerf to be balanced.
If you look up stats that deck has basically no counter its favored in all but 1 match up No deck is hs history has had match up odds like this so like it or not its a problem
Holy wrath paladin is the only deck with a positive win rate against it yeah only one deck … thats a massive issue
Mech hunter nerf? Wtf?
Complaining not for the 8/8 combo, that’s the last of the problem cause it arrives around turn 10/11 so you can win early, but 5 mana double invoke is too much powerful, 5 mana double 5/6 taunt the same, other classes can’t invoke so easily, shaman is just so easy to play and build a board around or clear it that’s obvious that some nerfs are necessary.
Uh, and you can also do faceless corruptor on one random totem, tell me if this is all right for you
I guess Blizzard skipped testing again, will they ever learn…
Well, who would have thought that actual dragon decks won’t be good enough in the DoD meta …
irony off
Nerfing Shaman is a good thing – I can’t remember a single expansion where there was literally ONE deck after TWO days in the expansion. o.O
I played against Shalakrond 12 times in a row yesterday … at rank 10!
That said, Token Druid sometimes beats it and has decent MUs against the rest of the field.
My calls for the nerf (even if it’s sad for f2p players): Galakronds HP will produce 1/1s with rush and his battle cry will produce 2 1/1s, 3/3s and 6/6s. Still strong enough. And they will do something with Dragon’s Pack (what a silly card). Besides that Faceless Corruptor should be a 3/4, but maybe they’ll try 4/4.
Totally agree with you, the 2/1 hero power can also remain still in my opinion if they modify the dobule invoke to a 4 mana single invoke.
The problem is that shaman can easily take Galakrond at max level at turn 7, other classes can’t if they don’t have the perfect hand, or they have to waste invokes (take for example rogue, if you need a lackey immediately you can throw a Praise Galakrond! to one of enemy minions…)
Every shaman invoke has 0 possible throwback and give immediate advantage
This Sh#* pisses me off, I am not a good player by by stretch(rank 15 average) but somehow I ALWAYS waste my hard earned gold and dust on the ONE deck everyone always ends up whining about and it gets nerfed, this really hurts people like me who aren’t rich but do spend a little money to by packs and such, and before anyone says anything the refund is never enough to cover the cost of the entire deck this absolutely destroys the fun of the game for me..
And that’s why you should never write anything in the first week, especially if you f2p
*never craft anything
I know, it’s just so tough because I want to play a decent and fun deck, it’s hard to wait :p
Umm it says in the post that you get a full dust refund lmao. It’s the same as it has always been. You can keep the nerfed card or get the dust to make a new card of the same rarity.
Just in case Beerserkers is residing this, can’t reply for some reason. I spent 3200 dust on two legendaries, what if they only dust the rares? I’m out 2900 dust, you never get back what you put in.
Enjoy that full dust refund on the Shaman Glakrond (0), amaright?
I am always mesmorized by people complaining about nerfs when they go all in on certain decks. First of all, crafting cards so early is really bad dust management. Second of all, if you are on a budget, why spend dust on top tier decks that have hystorycally been nerfed all over again (like mage, druid, warlock and many others before). Tier 2 or even tier 3 decks are more then anough to have fun and even climb, but avoid nerf problems. I won’t even go into netdecking issue.
People never learn their lesson.
As for the nerfs, they are most welcome. It has been only 2 days since release, yet playing against Galakrond shaman feels really oppressive (I still don’t get why shaman is the only one with invoke twice card).
How was I supposed to know it was going to be a tier one deck? I just enjoy Shamans playstyle and colour scheme, it’s very pleasing to my eye. Also a Warrior player.
Community suspected it to be good at the reveal already. Besides, as others said (and my first point), you shouldn’t craft anything first two weeks of the expansion.
There was a very good article on budget Galakrond decks on this very site by Old Guardian. If anyone is on budget and wants to taste those new cards, I would recommend that article and not crafting full cost decks.
Thats why idgaf about the meta, thats deck building all about, if you see too much aggro, you tech card to help you… thats is too op yeah, we can complain about it, but meanwhile, we just need to make it harder for it to actually stop it on track
This might not be your cup of tea, but I found at one point that I had enough wild cards (never dusted em) for T1 wild deck (First Kingsbane Rogue and now Odd Rogue (I also have wild Secret Mage and Mech Paladin decks, but like Rogue most)). Now this is 4th month in a row that I had got rank 5 or better. Those Wild decks are not so fast to change so you can have decent deck and make good play with it without the hassle to always need to rebuild it from scratch.
I sadly dusted all my wild cards a very long time ago, it was the only way I could keep up with the game.
Well maybe invest your gold and dust in a non-T1 deck, that way it will not get nerfed. If you invest your gold and dust into a clearly OP and T0 deck you have to expect nerfs. Galakrond Shaman is NOT ok and needs adjustment ASAP, you could see that after ~10 games of playing with or against the deck.
I can’t see that, not when your someone like me who loses a lot anyway, tons of decks seem good.
I envy Shaman because it’s invoke actually put minion on board and give them rush, rather than drawing them to hand and give them buffs. In terms of tempo, Warrior loses so badly.
(I am actually talking about warrior and shaman only, haven’t got the deck to try out other galakrond)
actually no, even Priest and Rogue will envy Shaman as well because their invoke doesn’t put minions on board.
So the actual board control is easily achieved by Shaman and Warlock only (the latter is losing in term of rush).
so yeah. Shaman is getting nerfed is actually better.
but what about all those cards I crafted? I just burned like 5000 dust just to get full shaman decks. (Quest, Epic Spells, etc.)
Shaman needs a few adjustments so that it falls from T0 to T1-T2. I’m pretty sure that even after the nerfs Shaman will be very playable in the meta, before the Doom in the Tomb event Shaman was in a good spot without being OP.
IMO it’s not only about turns, and tempo, but overall strength of shaman cards.
the power level of shaman invoke cards is more than it should.
like 3/3 body invoke twice (2 x 2/1 rush) is not equal to 5 mana.
or the fact that his galakrond battlecry of summoning 2 x 8/8 rush is obviously should be more than 7 mana. and that is without quest.
Indeed, the invoke twice card is ridiculous. With other classes it takes me longer to fully upgrade Galakrond, but with Shaman you very often have it on curve. I think a good adjustment would be to delete Rush from both the Hero Power Elementals and the Battlecry Elementals you get from turning into Galakrond. If they don’t want to remove Rush from the elementals (because idk, flavor?) then the stats need to be reduced. Like 1/1 for the Hero Power and 2x 1/1, 3/3 and 5/5 with Rush when you turn into Galakrond. The Invoke twice card should be 6 mana. And the Wolves should be 4/5, not 5/6. I think those changes would definitely be very welcome and Galakrond Shaman would still be a good deck with presence in the meta.
Yeah, i think they messed up badly the galakronds, my personal opinion is galakrond effect should have being on shaman, because lackey sinergy, the shaman galakrond should have being priest, cause of control theme and if course priest galakrond should have being on rogue because, lets face it, rogue minions are by far way better
I expect Dragon’s Pack to be nerfed for sure
That’s the card that gets me the most tbh. It’s too easy to Invoke early enough so you cast 2x 5/6 Taunt on curve on T5, and it gets worse when Electra makes that 4x 5/6 Taunt in T8.
Yep. Turn 5 Dragon’s Pack = GG aggro decks.
id be happy if thats all that was nerfed, i dont use it in my wild highlander deck
only the shaman galakrond and the double invoker
and 1 copy of the 4/5 taunt invoke