Zorkthar’s Aggro Face Shaman – Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Learn how to play this archetype with our Aggro Shaman Deck List Guide.
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Replacement for patches?
Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
Great deck. Very strong versus pirate shaman and races midrange decks. A timely spirit wolves will stop weapon classes in their tracks. Not great against new reno/kazakus/raza priest. It runs too many removals and without card draw you are stuck top decking then they ooze your doom hammer and it’s gg bc of the free raza heals. Luckily there aren’t too many out there.
Really strong deck as good as pirate warrior but counters it OP.
Think this is a good deck, maybe even the best shaman archetype right now.
Garbage in the current meta of control decks. Decent against Pirate warrior, and that’s about it.
Yeah looking at his stats he was able to dodge Renolock, which is easily 30% of what I saw today. Feels like an auto loss unless you get a nut draw and the lock has a terrible one.
Renolock actually has some issues if you curve out. 4 7/7 after pirates or trogg -> golem start is really hard for them to answer even if they t6 reno.
What? Its wrecking Jade Druid, pirate warrior and decent against Renolock. The onky matchup i habe problem with is priest
How do you bring ur mulligan?
I added a guide for this deck here:
To those that have played the deck, what’s your winrate against face pirate warrior?
This deck is good. It beats pirate warrior because pirate warrior can’t race your flamewreath faceless because they don’t have execute.
How is this deck better than face pirate warrior? Pirate warrior usually kills you turn 5. This deck relies on doomhammer and would kill you until around turn 8.
Look at this guys stats. He must have played the deck at low ranks. He only played against one pirate warrior and he played against weird stuff like control warrior and miracle rogue that are not played at high ranks.
Fluffy just got legend with it:
Destroys Pirate Warrior
I don’t have patch but I just went 12-2 with this deck. I misplayed during one of my losses. Face is back!
What did you replace for patches?
I’ve tried it for less than a hour: went from 18 rank to 12 with a 14 -0 score. xD And I’m missing “Patches”

I agree with ShaolnCowboy, ST Buccaneer is really good
Thanks. Everyone is looking at Pirate Warrior right now as THE aggro deck to play. It’s good, no doubt, but I think there are a lot of classes out there with aggro potential. I have yet to see anyone on ladder play an aggro pirate rogue. Everyone is playing the jade golem or stealth/combo rogues or miracle. A lot of people are trying to play the classes in the old way and not experimenting with the new cards enough or trying to redefine the archetypes.
I feel like Small-Time Buccaneer is a second Tunnel Trogg. Massive early game dominance! I might have to try this deck out. I think people will be very salty over this soon. I’m currently running Small-Time Buccaneer + Patches in an aggro Pally deck. No regrets.