Take on the normal Zoolock we were seeing earlier this season but lower to the ground and better at controlling the board. I found this version was just as good against control decks (which you have a losing record to anyway) because it goes under them better rather than trying to hedge the late game with Bloodreaver Gul’dan , Sea Giants and Hooked Reavers . It also does better against other board-based decks because it comes out faster and is VERY efficient at making trades with hyper-efficient creatures and Battlecry effects such as Deathspeaker , Defender of Argus , Glacial Shards and Fungalmancer .
Leeroy Jenkins has worked out well for me, but that slot can be a number of things. Gul’dan could work, but probably not ideal and doesn’t go with the game plan. However I think possible substitutes could be The Black Knight, Cobalt Scalebane , or even a 1-of Hooked Reaver or other options you may prefer can all work in the Leeroy spot. I personally liked Leeroy because of his burst potential to get you the win against control decks – I have won many games dropping a turn 5 Leeroy Jenkins and a turn 6 Doomguard for the win. however if decks like Taunt Druid become more popular after the balance changes The Black Knight could be a solid 5 drop there.