Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
Zetalot likes to do quite a bit of experimenting on his climb to legend. This season is starting off with some Hobgoblin! Cards like Annoy-o-Tron and Unstable Ghoul punish early aggro decks and synergize well with Hobgoblin. There’s also Tournament Medic, who works with Hobgoblin, heals you, and can become a destroyer with Divine Spirit and Inner Fire. So if you’re looking to spice up your laddering, then you might want to give this deck a try!
Update: -2 Annoy-o-Tron, +2 Nerub'ar Weblord, -1 Defender of Argus, +1 Sylvanas Windrunner
I invented my own hobgoblin deck and found its biggest struggle was playing stuff in the early game. I wound up playing most of the hob targets without hob just to survive the aggression. Was running annoyatrons, weblords and acolytes. Found weblords surprisingly effective even on their own. I think holy smites and maybe a thaurissan could help get out hob/hob targets quicker. This decklist helped me out tremendously, thanks. Determined to make hob priest work. It’s so cool!
i went from rank 8 to 6 without loss on this one and still climbing
How does this deck have such a high score? I just watched a 3 hour Twitch VOD of Zetalot stagnating at rank 9 with this deck before giving up on it. Kudos to him for trying something new, but I’m surprised that this deck would merit such a high score on this site. It’s like players are deliberately trying to upvote bad decks here to make their own climb easier.
Maybe the worst deck I’ve ever played. Period.
what is the reason for Nerub’ar Weblord? there is a lot of battlecry card whitin this deck.
That’s true, but you control when you play it. It’s good against Mysterious Challenger and Dr. Boom.
I’m trying to desperately to make this deck work. My issue is hobgoblin always dies between turns. At most, I can get one guy out mid-game with the +2/+2 bonus. And I’m usually low on health by that point.
One thing I learned playing hobgoblin paladin is that you often want to hold hobgoblin rather than play it on curve for the reasons you stated. So you often wait until you can play hob with 1-2 other guys to ensure value.
I don’t have Vol’jin and second lightbomb
Second death and Defender of Argus.
Weblord very strong against Dr.6 e Dr.7. Deck really fun (I love hob goblin
It is not really competetive, but it is fun. Also Tournament Medic is a great tech card versus hunter.
Doesn’t seem to be any viable tbh
Just tried this deck out and it was a ton of fun. won 5-6 straight games against hunters and priests. Not sure how it’ll do against secret paladin, but this looks to be a great way to grind the lower ranks.
Hey Evident, what in your opinion could replace Vol’Jin?
For now I took second Shadow Word: Death
Second Shadow Word: Death should work fine!
Thanks you rock like always