Zetalot has been climbing the legendary ladder with another strong Control Priest deck list. This time he’s included Wild Pyromancer for board clearing ability. We’ve got Deathlord to stop early aggressive decks. Justicar Trueheart helps win control games, and a surprise card in Nexus-Champion Saraad that can generate card advantage.
Zetalot’s Season 20 Control Priest
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Would Dr. Boom be a good replacement for Nexus or Justicar?
That’s fine for Saraad, he doesn’t see a lot of play.
Sadly, I don’t have any lightbombs ;( . What card can I use to replace it?
Second Holy Nova and Zombie Chow. Excavated Evil and Entomb might work if you have those.
Justicar Trueheart replacement?
Loatheb or second Zombie Chow.
sarrad replacment? I don’t have ysera or voljin though :/
Hey evident, replecement for Sylvanas ? i was thinking of Vol’jin but i may be wrong ? since already 2 shadow word : death ? and for the kolento deck who is approximatly the same ? what would be the best replecement for Sylv ? since on kolento’s deck there is only one word : death ! need your light
I think Vol’jin is a strong replacement!
Why not the priest legendary who summon legendary with inspire seems so op no?
i’d like to put ysera on this deck too, is nexus a good choice for replace? cause i dont have that yet
Yeah, that wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Why Nexus-Champion Saraad over Vol’jin in the 5 slot? Also no Velen’s Chosen?
I’m not criticizing the deck by any means, you (Zetalot) obviously know what you’re doing, I’m just curious.
this deck does really seems interesting, but i do not posesses any of those legendary, too bad i don’t have any of those legendary and it’s not like it’s gonna be as good if i replace any of em.
Not necessarily! If you have Ysera or Voljin you can replace Truehart and Saraad and it will be similarly optimal. Sylvanas, IMO, is the “must-have” in most priest control lists, then you tweak your last 2 or 3 legendaries from there.
i do have vol’jin and justicar ( crafted it this week 8D ) but i don’t have ysera :/
Ysera or Nexus is a strongly needed late-game card, priests focus on surviving till late game and you need a card in the late game that can outlast your opponents top-decks… I suggest Paletress or Dr.Balanced if you cant replace…