Zetalot is doing a bit of experimenting with the new League of Explorers card, Djinni of Zephyrs. What you can do is make some incredibly powerful minions with Divine Spirit and Inner Fire. Djinni is actually a fairly durable minion at 4/6, but when you’re able to combine his ability to receive buffs, it makes the card a pretty potent finisher. Gilblin Stalker is a card seen in Priest from time to time because it’s very good at sticking to the board and receiving a Velen's Chosen. Deathlord stops aggressive decks and protects potential combo pieces. A very interesting deck that took Zetalot to top 30 on the legendary ladder!
Watch him play it on stream here.
Update: -1 Wild Pyromancer, -1 Acolyte of Pain, -1 Gnomish Inventor, +1 Zombie Chow, +1 Lightbomb, +1 Ysera
Zetalot went a bit more control heavy with this update. An extra Zombie Chow to keep aggro honest, and Ysera will help with control matchups.
What about Eydis ? Do you guys think she could be used in this one ? I’m trying it instead of a Gilbin.
hi thx for this deck it’s pretty good! replacement for second light bomb please?
Second Shadow Word: Death.
replacement for wild pyromancer ?
Second Holy Nova.
I’ve had no success with this deck around rank 8.
All the Inner fire / divine Spirit decks are to inconsistent in my opinion.
Last 2 Season i was legend with normal control priest.
This deck is 1 of 12 games now.
There is nothing u can do against a full board (Shaman/Druid).
Holy Nova is still a joke for 5 Mana.
Against aggro… I dunno if it´s just unlucky or whatever, but my deathlord is instantly down, every single aggro match-up.
and against control matchup, enemies got 3 games in a row ysera from deathloard so :D.
Anyways, it´s fun, but inconsistent.
Replacement for Vol’jin and Light Bombs?
Second Shadow Word: Death for Vol’jin. Lightbomb is pretty difficult to replace in this deck, you could go second Holy Nova and Sylvanas. I think it’ll be pretty tough without Lightbomb.
Thank you!
Any replacement for a second Light bomb? or is it essencial?
That is a card that fluctuates, so I would go with a second Shadow Word: Death.
Any possibility replacement for Ysera?
Dr. Boom or Ragnaros.
He can reach top 30 or 1 in ladder with this, but thats all. Take in count that the higher in ladder you play, the less “strange” decks he will face against, so he also takes that in advantage. The decks he plays are mostly gimmick and\or experimental. With such an inconsistent deck and against an opponent who guesses whats going on, you’re done. And for the reason commented above, forget grinding ladder with this.
With all that said I’m not hating nor saying the deck is pure sh1t. Being bit lucky maybe someone could shut the f up on me, and I really like different Priest decks. It’s a pity only 2 Priest decks truly work, and they’re not even top tier.
why not shade of naxx over giblins? there’s so few drop 3 on the deck…
I believe he changed the deck, didn’t he?
Updated, thanks.
Is this the most current version of the deck? Seems highly competitive at the moment just want to know if zetalot made any revisions?
I just updated it, thanks!
all giblins disenchanted :)) replaced with one shade of naxx and 1 more removable spell,
replacement for Dijinni?
That kind of defeats the purpose the deck!
Replacement for Lightbomb??
Shadow Word: Death or Sylvanas.
Hey Evident,
Would shadow word: death be a good replacement for vol’jin? ;p
lol, it looks like Zetalot added a second death and kept Vol’jin! Back to the drawing board.
The last stream I saw (right now) he was running Ysera
I’ll update the list when he’s done streaming!
Pretty funny deck. I’m not really a fan of Wild Pyromancer but it could be useful some times.
How essential is Vol’jin in this deck? If not a “must-include” what are some possible substitutions? I was thinking about Toshley for extra buffs.
I would go with a second Shadow Word: Death, because Vol’jin is basically a removal card like BGH.
Cut a gilblin for Eydis to make my spells more valuable.
Seems fun, i’ll definitely give it a try ! I don’t have enough dust currently for Vol’Jin, any good replacement suggestion ? Like maybe Maexxna, or something else ?
Shadow Word: Death.
I’ve been playing around with this and Maexna seems to be good 1/3 of games. Pro: high health and a threat warrenting removal. Con: seemingly better things to do with 6 mana.
Okay thank you, I’ll try with SW: Death ! Btw I mentionned Maexxna because this deck is ‘Inner Fire oriented’, so for 7 crystals you can get a 8/8 with poison. I didn’t try it atm tho, I don’t know if it works and if it is worth the cost
Replacement for Vol’jin?
Shadow Word: Death.
The only replacement for volijin is Golden Voljin or commonly known as Gol’Jin