General Mulligans
Board Control is the key for early game. These cards will provide clears and good exchanges until you can place down your Jade Spirit/Servant of Kalimos combo or even White Eyes or Thing From Below.
This deck was borne from countless frustration of going against the META of constant Aggro Warrior, Secret Mages, and all variations of Aggro Decks. This Deck was designed to counter early, mid, and late game. It was a tall order to design but I feel that this deck came close. In this Deck you will find several tech cards which may not make sense at first but against their respective metas, the Deck shines and synergizes.
I chose the Shaman Deck for its class cards that has the ability to clear early game, provide value exchanges, and board control. In addition, cards such as Jade Claws not only stems Aggro and early game but also provides board presence, and bolsters your mid/end game with Jades. The same can be said with Jade Lightning but for Mid/Early game. While Maelstrom Portal and Flametongue Totem can give you value for money when played at the right time. Basically, Shaman Deck has the right cards that is both functional and synergizes with the rest of the theme of the deck.
There are three themes incorporated in this deck, Jade, Elemental, and N’Zoth Deathrattle. The Elemental theme in this deck provides early board control with Fire Fly while providing a trigger for Servant of Kalimos or even Kalimos, Primal Lord. Coupled with either Flametongue Totem or even Maelstrom Portal, you can get value exchange. Jade Spirit also doubles as a trigger for Servant of Kalimos at turn 4. Kalimos, Primal Lord provides a solid board clear, or even a much needed heal that could swing the game for you. It also doesn’t hurt that you get a 7/7 on the board as well 🙂
The second theme in this deck is the Jade Golems. As mentioned above, the jade, elemental, and shaman cards syngerizes well. The early Jade Golem cards provide you board clear with value exchange care of Jade Claws and Jade Lightning. Once properly buffed or with Flametongue Totem , Jade Golems hold on their own mid and late game. Additionally, one particular card provides several synergies. Of course, I am talking none other than Aya Blackpaw. This Gem of a Legendary Card is a must-have in this deck. Not only do you get two Jade Golems, a modest 5/3 on the board, but it also synergizes well with the next theme: N’Zoth.
N’Zoth the Corrupter
The last theme in this deck ties everything by giving more value to certain tech cards. N'Zoth, the Corrupter works for only three (3) cards in this deck: (1) Bloodmage Thalnos which not only gives you a draw when it dies but also provides a much needed spell power buff for Maelstrom Portal; (2) Aya Blackpaw, and White Eyes, a 5/5 taunt at 5 cost with a potential draw of a 10/10 taunt at 5 cost (Talk about Value!). Obviously, this card also provides a win-scenario when played but I find that it plays more of a vital role with certain conditions. These conditions revolve mainly on survival. One of the Tech cards, White Eyes is used mainly for its taunt but if you hit it with a Spirit Echo, you will find yourself with four 5/5 Taunts after playing N'Zoth, the Corrupter and 4 possible The Storm Guardian in your deck. Those key taunts along with Thing from Below help prolong games until you can get a good swing to your favor.
Tech Cards
Now, we’ve come to the hodgepodge tech cards that I threw in this deck. As you can see from the list, each one is specifically placed there to counter certain meta decks you’d find on ladder. They were carefully chosen to synergize and compliment the other cards in the deck. Let’s get to it.
Devolve is key for clearing early to mid board in conjunction with Maelstrom Portal and can render cards like Edwin VanCleef and Living Mana inutile. A timely devolve can stop a line of buffed murlocs or in a pinch take a chance in devolving a taunt to finish him off.
Gluttonous Ooze is obviously for Aggro Pirate Warriors but I find it is also useful against Spell-Casters sporting Medhiv, the Guardian in their decks. The ooze can also take out Tirion’s Hammer if you failed to Hex your opponent’s Tirion Fordring. Against Druids and Dragon/Silence Priests, it’s a decent 3 drop.
Eater of Secrets is key against Secret Mages. I have won countless games against mages by having this card in my opening hand. I usually weigh when I’ll play and most of the time I wait until he has played at least two secrets. Or if I needed to play a spell as my second card in that turn. You wouldn’t want to waste a timely Jade Lightning to a counter spell. Additionally, it also helps against the annoying secrets of Pallys and Hunters.
Bloodlust is not really a tech card since it can actually win the game for you mid-game provided you have at least four minions in your board. However, I placed it here since not only can it be a win condition, it is also very helpful in board control. Using a shaman deck would always put your opponent in a position to try and control the board. They will expect that your deck is an Aggro Deck. Therefore, you may often find yourself with totems or weenies and Bloodlust can provide you a much needed value exchange.
Hex is usually reserved for key cards in a specific class that I am going against. For example, Tirion Fordring for Pallys, Aya Blackpaw for Shamans, Deathrattle Taunt Minions for Quest Warrior, etc. Of course there will always be a judgment call for any big threat on the board.
Spirit Echo is usually played when you have any of the Jade cards, Deathrattle, Thing from Below or any combination of the three on the board. You can also chain elementals if you play it with Servant of Kalimos in play.
You will try to exhaust all their board clear cards but maintain enough minions on the board after every clear. This is done with buffed Thing from Below , Fire Elemental , Jade Spirit or by playing Spirit Echo with Jade Spirit , Aya Blackpaw or Servant of Kalimos on the board.
If this gets enough upvotes, I’ll write a guide against specific decks. Hope you guys enjoy this!