General Mulligans
These cards enable you to play giants at turn 4 guaranteed.
Aggro Mulligans
Youll need to do strategic exchanges.
Key here to place a big minion give it taunt or having giant plus calling and hope to get the 7/8 taunt.
Doomsayer allows you to delay initial turns so as not to get overrun on the first 3 turns
Conjurer's Calling Iteration #1
This is basically a Hand Mage in its core but can turn the tide with Khadgar as early as turn 5.
The formula here is to play Book of Spectres on turn 2 to get an early Mountain giant at turn 4. At turn 5, if your giant is still alive, you play khadgar and conjurer’s calling. This will give you 4 bodies that are either 8/8 or 7/8 with taunt.
To be continued…