Zamos’ #1 Legend Malygos Druid (Post Nerf Boomsday)
Learn how to play this archetype with our Malygos Druid Deck List Guide.
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Is twig needed in this?
I rather use Alex instead of Twig and I run 2 Fluorists in case it dont hit Maly when i also have Floop in hand. Twig Is too slow and many decks run Ooze. Alex one turn, 2 mana Maly+Floop+Swipe+Double moonfire next turn is usualy enough
Is Innervate used for a certain combo or just for ramp?
I think it’s for make a combo with 2 mana malygos + manipulator and Innervate for deal more 14 damage with Swipe by 1 extra mana.
Innervate can also be used for 2 mana 5 dmg Lich King spell in case u get it. For example 2 mana Maly + double Swipe for 18 dmg, Twig, Floop and Faceless, two moonfires for 32 dmg, Innervate and LK spell for additional 20dmg. Total 70dmg in one turn can beat even Odd Warrior
can someone explain to me why the lich king is considered to be so good :S I ended up taking him out and running one copy of carnivorous cube cos Its a good way to deal damage and clone malygos
Because an 8/8, taunt, scary and just mainly overpowered king you put in pretty much any deck because it can’t go wrong.
Such a great deck. It got me all the way from rank 19 to 8 in just two days! Spending £180 on classic packs was worth it.