Zalae had a strong finish on the NA Legend ladder using Druid and this Hobgoblin Zoo deck! This is not your typical go all-in Hobgoblin deck, it has a strong Zoo foundation and uses Hobgoblin as a way to enhance the deck. This is also more of a flood version of Zoo to take advantage of Reliquary Seeker, Gormok the Impaler, and Sea Giant.
How can i replace Gormok?
Piloted Shredder might work.
Interesting deck concept that Zalae has really fine-tuned. In earlier versions he included two Murloc Tinyfins and one Wisp. The problem with these cards I imagine was that they were really dependent on having the Hobgoblin, so while on turn 3 something like Hobgoblin -> Tinyfin -> Tinyfin was disgusting, it was also incredibly all-in and without the Hobgoblin they were really dead cards. In their place (from the variation I last saw), I think he put in two Argent Squires and Loatheb.
Yeah looks good. I played the first version but it was inconsistent. I’ll give this a try.