Zalae’s Post-Nerf Legend Tempo Kingsbane Rogue (February 2018)
- 0Backstab2
- 0Shadowstep2
- 1Deadly Poison2
- 1Kingsbane1
- 1Swashburglar2
- 2Cavern Shinyfinder2
- 2Eviscerate2
- 2Sap2
- 3Edwin VanCleef1
- 3SI:7 Agent2
- 4Elven Minstrel2
- 5Vilespine Slayer2
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I subbed patches with leeching poison and greenskim with leeroy.
No Valeera The Hollow? I am going to try -1 Patches, +1 Leeching Poison and see what happens.
I would like to know how you mill without leaching poison btw.
it says tempo not mill
maybe drain life?
Is any way to fit 1 or 2 blade flurrys in this deck?
Are the swashburglers still worth it if you’re not gonna run patches? If not, what would be a good replacement
I think so since they can function as cheap activators for some of your combo cards, which aren’t really present in the more traditional KB rogue lists (aside from Minstrel).
Is Patches really needed?
it’s still good tempo card on turn 1 but i think you can easily replace him with Sonya or even with leeching poison…
is Greenskin really needed?
He is good addition for your Kingsbane…so yeah, he is probably needed in this tempo version
Thanks for your reply
I have lot a dust left over so is he worth to craft?
It’s a classic card. Safest to craft
Yeah, craft him. Also going in mill kingsbane rogue deck