First of all i have to say im a huge fan of ancestor call’s malygos, for that reason i decided to make a new malygos shaman deck for this new meta. Unfortunately we can’t use Ancestor Call in Standard but with the inclusion of WotOG there are a few new cards we can add to play a more pasive deck.
Stormcrack : This card is a nice inclusion to the deck, with 4 damage to a minion we have a nice way to remove 4 health’s minion (5 with spell power) like Azure Drake
Hallazeal the Ascended : I have to say this is my favorite card in the whole expansion, its just really good, turn 8 you can Lightning Storm or Elemental Destruction and restore your health, thats really cool for this deck. Along with Healing Wave you can heal for more than 60 hp in one game, thats just broke.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End : Oh this card… it is just so fun you can just turn a game to your favor or lose it. You will active a ton of spells in the game so his efffect will use at least like 8 or 9 spells, Mind Control once won me the game by stealing a C’thun my opponent had this game, but also used Pyroexplosion on my face so…
Alexstrasza is here as a win conditionm with no ancestor call is hard your Malygos deal more than 23, usually i deal around 15 damage with Lightning Bolt and Lava Shock, vs Control Warrior you want to stay with all your damage spells in hand until you have Emperor Thaurissan and Malygos, use Alex and hope for the best. Priest is no longer an easy matchup, never use Alexstrasza as soon as you can, keep it in your hand until you have thaurissan and around 23 damage.