Yogg Saron Dragon Mage

Class: Mage - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-29 - Style: ladder

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Hello Everyone, 

Here is a fun mage deck that utilizes dragon synergy with the fun RNGness of Yogg-Saron, Hope's End.  This is not always the most competitive deck, but you can definitely have fun playing a different type of mage. Many of the cards in this deck (as with most mage decks) are very flexible and can be replaced as necessary. I will explain some of my choices as well as recommend some cards you could use as replacements.

Blackwing TechnicianTwilight Guardian, and Blackwing Corrupter are all in here for the obvious dragon synergy and make for some good early to mid game presence.

Coldarra Drake may not seem the best choice, but it definitely has some great synergy in this deck. It acts both as an activator for the 3 cards listed above, and when combined with your Justicar Trueheart empowered fireblast, at full mana, you can do up to 10 damage in one turn spread out between up to 5 different targets.  **Note that if you’d like to have some extra fun, with this combo, adding Maiden of the Lake on top of Coldarra Drake on the board will allow you to use your hero power 10 times in one turn.**

Nexus-Champion Saraad Has great synergy in this deck both to add spells to fuel Yogg, but he also has great value when you use him along with your Justicar Trueheart empowered Hero Power.

Archmage Antonidas  was added because of both the value he adds to any mage deck, as well adding extra fuel for Yogg Saron with the fireballs he creates. 

Deathwing, Dragonlord is slow and usually a prime target for removals such as polymorph, hex, and entomb, but he is both a huge threat if he isn’t removed, and if his deathrattle is triggered, it can have huge potential. Typically, I will wait on playing YseraMalygos, or Coldarra Drake  so they can come out for free from Deathwing. 

Ysera is in here for the dragon synergy as well as her great value just on her own. Her dream cards are all great and they give Yogg even more spells to work with.

Malygos is again added for the dragon synergy as well as his potential to make your already powerful mage spells even more powerful. 

Like I said earlier, mage decks are extremely flexible and almost any of these legendary minions are able to be replaced with  almost any spell if needed, but there are a few other legendary minions you can use in place of any that you’re missing. 

Chillmaw is a nice choice for this deck as he is a nice taunt that is great for slowing down aggro/zoo decks.

Alexstrasza is great as both a nice heal in a pinch, and can combo quite nicely with all the late game pressure you can put out.

Nefarian is a decent choice as he is a nice body on top of adding two more spells for you to use with Yogg-Saron. 

RhoninBloodmage ThalnosRagnaros the FirelordSylvanas Windrunner, and Emperor Thaurissan are all viable choices in this deck, but I might try to throw in more spells based on your preference as replacements before choosing any of these, but it’s completely up to you.

This is a very fun different deck that is great to play if you want to switch things up. I hope you all enjoy and have good luck with this deck.


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