Yogg n Load with Secrets and Giants

Class: Hunter - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-29 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans


So the basic rule is this - do not keep your secrets unless you have the Cloaked Huntress aswell. Only keep Lock and Load vsing Priest or with Cloaked Huntress and a Secret in your hand

Elekk is a great keep as then 4/7 of the rest of your deck minions are 6+ costs and Arcane Giant  win jousts ALOT 

The rest of the cards basically are just great cards in every matchup.

Aggro Mulligans

Againest aggro Explosive Trap is can be useful especially vs Zoo Warlock, When combined with On the Hunt can usually keep up with a standard opening but the utility of quick shot and Eaglehorn bow are must keeps

Midrange Mulligans

Eaglehorn bow is just amazing full stop. Vsing Midrange decks such as Dragon Warrior, Snipe just does work and a great play on turn 2 as it can instantly clear their 3 drop giving you the chance to drop your Animal Companion/Cloaked Huntress uncontested. The fact that freezing trap exists is the bane of a Mid-game minion if you even put a random secret down then attempt to clear their board leaving their largest minion alive the opponent will simply not attack (Most of the time). Deadly Shot is the answer to the 4 mana 7/7

Combo Mulligans

Snipe will get rid of those pesky Worgens, Patrons, Auctioneers. Consider running 2 Snipes and 1 less of another secret if Warriors and Rogues are all over the Meta. Freezing Trap is amazing if you are expecting Leeroy, however it does require you to have cleared your opponents board.

Vsing Mage I would consider running Cat Trick

Control Mulligans

Huntress with Lock and Load is generally what you want in a control matchup where you would play them with 2 maybe 3 secrets and/or spells. However a Control meta is extremely rare.


This Yogg n Load is a bit more refined and less greedy on the secrets, The 4 secrets included are interchangeable depending on the meta i.e. +1 Explosive Trap vs Zoo, +1 Bear Trap vs Shaman, +1 Snipe vs Warrior/Rogue depends on which deck you feel you are coming up against more. Cat Trick may also be included when released which is good vs Mage/Control decks. However the number of secrets should be 4-5 maximum

Tech choices

Vs Aggro

-1 King's Elekk

+1 Doomsayer

Vs Control

-1 Deadly Shot

+1 Kill Command

Play Style

So the style of the deck is like any other Yogg n Load deck – stall until however try to make the most out of every turn and Lock and Load when appropriate that means vsing aggro or tempo just use it with 1 spell if need be just to cycle, vsing control you want to save it until after turn 6 where you can at least get 3 spells off.

If played right by turn 7 your  should be around 3-4 mana, 0 if your lucky. This is where you should drop them to swing yourself onto the board, this should use up your opponents resources so you can push them out with 

Yogg-Soron, Hope's End is used mainly as a board clear + card gain and should only be used when behind or no other options left. 

In summary you are not looking too hard to combo with lock and load or secrets but rather just control your opponents board from turns 1-6 like a Midrange Hunter usually would, leading into turn 7-8 where you can swing the board if that doesn’t work just PRAISE YOGG on turn 10

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