General Mulligans
Generally, the above four cards serve you well. I'll delve into a bit more when it comes to specific matchups. These should be obvious enough, but what the heck, amirite?
Kobolt Librarian is not only a solid 2/1 for 1 mana, but it also gives you a single card. It's like trading a card in your hand for a discounted Hero Power and a 2/1 body. Value!
Mortal Coil is a nice spell to just poke a minion to death with and can give you a card draw if it kills. Two nice functions in one? Who am I to complain?
Acidic Swamp Ooze is for classes like Rogue and Warrior that often use weapons. Having the early removal gets rid of that turn two Coin + Fiery War Axe pretty easily, wouldn't you say? Even if you sub Gluttonous Ooze in, it's still viable. Otherwise, this is just a nice turn two play if you don't wanna use your Hero Power (but then again, the card draw is pretty tempting).
Defile is just good removal. That's really all there is to say.
Aggro Mulligans
Against Aggro, we work on defense and removal.
Kobold Librarian is still solid for early pressure and card draw.
Mortal Coil gets rid of smaller early-game threats (or nuisances), such as Worgen Infiltrator (Neutral 1 Mana 2/1 Stealth) or Glacial Shard (Neutral 1 Mana 2/1, Battlecry: Freeze an enemy). I'm not saying your opponent will run those two cards in every Aggro deck (Hell, I haven't seen a Glacial Shard in an Aggro deck almost at all!), but those are just 1 Mana 2/1s off the top of my head.
Tar Creeper offers a good early game defense.
Midrange Mulligans
When facing this opponent, you can try stalling past their prime,
Kobold Librarian helps you get resources you need for that stalling.
Tar Creeper provides good early defense for you to segue something else into.
Hellfire is good for clearing in the mid-game to (try and) stay alive.
Combo Mulligans
I know, I know. It seems counter-intuitive but hear me out.
Kobold Librarian is good. We've established that.
Phantom Militia has helped me stop an early attack since Combo decks can ramp up pretty quickly, such as with Rogues filling the board using Defias Ringleader (please no).
Hellfire just helps get rid of the (almost inevitable, it seems) mob of enemy minions on the board.
Control Mulligans
They wanna stall? Fine! We'll play the waiting game with them.
Kobold Librarian gives you an easy card draw.
Tar Creeper is good on defense. Not so much on offense.
Phantom Militia can be played multiple times in one turn so it's very versatile depending on which turn you use it.
Hello there!
My name is SkyStrike, a casual Hearthstone player. I am completely F2P, and I orient my decks towards my fellow F2P players. This is a Warlock deck which I have experimented in recent times. It’s quite reliable despite not having a Skull of the Man'ari (which, by the way, is something I’m not really proud of). Let me run through a few of the card choices here really quickly for you.
Acidic Swamp Ooze is used here instead of the Gluttonous Ooze simply because I don’t have the latter. However, though it is possible to substitute them in, the lower cost Ooze is not necessarily a bad thing. Think of it as an optional sub.
You may be wondering: WHERE IS Lord Jaraxxus, EREDAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION?!?! Well, sorry to say but he ain’t here. I know some Cubelock decks choose to use him, but trust me, not all of them do. Just check all the legend decks if you don’t believe me!
If you don’t like (or particularly care about) the either the Phantom Militias or the Despicable Dreadlords, that’s just fine. You can sub them out! I would recommend placing in the aforementioned Skull of the Man'ari if you have one, along with something else that can help the deck, such as a Faceless Manipulator (to be used on your Carnivorous Cube, of course) or a Spiritsinger Umbra.
What cards should not be replaced? Here are a few examples (some of which are obvious, but still, you never know!): Dark Pact, Kobold Librarian, Carnivorous Cube, Doomguard, Lord Godfrey, Voidlord, Bloodreaver Gul'dan.
With all that said, I hope I answered some of your questions. Feel free to post suggestions below (if I like any a lot, I’ll edit them in or something, we’ll see). Please give the deck a try in Play Mode (give it a game or two outside of ranked to get the hang of it first). Thanks!
Classes to watch out for:
Mages have Polymorph, which lets them get rid of your Doomguards, Voidlords and Carnivorous Cubes.
Shamans have Hex to do the same thing as the Mage’s Polymorph. It’s the same idea and a pain in my butt.
You may be surprised about this one (or maybe not), but the amount of times I’ve had my Carnivorous Cube stolen by a Priest using Mind Control is nothing short of infuriating. It’s not too difficult of a matchup per se, but it’s just really, really annoying.