I agree, it seems very off in this list. Perhaps another bomb/win-con such as Ysera, Chromaggus, or hell, even Crusher. Also, I was thinking about it, is Imp-gang really better than Blackwing tech for this list?
There are definitely a few cards that could be replaced in this deck. Emperor, crazed alchemist and imp gang boss. I’m playing the deck without the crazed and one soul fire, because too many times I am forced to use it to get rid of something on the board and then discarding one of my best cards, I hate that.
I’m playing with two blackwing techs right now, with mixed results.
Would Drakonid Crusher be good? Its and extra dragon, and it seems the card draw and efficient minions can easily trade and then start pummeling the opponent, making Drakonid work akmost every time. As to not disrupt the mana curve, would it make sense to take out one or two Sunwalkers? Or maybe a earthen ring if there is not too much aggro in the meta could work.
The deck is very strong, I don’t think it’s particularly weak against anything if you have a decent mulligan. I’m 5-0 at the moment. You will win late in the game so don’t overextend on your first turns, draw cards and make good use of the dragon synergy.
So what exactly is the play style you’re going for? What do your mulligans look like? Deck looks interesting just not sure how to proceed with playing it.
He mentioned he had Malygos originally but ended up taking it out. He didn’t say the reason, but I assume that Malygos was a completely dead card aside from a big combo, amd the deck doesn’t really need a combo of that level.
Also, Alexstrasza seems to work very well, functioning similarly to Malygos but also capable of healing yourself.
Sounds reasonable! I guess you win by board control and card draw alone. I’ve always liked Alex and like you say you can use it as burst against control and heal against aggro. Need to try it some more but a similar build should suit me fine since a mostly play midrange decks.
I’ve been pretty bored of hearthstone lately, but picking up this seemingly very odd deck made it fun 😛
At first I looked at it at was didn’t see a clear game plan, but it works out great. Strong cards all around, with high consistency, draw power, and ability to tempo out a board.
Also has incredibly powerful and consistent lethal reach cards.
Out of the games I’ve played so far, Crazed Alchemist has won a few shaman games by sniping a Flametongue Totem or Mana Tide Totem. Cool inclusion.
I’ve played a lot of games with the deck and it is a very midrange-y deck that can succeed in the late game, against aggro you want to get something sticky on board early like an Imp Gang Boss, or at the very least an Earthen Ring Farseer. Honestly the easiest comparison to this deck is to rogue with more minion potential and less burst finisher. You are gonna be trading for the board for a while until u can stabilize and then you’ll realize that u have suddenly 10 damage on board with like a drake and double earthen ring. It’s a great deck tho keep playing with it
Any replacement for Alex? It’s the only card in the list that I don’t have.
I’d go with Nefarian or maybe try Ysera if you have it.
Any replacment for rag?
Nefarian or Sylvanas.
Just above .500 with the deck so far. Seems to struggle with the control matchup, specifically Warrior and Priest.
Just out of curiosity, what does the Emperor accomplish? Why would it be important to have these cards discounted?
I agree, it seems very off in this list. Perhaps another bomb/win-con such as Ysera, Chromaggus, or hell, even Crusher. Also, I was thinking about it, is Imp-gang really better than Blackwing tech for this list?
Just realized, Chillmaw is an option too.
There are definitely a few cards that could be replaced in this deck. Emperor, crazed alchemist and imp gang boss. I’m playing the deck without the crazed and one soul fire, because too many times I am forced to use it to get rid of something on the board and then discarding one of my best cards, I hate that.
I’m playing with two blackwing techs right now, with mixed results.
It gives you 3-5 mana on average for free. Thats about as good as any card in the game gets
Would Drakonid Crusher be good? Its and extra dragon, and it seems the card draw and efficient minions can easily trade and then start pummeling the opponent, making Drakonid work akmost every time. As to not disrupt the mana curve, would it make sense to take out one or two Sunwalkers? Or maybe a earthen ring if there is not too much aggro in the meta could work.
Its 6 mana, and you might never get good use for it. I’m currently thinking about switching the crazed alchemist for a blackwing technician.
Trying to figure out how to fit Brann in here, what should i cut?
You could cut one Sunwalker or Earthen Ring Farseer probably.
what about -crazed alchemist +acidic ooze?
That’s fine.
well played 12 lost 11 lol. maybe im doing it wrong
The deck is very strong, I don’t think it’s particularly weak against anything if you have a decent mulligan. I’m 5-0 at the moment. You will win late in the game so don’t overextend on your first turns, draw cards and make good use of the dragon synergy.
So what exactly is the play style you’re going for? What do your mulligans look like? Deck looks interesting just not sure how to proceed with playing it.
Removal until you gain board presence. It looks like Turn 4 Guardian or at worst Turn 5 Corruptor is a must.
Wouldn’t Malygos be good for burst in this deck or does it have too few synergies now that darkbomb is gone?
He mentioned he had Malygos originally but ended up taking it out. He didn’t say the reason, but I assume that Malygos was a completely dead card aside from a big combo, amd the deck doesn’t really need a combo of that level.
Also, Alexstrasza seems to work very well, functioning similarly to Malygos but also capable of healing yourself.
Sounds reasonable! I guess you win by board control and card draw alone. I’ve always liked Alex and like you say you can use it as burst against control and heal against aggro. Need to try it some more but a similar build should suit me fine since a mostly play midrange decks.
Wouldn’t malygos+soulfire be a strong finisher in this deck?
Make Hearthstone great again 😀
I’ve been pretty bored of hearthstone lately, but picking up this seemingly very odd deck made it fun 😛
At first I looked at it at was didn’t see a clear game plan, but it works out great. Strong cards all around, with high consistency, draw power, and ability to tempo out a board.
Also has incredibly powerful and consistent lethal reach cards.
Out of the games I’ve played so far, Crazed Alchemist has won a few shaman games by sniping a Flametongue Totem or Mana Tide Totem. Cool inclusion.
Thanks for the awesome deck 😀 +1 from me
I think I’m just bad but how does the deck work overall? Do you play for board and win like midrange?
I’ve played a lot of games with the deck and it is a very midrange-y deck that can succeed in the late game, against aggro you want to get something sticky on board early like an Imp Gang Boss, or at the very least an Earthen Ring Farseer. Honestly the easiest comparison to this deck is to rogue with more minion potential and less burst finisher. You are gonna be trading for the board for a while until u can stabilize and then you’ll realize that u have suddenly 10 damage on board with like a drake and double earthen ring. It’s a great deck tho keep playing with it
No wotog cards