Xixo experiments with the newly released Spirit Claws in an Aggro Shaman build that runs Bloodmage Thalnos & Azure Drake. The card also synergizes with your Wrath of Air Totem.
Xixo’s Aggro Shaman w/Spirit Claws (September 2016, Season 30)
Learn how to play this archetype with our Aggro Shaman Deck List Guide.
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this deck is insane got 62% winrate and my first time legendary with it
I got first time Legendary with this Deck
It worked very good with a 62% winrate. 108-67
Here the proof: https://gyazo.com/cda92377b6d76e1d962dff65ee6f1041
need a replacement for spirit claws and the other karazhan cards
2 Flamewreathed Faceless, 1 Argent Horserider, 1 Lava Burst.
You can’t just replace cards like that, it doesn’t work that way. Buy the expansion and then enjoy this deck!
Maybe a stupid question, but any replacement for Thalnos?
i would try spell dmg like kobold but thalnos is really awesome since he gives u both draw and the spell dmg you need
Kobold Geomancer
Haunted Creeper or Amani Beserker
I myself took just another lava burst, because the kobold is just a little bad and loor hoarder is irrelevant in this place
Amazing deck way more fun then old aggro shaman and doing really great
thank you Xixo