Xilinhung’s #9 Legend Big Spell Control Mage (May 2018)
Learn how to play this archetype with our Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide.
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sure it’s good. but in my experience if you can comfortably pop jaina early and can comfortably drop an 8 drop after it usually means you’re already winning.
i can imagine the value to be great in mirror match. or other slow match ups.
but an extra lower cost heal/taunt wins you at least just as many games against burn mage/murlock pala. face hunter etc.
geist is tech card for control games.
warlocks/fatigue warrior/taunt druid he is really good.
How can i replace Sindragosa?
i feel sindragosa and/or alex are actually quite greedy in this deck.
you could easily swap them for cheap cards like tar creeper/applebaum or maybe arcane tyrant.
a similar list got me to legend last month.
you’d even perform better against for example murlock paladin.
I predict the meta will shift in that direction anyway.
Frost Lich Jaina into Cindy is mental, not greedy at all. It’s the perfect trigger to quickly build more Water Elementals.
It’s extremely greedy to run Alana and Sin, also running Alex too is very greedy. I would recommend running 2 tar creepers or beetles instead.
Why Geist ?
It’s very good against:
Rogue (Odd and Miracle), for Cold Blood.
Druid (Cube Taunt), for Naturalize
Warlock (Cube and Control), for Dark Pack and (Zoo) Soulfire
Priest (Combo), for Inner Fire and because it’s a 4/6 body as well
Seem like a bunch of good reasons.
also powerful vs warrior
i dropped it for toki
playing @ r15~14 . fun deck with all these value generators.