After Emperor Wraps was revealed, I really wanted a working deck to play.
This is what I came up with after some good trial and error!
This deck looks to play the low cost reborn minions ASAP (They Stick to the board so they’re decent in early game)
Omce you have Emperor wraps, gaining value off all the other minions is relatively easy!
From copying existing reborn minions, to copying deathrattle minions to push back your opponent and make them use all their removal.
Once you bait removal and feel confident, Playing 1 Obelisk and copying it will set you up for the next turn for 15 (or if you have the second one in your hand) or 20 damage. using any existing minions to clear board and deal that damage to face!
Remember that you dont have much removal so keep this in mind- You are looking to overwhelm your opponent and then setup for the win.
Any changes you make, please post in the comments, Thank you for checking out my deck! ^_^