[WOG] Malygos Hunter w/ Dragons

Class: Hunter - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

You don't need to mulligan for your combo parts. With all the card cycle in the deck you will draw them later. It is important to have board presence turn 2/3. That's why I suggest to mulligan for your 2 and 3-drop minions.

[WOG] Malygos Hunter w/ Dragons

I present to you: my OTK Malygos Hunter deck with Dragon synergy. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

Core Cards Explained

Malygos: +5 spelldamage
Arcane Shot: 2 damage
On the Hunt: 1 damage, Summon a 1/1 Mastiff
Quick Shot: 3 damage, draw card if your hand is empty
Emperor Thaurissan: Reduces the cost of your cards by (1) at the end of your turn.

Emperor Thaurissan

Like in most of the other Combo decks Emperor Thaurissan is required to enable your combo. You want to play Emperor Thaurissan when you have all combo parts in your hand. It is enough to get 1 tick of Emperor Thaurissan on your combo parts.

The Combo

1) Malygos* + Arcane Shot(x2)* + On the Hunt(x2):
                        7 + 7 + 6 + 6 = 26 damage

2) Malygos* + Arcane Shot(x2)* + On the Hunt(x2)* + Quick Shot(x2)*:
                        7 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 8 = 42 damage

*needs (at least) 1 mana discount from Emperor Thaurissan

Other Cards Explained

    Tracking: card cycle
    Freezing Trap: bounce back big enemy minions
    King’s Elekk: card draw (Emperor, Chillmaw, Malygos)
    Loot Hoarder: card draw
    Animal Companion: solid 3-drop
    Kill Command: used to maintain board control
    Unleash the Hounds: used as board clear against aggro decks with a large board
    Acolyte of Pain: more card draw
    Carrion Grub: solid 3-drop that counters most of the 2-drops
    Cyclopian Horror: good against aggro decks with a large board, taunt
    Twilight Guardian: taunt, dragon synergy
    Explosive Shot: board clear
    Azure Drake: card draw, spelldamage +1, dragon synergy
    Cult Apothecary: heal +2 for each enemy minion, counters aggro decks with a             board
    Corrupted Seer: horrible stats wise, good board clear
    Chillmaw: taunt, board clear, dragon synergy

Feel free to comment and suggest changes to the deck.

edited last: 28.04.2016
guide by: road2SKy


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