Quest Rogue Card Choices

The tech cards of Quest Rogue are mainly focused on aggro matchups. There are three main anti-aggro options right now: Backstab, Hungry Crab, and Fan of Knives. Backstab can help against some aggro decks that do not flood the board, Hungry Crab is good in a heavy Murloc meta, and Fan of Knives helps survive token decks. The number of such cards used depends on the meta.
Another tech card is Sap, which is more flexible. It can deal with aggressive decks that have buffs and it can also help deal with Taunt minions to push more damage after the quest is completed.
Other than those differences, Quest Rogue decks largely consist of the same cards.
Preparation works with all of your spells, enabling you to go for more tempo or possible lethal with plenty of Charge minions and Prepped Vanish.
The general bounce and copy package helps complete the quest and push for damage with Charge minions after the quest is completed:
- Shadowstep – single-target bounce that makes the target cheaper
- Youthful Brewmaster – single-target bounce
- Sonya Shadowdancer – multiple copy effect, especially useful with a Charge minion, able to complete the entire quest if played when on seven mana and the opponent has minions on the board, Sonya + four copies of a Charge minion, with one left over in hand to complete the quest the following turn
- Zola the Gorgon – single-target copy effect
- Mimic Pod – both card draw and a copy effect, does not always land on a minion though
- Vanish – returns all minions to hand, removing multiple Taunt minions or bouncing back multiple Charge minions at once – can also be used to complete the quest if needed
Then, there is the Charge minion package that is often used for lethal:
The card draw package helps look for bounce effects and additional resources:
The defense and freeze package buys you time:
Quest Rogue Mulligan Strategy & Guide
As a Quest Rogue, you always want to keep the cards that help you complete the quest. Unlike some other Quest decks, you never mulligan your quest away. Quest Rogue lives by the quest, and dies by the quest.
Quest Rogue is one of the most difficult decks to mulligan with – almost all cards are kept in some situations. Look for a way to complete your quest and survive. Think about how various cards work together, and keep good fits.
VS Fast Decks
Higher Priority (Keep every time)
- The Caverns Below – Your win condition in every matchup. Don’t throw it away.
- Sonya Shadowdancer – The best card to help you complete the quest.
- Shadowstep – Bounce card.
- Zola the Gorgon – Copy card.
- Mimic Pod – Card draw, can help you finish the Quest faster or give you some useful tools. You rarely have any good T3 play anyway.
- Giggling Inventor – Helps you stall the game vs faster decks.
Lower Priority (Keep only if certain conditions are met)
- Vicious Scalehide – Keep against fast decks for some early board control and healing.
- Vanish – Keep if the rest of your hand is okay, can really save your life on curve.
VS Slow Decks
Higher Priority (Keep every time)
- The Caverns Below – Your win condition in every matchup. Please, don’t throw it away.
- Sonya Shadowdancer – The best card to help you complete the quest.
- Shadowstep – Bounce card.
- Youthful Brewmaster – Bounce card.
- Zola the Gorgon – Copy card.
- Novice Engineer – Card draw and potential bounce target.
- Mimic Pod – Additional card draw.
- Elven Minstrel – Additional card draw.
Lower Priority (Keep only if certain conditions are met)
- Vanish – Keep against decks that might drop some big minions early, like Even Warlock.
Quest Rogue Win Rates
Winrate stats are currently unavailable for this deck at the moment!
Quest Rogue Play Strategy
Win by the quest, die by the quest.
The key question is how to complete the quest, and there are several answers to it, which makes Quest Rogue a complex deck to pilot. In order to complete The Caverns Below, you need to play a minion with the same name five times. This is play, not summon, so only minions played directly from hand count (which is why Quest Rogue decks don’t include any summon effects).

Let’s start with the most straightforward plan: Novice Engineer. The advantage of completing the quest with Novice Engineer is that it draws you more cards each time it is played, and thus provides you with new opportunities to draw more bounce effects, making it easier to complete the quest. A word of warning! Do not complete your quest by playing Novice Engineer when your hand is full! The card is drawn before the quest completes, thus burning Crystal Core. Yes, we’ve seen this happen even in top-level tournament play.
The second clear plan is to complete the quest with Sonya Shadowdancer and a Charge minion. Charge into an opponent’s minion with Sonya on the board, and you get another one-mana Charge minion, and you charge it in again, and get another one-mana Charge minion, and so on. When you do this with seven mana available, you can charge four times that turn and have another one-mana copy ready in hand to complete the quest on the following turn. Variations include bouncing the Charge minion either before or after the Sonya turn, or bouncing Sonya itself back to your hand, for example with Shadowstep, which also makes it cheaper.
Another good card to bounce is Glacial Shard. In many matchups, if you can find Glacial Shard and some bounce effects, you can keep the opponent’s board frozen while you advance your quest.
Furthermore, sometimes you hit good bounce targets with Mimic Pod. Having two copies of the card already in hand to start with can make it easier to complete the quest with whatever minion you happened to pull.
A rare option is to use Youthful Brewmasters to bounce each other. This requires too much mana to do from scratch, but if you can throw in a Shadowstep somewhere along the line, it is yet another viable way.
Whichever way you go for, keep in mind how many more copies of the minion you need to play to complete the quest. Avoid leaving your final copy vulnerable on the board, because if you lose it, you need to start all over again with another minion.
It is best to complete the quest with cheap minions: Elven Minstrel, for example, is in the deck for card draw, not for quest completion. One-drops are the best, but Novice Engineers effect makes it a worthwhile target even despite its cost.
After you have completed the quest, the next question is how to kill your opponent.
There are two main strategies: either you create wide boards of 4/4 minions that enable you to push damage from board, or you win with Charge minions.

The most common strategy is to use your Charge minions, Southsea Deckhand and Stonetusk Boar, to push the necessary damage. If you have any leftover bounce effects, you can use them to add more damage, and you can also use Vanish to get rid of any Taunt minions and/or to return your Charge minions to your hand. For example, at 10 mana, you can play two Charge minions, hit face, Vanish them back to hand, and play them again to hit face again. If you have Preparation to go with that Vanish, you can play similar combos earlier or with more minions. Remember that you need to have your dagger equipped in order for Southsea Deckhand to have Charge!
One key observation about Vanish: It returns minions to hand in the order they were summoned. Any that do not fit in the hand are destroyed, triggering any Deathrattle effects. As an upside, you can burn Mountain Giants from a Warlock whose hand is very full, but as a downside, you may end up killing Voidlords and triggering their Deathrattle effects, and thus summoning Voidwalkers on the board that prevent your Charge minions from connecting to face.
You can also use Sonya Shadowdancer to good effect after completing the quest. If the opponent has any minions with five attack or more and you have a Charge or Rush minion available, you can simply attack that minion, get a copy from Sonya and attack the minion again – even the Sonya copies are 4/4 minions once your quest is done. It is possible to clear huge boards with this strategy as long as you get your minions to die to get the copies rolling. With Vicious Scalehide, it is also possible to heal a ton after completing the quest as long as the opponent has minions on the board: Vicious Scalehide has Rush, not Charge, so it cannot immediately hit face, but it can mow down minions.
If you go for board strategy, Giggling Inventor is an amazing card after the Quest is complete. Even though it costs 5 mana, it summons three bodies, two of which have Taunt and Divine Shield. Since it’s very hard to get through it, you can use it to protect your life total while you try to kill your opponent with the rest of your minions. Or you can just use it to stabilize on the board. Yet another card that becomes very powerful after finishing your Quest is Vicious Scalehide. 2 mana 4/4 with Rush and Lifesteal can be used for the board control as well as regaining health you lost throughout the game. If you’re low on health, you try to keep it alive for as long as you can – bounce it after attacking, copy it or even better – play Sonya and run it into a big minions, both clearing the board and usually getting back to full health.
Once you play Valeera the Hollow, you can pretty much go for infinite board thanks to a few cards. For example, dropping 2x Sonya Shadowdancer means that you get two copies of every minions that dies. But it gets even better – if your opponent decides to kill one of the Sonya’s, you will still get a 1 mana copy of it thanks to the other one! However, against some decks it’s worth it to play safe and bounce the second Sonya to have it in your hand whenever you need to copy some minions again. Copying Giggling Inventor is especially powerful, the copy will cost 1 mana and still summon three powerful bodies.
VS Aggro Decks

The general strategy of Quest Rogue detailed above remains the same in all matchups, but the details can vary.
Against aggressive decks, you need to survive. This often means throwing Wax Elementals on their path, and using some of your Charge minions to clear key parts of the board.
Healing with Vicious Scalehide is often crucial as well. Depending on the opponent, you may need to use the Scalehide early for healing and board control – and possibly try to bounce it to restore it to full health – or use it immediately after the quest is completed to rapidly restore your health.
Glacial Shard can also put in work. Using it to complete the quest can buy a lot of time with repeated freezes on the opponent or their minions, or both.
VS Control Decks
The general strategy detailed above still remains the same, but the emphasis against control decks is completely different than against aggro decks in the early game.
In short, you want to draw. Novice Engineer, Mimic Pod, and Elven Minstrel are you best friends as you assemble your hand to overcome the control deck’s defenses and typically destroy them with multiple Charge minions after completing the quest. Do not throw away your Charge minions against control decks, they are a key asset to push that damage once you’re all set and ready to go.
Quest Rogue Card Substitutions
A meta Quest Rogue deck costs over 8,000 Dust. It is possible to cut the cost a bit for the budget version, but some Legendary and Epic cards are mandatory and have no replacements. Also, keep in mind that replacing some of the cards will definitely have a negative impact on your win rate, and Quest Rogue games are usually very close – delaying your Quest finish by one turn will often lose you the game.
The mandatory package:
- The Caverns Below – Well, it is called Quest Rogue for a reason.
- Sonya Shadowdancer – By far the best card to complete the quest and to control the game after completing the quest. Nothing can replace this.
- Preparation – Crucial tempo card together with Crystal Core, Vanish, and sometimes Mimic Pod.
As most of the deck comprises of common cards, that leaves only a couple of expensive cards that can be replaced:
- Zola the Gorgon – Powerful card, but still just a somewhat regular bounce effect. Ancient Brewmaster can be a replacement if you really have to replace Zola.
- Valeera the Hollow – It’s great in the slower matchups, and since you play the deck mostly to win against slower decks, it’s an amazing card. However, you don’t absolutely have to run it – you can at least try the deck first without it, but your late game can get much worse. You can try running Lab Recruiter instead to shuffle some more threats (probably Giggling Inventors) into your deck for the late game.
The deck is legit. The life steal aspect really does enable it competitive. I don’t have Gorgon but play quite a bit in ladder and 5ed really fast with
-1 Zola the Gorgon
-2 Elven Minstrel
-1 Glacial Shard
+1 Fan of Knives
+1 Sap
+2 Voodoo Doctor
The thing is to recognize this deck as a full control one. Do not rush things, but also throw everything at the fast aggro decks. So, Minstrel is just hettig in your way of surviving. The quest will be done eventually with Sonya or Vanish (which is quite fast when you survive at 7-8 and Valeera is just there for you.
Sometimes you just need to setup Sonya like uou used to do with Auctioneer Miracle. For 4 -5 mana, play Sonya and 1 charge/rush creature to atk and die. Then bounce Sonya with shadow step.
Really, just tune the deck for more defense against aggro and Valeera will do the rest. Play one Boar, play the copy of the boar atk and bounce with VAnish or or Brewmaster to be copied more next turn, etc.
I mean glacial shard is so strong I win aggro through being able to bounce and constantly freeze big minions like sea giants and so on. Also I find when I complete the quest which I average turn 5/6 I find I have very few cards in hand and elven allows me to draw and thus allows me to acquire important spells in some match ups quicker too. I really think elven is key.
Yes! please let me apologize for my noobness. Elven is a must, two of them! I have been playing with good draws and so few games since win streaks got me 5 ao soon.
The thing is if things go out of your way only three cards can help, Vanish, Vanish, and Sonya. So Elven is the key (let me repeat you) I mean I had been playing with these 3 cards at the bottom of my 1/3 deck all the time since so I do get it now how Elven is a must.
Still disagree (to the op) with engineers and 1 FoK, tho Engineers are not good with this aggro meta and with 2 Elven and 2 FoK there is no point playing 2 engineers.
Here is what I play lately So many games seems cancer yes just like what Rogue should be
Here is what
### Standard Quest
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Raven
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (0) Shadowstep
# 2x (1) Glacial Shard
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (1) Stonetusk Boar
# 1x (1) The Caverns Below
# 2x (1) Voodoo Doctor
# 1x (1) Wax Elemental
# 2x (2) Sap
# 2x (2) Vicious Scalehide
# 2x (2) Youthful Brewmaster
# 2x (3) Fan of Knives
# 2x (3) Mimic Pod
# 1x (3) Sonya Shadowdancer
# 2x (4) Elven Minstrel
# 2x (6) Vanish
# 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I’ve been playing quest rogue with every new set since it’s release. I used it to climb to rank one five stars in the first few days of Witchwood but just shy of the final win for legendary. Vicious Scalehide has given it the heal it never had before which has removed the urgency to combo win or die. This means that it is very much worth playing the DK! Much is made of Sonya and her ability to help you complete the quest but Zola is equality important for late game.
Once you DK you can play a minion, copy it with Zola, and then copy Zola.
How would you like to freeze something and develop 4 5/5s every turn? How bout charge a 5/5 and develop three other 5/5s every turn? Low on health? Rush a 5/5 lifesteal minion and develop two 5/5s. Taking fatigue damage? Rush a 5/5 lifesteal, baleful banker it into deck, Zola, Zola, never fatigue again.
I have outvalued a taunt Druid who managed to Hadronox res a board of taunts four times.
Highly recommend playing the DK.
True, Zola allows some nice plays with Valeera the Hollow. In practice, however, I find that games very rarely require you to play the DK. The slower the meta, the more useful the DK becomes, but Quest Rogue is perfectly capable of a positive win record in any control matchup without the DK as well.
any replacement for Zola the Gorgon?
Ancient Brewmaster. It’s worse in every way, but it maintains the bounce count of the deck without an expensive Legendary minion.
What other decks does Zola work with? I don’t have her, but I would consider crafting her if the card does see play. Do you think it’s a safe craft?
I saw her in some control mage decks. She’s not so used but in quest rogue she works very well.
Zola sees play in some decks. Control Mage, Control Paladin, sometimes Control Warlock. Occasionally in stuff like Spiteful Druid too. It has a strong value effect for decks that can combine it with some powerful card to play it twice, Paladin’s Lynessa Sunsorrow being one example.
I’m genuinely curious as to why this deck is only making a comeback now, and not in Kobolds and Catacombs. There aren’t really any Witchwood cards in it other than Vicious Scalehide. Does it have something to do with the rotation? I’m probably missing something pretty big. Could anybody explain to me please?
Meta slowed down a lot. Cube/Control Warlocks, Druids, Priests and most popular aggro decks run minions that you can clear with fan of knives.
Ah that makes sense. Thank you ♥
Guys whats the replacemant for Valeera the Hollow? Do i need it 100% ? Cuz i dont feel so… im low on dust and can craft 2 legendarys sonya and zola the gorgon. Are those 2 legendarys enoght or is this Valeera legendary so game changing card? Whats your experience???!
Valeera only necessary if you face a lot of control decks. It s a tech card. You can replace her with FoK if you face a lot of Pally. Mindbreaker if you face odd hunters.
Thanks for the answer man I appreciate that!
will the deck still work if I don’t have zola, Valeera and sonya?
No, it doesn’t work without zola, and sonya, abut i’v found a better option for this deck on disguisedtoast,com site
You can play it without Zola and Valeera, but you absolutely need Sonya.
Avert your eyes children… the beast has returned!
I’m actually pretty surprised it’s back, but hey, good job quest rogue!
Replacement for:
– Valeera the Hollow
– The Caverns below
Thanks !
Dude did you really ask for a replacement on the a quest card? For the Quest rouge?
His name actually means Retarded , sooooo
A genius
The deck is so strong … I played this afternoon another version , it’s just unbelievable …
Just a question : do you think that echo mechanic can be played in this kind of decklist ? I never thought about it , however with shadowstep … I don’t know
All the echo minions cost 3 and only the first minion benefits from the discount with shadowstep so it is better to just run 1 drops as it’s faster.
This deck is everywhere right now and is autowin vs control as there isn’t any couterplay in standard right now.
This makes me really sad as a Control deck player …
Use another deck then, I’m loving it as a zoo warlock.
Playing my control lock with Skull of the Man’ari/Lackey just feels cheap
Do you guys think Face Collector could fit in quest rogue? When quest is done, it can produce 3 5/5 bodies with 3 legendaries. And I think echo minions could be good in quest rogue
I played quest rogue before the nerf, it was a really good deck but hard to master against some matchup.
Pissed of by druids, I decided to give it a new try. It works very well against jade druids ^^ The quest can be achieved around turn 6 / 7 since the nerf. That’s not horrible, but makes the deck really too slow against aggro. So, it’s good in the current meta with a lot of controls (priest/jade druid), but you’ll have almost 0% winrate against aggro ^^
This deck really should be removed from the deck tier list on the front page. This deck is no longer viable. The up to date win rates from meta stats on this page show that. Caverns Below doesn’t even have a win rate against a meta deck that reaches 50%.
Cavern can be countered
Yes, yes it can and oh so funny when it happens. If a Mage has a secret on the board and you don’t know what it is, I HIGHLY suggest hanging onto Cavern, lol!! Doesn’t really matter anymore, nerfballed!!! I still play the deck b/c it’s still gets you to 15. I know it’s an old comment but I couldn’t resist. Happy hunting!!
I feel like this deck has lost its spark! Is it just me, or you guys feel it too?
If Mimic Pod only pulls Prep and Vanish, they should really put that on the card.
(Kidding. Just venting a little.)
I’ve seen people running 2 3/5 taunt divine shield instead of swashburgler. How good is that replacement?
I think it is a good addition. For me it works. I removed the Burglers and Tidehunter as well. Only one Vanish. Put in 2 Tar Creeper, one Tolvir Stoneshaper and 2 Backstab. The Taunt package is good for aggro and you have a lot of elementals to trigger Stoneshaper but I think 2 is too much. The Backstabs are good against aggro, too and also for Secret Mage to get rid of their Counterspell, even if you have to Play it on a own creature and sometimes Im playing it on my Igneous Elemental to get the 2 Fire Elementals earlier.
Actual this combination is an evolved Version of the deck that works for me. Played It from Rank 5 0 stars to Rank 4 1 star without a loss but my testing is going on.
I don’t understand where I am going wrong. stuck at rank 20. I can’t complete the quest before getting rushed down. If I do complete it, I’m dead the next turn if I don’t 30-0 my opponent instantly.
TBH, I only have a good game if I get a perfect draw. Otherwise I’m just pulling 1 or 2 cost minions, without bounce. Also I can’t even name how many times I’ve mimic pod a mimic pod. mulligan into 2 vanishes. Now thats some fucking disgusting rng. Don’t even get my started on cod light oracle, little bastard just speeds up my death.
Maybe I’m a terrible player, but if everyone is saying this deck is op, climbing ranks like its nothing and destroying ranked itself, I just don’t see it.
Well,try secret mage for climbing dude
As rouge player, im very dissapointet with this peace of shit deck.
Its so lame…only cheater play this shit… 5/5 charge for 1 mana…blizzard come on…are you stupid or what?
Hope it gets a big nerf soon.
It’s not any more powerful than the other top handful of decks and more importantly it’s the only real combo deck right now. The meta absolutely needs it to keep control in check.
Name checks out.
For real though… This deck actually takes skill, just like miracle rogue. If it’s your first time playing Hearthstone, you might look at/read about miracle rogue and go, “Oh well that seems easy. Just on turn 6/7 play Auctioneer and then play lots of spells.” Sometimes that’s true and it’s an easy win, but most of the time that’s not the case because your opponent starts building up armor/health or getting a huge board. Same thing with quest rogue. “That seems easy. Play 4 of the same minion and then attack their face until they die.” Sometimes that happens, some times it doesn’t.
C’mon people. Stop baby-raging and start learning how to counter this deck if you hate it so much.
I don’t have the quest to test it but I saw some people playing this with crab and crawler. I can’t even wrap my head around what that does to the other matchups. Is that actually playable against the field?
This is a cancer deck, hope it gets nerfed.
When, if ever, should you prep out the quest?
Almost always. Unless you don’t have anything other than the quest to play. To prep out the quest then drop 5/5 minions is huge.
I added Sergeant Sally for board clear, I enjoy it plus nobody ever plays her, bless her little bitchy heart!
Forgot to add Moroes to Sereant Sally, both are very fun to play in this deck.
Sergeant Sally = delayed fan of knives that can’t be prepped and doesn’t draw a card. In other words… Just bad.
When did Fan of knives do 5 damage for three mana?
If you need help winning once the quest is active this might not be the deck for you.
So you got the quest, then you spend 3 mana to sally, then your opponent ignores it for a turn and then you trade it in to AOE? If that’s what is required you’ve already lost the game. Maybe it will win you 1 or 2 games against bad players, but if that AOE gets off you would have been able to win with other means.
Yeah, I agree. It didn’t play out the way I had planned it in my head but hey, at least I got some use out of the little bit*h ?
edwin? don’t we use it? maybe instead of a vanish
Very good deck tho i strongly recommend changing 2x Mimic Pod for 2x Oracle, yeah 2x draw for aggro deck may be bad but its who is faster anyway vs aggro, Oracle shorten your deck and make you faster when mimic makes you slower, at legend ranks all quest rogues i know run oracle
I like the Shadowcaster as well. It’s useful if you’re having trouble getting your bounce backs and can create extra charge minions to bounce back with vanish. I only play 1 vanish though.
How am i supposed to beat those midrange hunters ? By the time i complete the quest im at like 5 health.
And you should not. this deck is not op. And it is punished hard by agro decks. That’s the whole point – meta balance. There are agro decks which are unfavourable versus control decks, and somewhere in the middle of these 2 archetypes are you: in disadvatage versus both of them if mulligan is bad, and huge advantage if the god of rng bless you
Truth be told, you are in a really tough spot vs both Hunters and the rest of the aggro decks.
This version of the deck is a really good one. I used it to climb from 10 to 5 overnight. The thing is that it is really good against most decks, but it does it in a way that raises your heartbeat from anxiety
You have to know how to pilot it, which mostly comes from experience. I want to ensure you that the deck works great, but you need hard mulligans and big guts to work it out. It can obliterate Taunt Warriors, any kind of priests, mages, paladins, elemental/jade shamans, miracle rogues and ramp/jade druids. The win rate can reach 80-90%.
Now pirate warrior, midrange hunter, zoolock, aggro druid and quest rogue will be tough as hell. The bad is that those decks are like 40-50% of the ladder.
Now back to your question about hunters. Well for them and all the aggro decks your best bet is to bounce Glacial Shard. The freezing battlecry will give you the opportunity to freeze all the big threats and give you extra turns to work with those. Another huge tip is preparation + vanish to put those beasts back in the nest. Vanishing that way is a pretty good bouncer by itself while giving you a huge tempo boost since your minions are all 1-2 drops. Final piece of advice, especially against hunters is to trade of the board quickly after you play your quest. They don’t have decent spells to kill even a 5/2 on board. So stall, early remove, set up a big board, quest up and OTK.
In the begging I thought it was impossible. Now I got like 40-45% win rate against it which is good overall, if you consider that I got around 85% with Taunt Warriors and other slow decks.
On the long run you all get more wins than losses.
Best thing to do is find a good hunter friend and practice. And remember NO deck can win all. You just need to work and improve against your bad matchups. Mulligan can screw you, but talking with math its not so common.
I ll update when I hit legend the next few days. Hope this wall of text works for you!
Post update comment: the text on Igneous Elemental still refers to Backstab.
That said, I’m playing this exact list but with -2 Mimic Pod, +2 Backstab, otherwise hunter always finish me off before any action on my part.
And no mention of the Vanishes… Needs an update.
I’ve been playing hearthstone since the beginning of time. I. have never enjoyed play Rouge for some reason. Mainly because I never understood the mechanics. Crystal Rouge on the other hand is currently my new favorite deck. The concept is easy and very fulfilling. I feel the possibilities and combinations in this deck are endless. it seems like every card I top deck is perfect for what I’m trying to accomplish. Every card in this deck has so much value. My only concern is does this quest get nerffed.
It probably will be nerfed.
A deck that plays itself with a coinflip mirror. Much like pirate warrior. Vmplete the quest win 95 percent of the time. It’s so easy to complete your gold quests and rack up enough wins for 100g a day in a couple hours. 10k gold for the next xpan…..not worth playing past that…too boring.
Thanks for the great guide .
Got legend with this from rank 5 in 2 days .
The deck seems very powerful .
If you high roll you are basically invincible and if you draw a half decent hand you still have a good chance to win .
I liked this deck day 1, but now i realize how stupid it is. it can be compared to how a game go’s against priest or shaman when they would win with inner fire or everyfin is awesome, but at least those decks were/are much more inconsistent. this deck is in major need of a nerf. it’s worse than pirate warrior. it’s disgusting, and i’ve never disliked playing ranked in hearthstone as much as i do now.
This deck will be invincible after cutting mimic pod and adding coldlight oracles. But i dont really enjoy playing something that is so likely to be nerfed soon :/
Mirror is much better than oracle. Oracle will draw your enemies AOEs. You don’t want that
Swap Igneous Elemental for 2x Coldlight Oracle helps A LOT, specially in mid/late game.
First minion you play sets the quest mission (mouse over “!” to see what minion is set;
Quest resets when named minion dies, best keep bounce-saving him or:
Quest resets when named minion dies. Reset needs one turn so you cant play two copies at the same turn (need confirm) and/or play a minion and bounce it same turn.
The quest never resets. Minions dying has nothing to do with it. Team 5 puts a lot of work into writing cards clearly and simply, and having their gameplay effect reflect their wording. There are of course exceptions, such as Ysera not explaining what the heck a Dream card is, but usually taking what they say literally is correct. In this case, The Caverns Below does not say “Play four minions with the same name unless one of them dies then you have to start over”. It just says “play them”. The progress display when you hover over the quest icon is a little confusing, I wonder if that has tripped you up. The progress indicator, that shows 0/1/2/3/4 of 4 minions played, only tracks the minion you have played the most times. In case of a “tie”, it shows the first minion you reached the current highest number with. For example, if you have played 2 Fire Flys, the quest tracker will say “Fire Fly 2/4”. Then if you play 2 Novice Engineers, the tracker won’t change. But if you play a 3rd Novice Engineer, it’ll pop up to say 3/4 and when you hover over the quest, it will say “Novice Engineer 3/4”.
Coldight Oracles are certainly a possible inclusion. My assessment is that they are stronger versus control (where they might not have time to play the cards you draw for them) and weaker against aggressive opponents (who are likely to have a low hand size, thus appreciate the draws, then use the cards they’ve drawn to kill you). Since this deck is already heavily favored against control, and struggles with aggro, I am not using them. Perhaps in a slower meta, or a tournament where you can ban an aggressive class. Igneous Elemental is a bit slow versus aggro, and can be a bit underwhelming post-crystal core, but getting 2 Flame Elementals is a great way to finish your quest, especially because you are also running Fire Fly 2x. The matchup they are worst in is Shaman, where your opponent is extremely happy to Hex them. VS Silence Priest they may get silenced but neither of those matchups are common enough in my pocket meta to worry about.
Either this deck isn’t meant for the lower ranks, or I’m playing it wrong–I’ve been stuck at rank 15 ever since launch from playing this deck, and I’ve never had the opportunity to advance to rank 14. I can’t even tell what I’m doing wrong, if anything. Most of the time I either get rushed down or out-valued. I’m 7-10 with the deck right now, and am so close to throwing in the towel.
It’s hard to help you without seeing the games. Could you record them and upload to YT or at least share a HSDT replay?
Getting rushed down is the biggest problem with this deck and you can’t really help that. But “outvalued”? This deck doesn’t even play for value – it plays for the tempo. Once you rush your Quest, you put a bunch of 1-2 mana 5/5’s and closes the game in 2-3 turns. The only way you can get outvalued is your opponent hitting the perfect AoE wipes or you doing too much trading after the Quest is finished.
Also remember that this deck is very draw-dependant. While the player’s skill obviously matters, even if you play perfectly you won’t win much if you’re constantly getting bad draws. 17 games sample size is pretty small and very susceptible to draw RNG.
This might be me being silly and worrying about semantics, but I am not sure about using the word “tempo” to describe the ideal plan of this deck, and some people might misinterpret it, especially if they are already struggling with the deck. Finishing the quest and playing Crystal Core is of course a huge tempo swing, but the plays the deck aims to make on its way there are not about tempo in the way that any other deck plays for tempo. For example, playing a Southsea Deckhand on an early turn to kill an enemy minion is a tempo play, but often it is better to be patient and wait until after casting the Crystal Core, so SSDH is 1 or 2 (if it pulls Patches) 5/5s. Maybe I shouldn’t have picked a complicated grey area example. How about playing a Novice Engineer on turn 3, then ending your turn without returning it to your hand. It’s a higher tempo play than re-daggering, but often it is much better to be patient and wait until you have a bouncer.
In my experience with this deck, you only want to play for tempo as much as is necessary to survive, because you are only going to get so many cards, and most of your cards are wayyyy better after you cast Crystal Core. Sometimes “as necessary to survive” means dumping your hand inefficiently to try not to die on turn 4 (this is sort of full tempo), sometimes that means chilling and waiting until you have the proper hand (aka full value). Usually you are in between those two extremes, of course. Anyhoo, this is a fun deck and a cool game and I’m glad we get to play it
There still is something that I don’t understand with that quest. Sometimes, the target of the quest changes. But I don’t exactly know how to change it. For example, if I play a firefly token on turn 2 and I play another firefly token on turn 3, if I started the quest with swashburglar, the minion name that appears on the quest is changing for the firefly token. But…if I play two different copies of glacial shard on the same turn, the minion name on the quest doesn’t change. I’m confused…
I never ever look at the “target” of the Quest (the one you see when you hover over the “!” icon). It doesn’t matter at all. I think it just shows a minion that’s “closest” to finishing the Quest. So e.g. if you play only a single copy of Swashburglar, it shows Swashburglar. Then if you play 2 copies of any other minion, it will show that minion. Then it would change again if you played 3 copies of yet another minion.
Target is flexible, there is no one target that you need to bounce X times. You can start the Quest with one minion and finish it with something completely different. So you can just ignore whatever’s shown there and continue the bouncing. It will definitely work.
When you have played multiple minions the same number of times, it doesn’t change when you “tie” the first one that got to that number. It’s just to help you keep track of things, and it’s not perfect. When you play any minion a higher number of times, the tracker will update.
Hey HearthstoneFans, just wanted to let you know that if your hand is full (10 cards) and you happen to finish your quest while having your hand full—> YOUR QUEST GETS DESTROYED (no spell card).
Also, thanks to Stonekeep for that hard work, nice deck strategies and presentations for the community!
Yes, that’s true. But to be fair, it’s pretty hard to burn it. You’d need to have a full hand and play Novice Engineer or Swashburglar as your 4th minion. Having 10 cards in the hand doesn’t really happen often (I don’t remember ever having that much with this deck) :p
I’ve done it a couple of times when not really paying attention: -> *facepalm* -> concede.
Hi, i like youre guides and the Questwarrior you bring here is much better than my version i played before but:
the Questrogue from the Proplayer Dog is much better than this Rogue.
I really would say that you try it out by yourself and you better bring his deck here.
But aside that: thanks for all the good work you doing here.
This deck is the update away from dog’s deck. Dog himself thinks this deck is more in line as a refined list than his own featuring barnes and violet teachers. His stream last night, 4-17-17, he looked at this list and commented the only change he was running was -1 vanish -1 mimic and +2 coldlight iirc
realise i was necroing your post a little sry bout that
I used to think it was fun this deck but it is absolutely awful how dull the bounce mechanics are now and how lucky you have to be with your draws. It is honestly just disappointing for you and your opponent because it feels so cheap topdecking 5/5 chargers and mimic podding 5/5 chargers I really am disappointed about this deck because I don’t want to be smorced down by this deck anymore
Yea, I loved this deck for +/-40 games, but now, its a dull draw well deck and win… or lose
replaced violet teacher with firefly
Ce deck de fils de pute…
instead one of voilet teacher i take gluttonous ooze, because 2 is too much, and ooze help versus pirat warrior and face hunter
I’m playing this and even when I play a card that sends a card I just played back (not all of them but some) it doesn’t always count towards the 4/4 WTF I’m so confused why it isn’t working every time when I obviously use a card of the same name twice. Think I’m just being dumb but can’t figure it out…
Is it because some cards are Gold and the other isn’t wtf driving me nuts thanks for any input!
You can’t bounce around multiple minions, it won’t count. You need to play a SPECIFIC minion (or rather a minion with specific name) 4 times. E.g. bouncing Swashburglar 2 times and Novice Engineer 2 times won’t finish the quest. You need to play one of them 4 times in total.
Another thing is that you don’t get +1 on Quest when you BOUNCE the card back to your hand, you get it when you replay it.
Maybe one of those is your problem?
The fact that one card is Gold and other isn’t has nothing to do with it
It also might be that when your quest counter is at 2 (for example) and you play a second minion of a different name, the UI doesn’t feedback, although it is counting each name individually.
yeah I cant beat this. i just auto concede when i see a rogue play the quest and move on.
Play aggro. Cavern Rogue can’t beat anything that goes under them.
How do you defend yourself from this deck?
It’s my idea or this is VERY broken ??
If you are another rogue deck – betrayal. Mage – volcanic potion for removing tokens early on to stop them from getting 5/5s, Shaman – lightning storm. Warrior – whirlwind, brawl, or anything else that does aoe damage. Paladin – consecration turn 4 is devastating, or equality consecration. (pyro – adapt- poisonous works 33% of the time too) Druid – harder to counter but swipe or starfall. Pirate warrior is naturally strong against this deck. Warlock – be faster than the rogue if you’re zoo, if you’re handlock – good luck, usually too slow to stop rogue most of the time, otherwise hellfire (which deals damage to yourself too if you can afford it). Hunter – explosive traps. Etc. There can be other ways but these are off the top of my head
Dragonfire Potion also bodies this deck if you’re playing as Priest.
yeah you just need to survive til 6 and hope he doesn’t have charge minions in his hand…
Great guide for a fun deck !!
P.S. there is a typo in the second paragraph or the vs aggro section
Thanks, fixed!
I really like this deck, the main problem for me is that even with a good mulligan (good, not perfect) on turn 4 I might get the quest done, on turn 5 I can use the quest and with some luck maybe coin out a 5/5 charge minion, but after that my opponent has like 6 cards in hand and I have 2.
So if your opponent destroys your minions and your next 2 card draws are some useless spells you’re pretty much f’ed.
Other than that, great deck and REALLY fun to play if you get some good hands!
Hey MorbidAngel, I just posted a deck recently that’s based off this deck but with a few tweaks that got me 5 ranks higher than the original did. Try it out and let me know
It addresses the problem you mentioned.
I’ve tried using Barnes in this deck list over Moroes (since I’ve already dusted him), and it’s been pretty good as a substitute so far. Sure, it’s not an infinite source of 5/5 minions, but his Battlecry gives him much more deck synergy, often spawning other minions that you can benefit from bouncing such as Swashburglar and Novice Engineer.
If I had to consider any alterations to this deck, I would probably consider adding copies of either Eggnapper or Bilefin Tidehunter in place of Violet Teacher. Bilefin Tidehunter can be used to create a plethora of 1/1 or 5/5 Taunt minions if you’re worried about your Aggro matchup while Eggnapper’s Deathrattle makes it easier to keep bodies on the board for when you eventually complete the quest and use Crystal Core.
Any substitute options for swashburglar? You listed a moroes replacement, but swashburglar is from the wing after it
Well, subbing Swash is hard. Not only it’s a great bounce target, but it’s also a Pirate to get out Patches early. You might be running out of cards quite fast without Swashburglars, but you can try another 1-drop like Glacial Shard.
I dunno. I would argue that Swashburglar is one of the few truly core cards in the deck, considering it’s one of your highest priority things to bounce.
Burgler IS core for this deck. Right now, most problematic deck for you is pirate warrior. Bouncing burgler agains warrior give you taunts lots of times… and taunt or two mean “gg war, better luck next time”
So what’s your thoughts about firefly and igneous elemental? I played a guy that used those and he had the quest out by turn 4 with ease.
Personally I substituted the patches and edwin for 2 fireflys’s and I found them to be the MVP of the deck. You don’t have to worry about keeping the firefly in your hand (hugely important via aggro decks) because it’s just as easy to trigger with the flame elemental (which you would have to keep at least 1 of in your hand as a backup).
Furthermore, it’s a great topdeck post-quest since it’s 2 5/5s, which is as good as it gets (except moroes).
I find that i prefer the list with the elementals because I find it more consistent and solves the problem of running out of cards.
Every time you bounce a firefly you get a token.
And if you get no bounce you can still finish the quest with token
Any replaces for patches the pirate? I just disenchanted him ?.