General Mulligans
These cards should theoretically be what you look for.
This non-traditional cubelock deck tries to cheat out minions with Dollmaster Dorian and then uses the Skull of the Man'ari to take these minions out. Warlocks hero power helps empower dorian due to it being able to draw cards.
This deck is currently in theorycrafting phase. If anyone is willing to test it, please comment your results.
Twisting Nether and 1 copy of Sense Demons could theoretically be replaced by Possesed Lackey
If anyone has questions, ask them here.
Nice deck here , i’m glad someone finally found out the potential of the combo dorian+senseOfDemons
I did a similar deck but without the cubes ( i think 2 of them is too much in aggro meta).
I think you can replace one nether with SiphonSoul or voodoo doll cause of all these tier1 spiteful druids
Maybe stoneHill defender can also fit in the deck cause it can give you extra voidLords or powerfull taunt.
In my list i replaced the mortalCoils with 2 DarkPossession because you have the weapon and this spell is a very good synergie with the weapon
Tell me what you think about these advice, i’ll run some tests in legend.
And let’s rule the ladder with Gul’dan !!
Mortal coils allow for draw which combos well with dorian. The siphon souls seem like a good idea though
Cubes also allow you to cube what you get from dorian to get them at their full value + another copy.
Yeah you’re right ! I kept one cube
Voodoo doll is too good to be cut especially against spitfull, and i’m not sure yet about dark possession ( too many useless demons)
What is your winRate with the deck?
I personnaly have not tested the deck, this is purely a theorycraft i made on my spare time to find a way to make dollmaster dorian fit the standard meta