wiRer’s Legend N’Zoth Control Paladin (December 2016, Season 33) – Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
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This aint working for me. Against Jade Druids and Aggro Shaman i get destroyed most f the time, not enough board control unfortunately
I really want to run Justicar, what should I cut? Also since the meta has slowed a bit I cut 1 AOP for a Harrison.
Why are you running barnes and doomsayer?
Are you meaning why are you running them together? Or why are you using them period? Doomsayer is a perfect board clear early game, and in some cases late game. Barnes speaks for itself, even bringing a 1/1 pretty much any of those minions gives you a major benefit. The only things you wouldn’t want barnes bringing out would be a doomsayer, of course that is also purely situational, some cases you might HOPE it brings a doomsayer. Pulling an Eardric, Aldor, or Nzoth might waste a turn but that is about it, everything else in the deck would help. Pulling a 1/1 Tirion gives you a 1/1 with taunt and divine shield, plus it would die and give you a 5/3 weapon. All your other death rattles speak for themselves, an acolyte would give you an easy card draw. Ysera and Lightlord would give you end of turn cards and heals. I mean it just doesn’t get better than that.
I rly like pala and the anyfin deck. this is pretty the same but i cant win vs aggro. it just doesnt work atm
Replacement for Wickerflame, please?
Second Rate Bruiser or Sen Jin Shieldmasta maybe….
Replacement for Barnes?
Barnes is useless you should’nt be using him in the first place
Are you daft? Barnes speaks for itself, even bringing a 1/1 pretty much any of those minions gives you a major benefit. The only things you wouldn’t want barnes bringing out would be a doomsayer, of course that is also purely situational, some cases you might HOPE it brings a doomsayer. Pulling an Eardric, Aldor, or Nzoth might waste a turn but at least give an extra body, everything else in the deck would help. Pulling a 1/1 Tirion gives you a 1/1 with taunt and divine shield, plus it would die and give you a 5/3 weapon. All your other death rattles speak for themselves: Infested tauren 1/1 taunt with a 2/2 death, 1/1 Cairn Bloodhoof is an easy 4/5, wickerflame is a 1/1 taunt and divine shield, dirty rat is a 1/1 taunt. An acolyte would give you an easy card draw. 1/1 Ysera and Lightlord would give you an easy end of turn dream card or 8 heal. I mean it just doesn’t get better than that. Sylvanas could get you an easy turn because they won’t want to put a strong card on the field if a 1/1 sylvana can steal it. Out of all your minions 14 would be beneficial if pulled by Barnes, 4 would be at least an extra 1/1 body on the field, and 2 (doomsayer) would screw you; depending on the situation and how full your side and their side of the board are.
ahahah Barnes useless hahahaha
Love this deck! So counter meta for both pirates and jades. Can struggle with renolock though.
Replacement for rag?
Lay on Hands, Ivory Knight, or regular Ragnaros are options.
Replacements for Dirty Rat?
Loot Hoarder or Solemn Vigil.
Equality and Wild Pyromancer/Consecrate, Eadric, and Sylvanas and N’Zoth are all good ways of dealing with late game Jade Golems.
The deck can get to the late game with Doomsayer and Dirty Rate, followed by Truesilver.
How does this deck work? It seems fine vs aggro with many taunt minions early and healing, but seems too slow vs jade decks and lacking card draw (only acolyte of pain) to pull out n’zoth to win vs control decks.
I’m also wondering how well dirty rat is working without Mind Control Tech and bad spot removal for paladin. If you pull out something like Ysera or Ragnaros by accident, it seems like you’ll be forced to burn equality for it.
I’ve been playtesting this with:
-1 Forbidden Healing
-1 Blessing of Kings
+2 Solemn Vigil
This deck is very good vs. druid and seems okay vs. pirate warrior.
However, it seems weak vs. aggro shaman and rogue. I think it used to be weak vs. shaman & rogue pre gadgetzan also.
I also have trouble vs. reno decks especially renolock. The fact that kazakus gives extra polymorph option available gives them almost always have an answer for tirion or even ysera. I’ve tried teching in mind control tech and it didn’t seem to help either. Basically only times I win, I pull out their key minions with dirty rat and get early big n’zoth off.
Replacement for Eadric?
You could try Keeper of Uldaman, or Enter the Coliseum is an interesting one.
I used an Enter the coliseum with a humility since I didn’t have an eadric or a wickerflame. so to make up for them I use this combo and it worked pretty dang awesome. It replaced two minions for spells which opened up my chances of barnes pulling something beneficial almost every time.