This is a wild Secret Mage. A cheap deck to go for high legend. Fast and with a lot of synergies. The draw consists of Aluneth, the most important card of the deck and only legendary, and drawing secrets with Arcanologist and Ancient Mysteries . It is a really fun deck to play because of the fast pace, the synergies, drawing and using for cards quickly with your weapon. Plus is a cheap (less than 4,000 dust) deck but very powerful.
- Using Polymorph: Boar, with patience for a big mech or taunt. Because it is an good offensive (3 mana for 3 damage) and defensive card. A really versatile card.
- Saving secrets and waiting for the perfect time for Arcane Flakmage. Who is really strong in combination with Kabal Lackey.
- You have en total with the 4 torchs (Forgotten Torch and Roaring Torch), Fireball, the damage from Medivh's Valet and Cloud Prince, 48 direct damage, plus the damage you can do with Explosive Runes . Without counting the damage you can do with your tempo minions each turn. I have even defeat two Reno Jackson in one game but usually you can deal with one so you don´t discourage after hearing him been play.
- Another tech option in this deck is Eater of Secrets , incredibly good in a mirror match and to destroy Ice Block but sometimes you can use it against Hunter and Paladin too.
- Substitutions
It is a really cheap deck to get to high legend but here are some cheap replacements. Only 3,760 dust, one legendary and one epic.
Duplicate : good when they attack Kabal Crystal Runner or Medivh's Valet. Others secrets you have, if you are in a budget like Mirror Entity or Spellbender.
Frostbolt : subtitution for Forgotten Torch and it’s free.
Spellbreaker: If you don’t have Polymorph: Boar you can use it a silence effect but you lose the offense versatility of the 4/2 charge minion.
Kabal Lackey : Sometimes people use two.
Bad Luck Albatross : Good body and good tech choice against no duplicates decks.
Stargazer Luna: If you already have it, you can use it but sometimes is too slow.
- Tech Choices
There are two tech cards in this deck, Eater of Secrets and Polymorph: Boar.
Bad Luck Albatross : Good body 4/3 and good tech choice against no duplicates decks. There are plenty in wild thanks to Reno Jackson and it is good against Mecha'thun too.
Dirty Rat : Anti combo decks and great body.
Eater of Secrets : For mirror matches and Hunter sometimes.
Polymorph: Boar: For Mech Paladin, Taunts, Mecha'thun (at least ones) and for dealing the last 4 damage with 3 mana.
Winrate & Ranking
I reached top 20 in december but I didn’t took a better screenshot in game. 🙁 . The winrate is from the season of december 2019, and the games are all between top 150 and top 50 wild legend.