Wild Reno Priest

Class: Priest - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-51 - Style: ladder

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  1. Yawgmoth
    July 19, 2018 at 7:44 PM

    With the Raza nerf I think it’s much better to play a value priest deck. Get rid of the spawn of shadows and play a less spell heavy deck in exchange for more value minions and N’Zoth.

    Something like this I am almost certain would be better and arguably just as good as Renolock (rarely will these decks have trouble not having resources so the Warlock hero power is not actually that great).

    1 Crystalline Oracle 1x
    1 Northshire Cleric 1x
    1 Power Word: Shield 1x
    2 Bloodmage Thalnos 1x
    2 Loot Hoarder 1x
    2 Museum Curator 1x
    2 Plated Beetle 1x
    2 Shadow Visions 1x
    2 Spirit Lash 1x
    3 Brann Bronzebeard 1x
    3 Curious Glimmerroot 1x
    3 Gluttonous Ooze 1x (if you don’t see many weapons on the ladder this can be replaced with any other silver bullet or just something generically good like Tar Creeper.)
    3 Shadow Word: Death 1x
    3 Stonehill Defender 1x
    3 Twilight’s Call 1x
    3 Zola the Gorgon 1x
    4 Kazakus 1x
    4 Tortollan Shellraiser 1x
    5 Excavated Evil 1x
    5 Raza the Chained 1x (I’m honestly not sure if Raza is even worth playing anymore as the way this deck wins is to grind the opponent out and win with endless Kazakus potions bringing minions back or with N’Zoth. Only occasionally can you get aggressive and finish them off with Shadowreaper Anduin’s 2 damage hero power.)
    5 Sludge Belcher 1x
    6 Dragonfire Potion 1x
    6 Entomb 1x
    6 Lightbomb 1x
    6 Reno Jackson 1x
    6 Sylvanas Windrunner 1x
    7 Psychic Scream 1x
    8 Shadowreaper Anduin 1x
    10 N’Zoth, the Corruptor 1x

    Twilight’s Call isn’t super necessary but I think it’s a decent value card and all this deck is trying to do is grind the opponent out. Stonehill Defender is similar, not super necessary but great for grinding and obviously great with Brann Bronzebeard (giving you more battlecry minions so you don’t always have to wait for Brann + Kazakus + Zola. Sometimes Brann + Kazakus + Stonehill or Glimmerroot is good enough). Sylvanas can be replaced with Cairne or even Obsidian Statue, but I think Sylvanas is the best choice when taking into consideration casting cost and deathrattle ability). Lastly Plated Beetle can be swapped out for whatever else you want if your not facing a lot of aggro.