General Mulligans
These are the cards you want to get as early as possible in every matchup as it thins out your deck or just give the insurance of reaching late game.
This is my first attempt at making a control Reno Mage.
As usual you have insane value coming from Sindragosa, Zola the Gorgon, Kazakus, Frost Lich Jaina and Kabal Courier. This goes along big boards clears and the late game finisher of Dragoncaller Alanna.
As for tech cards there are the usual ones from wild control decks: Mistress of Mixtures, Dirty Rat, Skulking Geist and Gluttonous Ooze are must-haves in my opinion.
Coldlight Oracle is here to give some draw options while not messing with Dragon's Fury. On the same note, Babbling Book and Cabalist's Tome are value generator that increase the consistency of Dragoncaller Alanna.
Emperor Thaurissan is replaceable as is Luna's Pocket Galaxy.
I hope you have success with this deck as if have yet to try it out.
As always feedback is appreciated.