Wild Quest Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-61 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Mulligans are usually super easy with Quest Rogue. 

100% keep the Quest as it's your win con. Keep any bounce effects and keep any draw effects. 


This is in my opinion the best Wild Quest Rogue decklist you can run. and it’s all thanks to the powerful synergies enabled by The Caverns Below 

The main new inclusions introduced from Rise of Shadows are sliding in two Daring Escapes as they provide the Quest engine with a much higher rate of consistency. They have very potent synergy with our Target Dummys as you can play a Dummy, bounce it with a Ferryman or Brewmaster, replay the Dummy, then Daring Escape the two, replay Dummy then re bounce then replay again giving you 4 ticks of completion for only 4 mana and 3 cards. This would be significantly more cost prohibitive with even a 1 mana minion, so having 0 mana bounce targets is crucial. 

The main engine of the deck remains the same. Novice Engineer and Coldlight Oracle for cycle. Glacial Shard and Vanish for stall. 

Since Quest Rogue lost a lot of it’s burst potential with the -1/-1 nerfs, it can take on a grindier style thanks to a two card inclusion that lets you outvalue Odd Warriors or Jade Druids until you can amass some burst. Those two cards are Valeera the Hollow and Lab Recruiter. Just running these two cards, lets you shuffle infinite copies of Charge or Draw minions into your deck by Lab Recruitering the minion then Lab Recruiting your Lab Recruiter with the Shadow Copy. You can also build a 16/16 board infinitely every turn with any 1 drop and Zola the Gorgon. Play your 1 drop, then copy it with Zola, then use your duplicate Zola to dupe Zola two more times. You’ll never run out of Zola’s or that 1 drop. Most games won’t go super late however and can end very easily with the burst provided by charge minions and bounce effects. 

Winrates are around 70/30 against Control, 65/35 against Combo (unless you can burn their pieces with overdraw) and 40/60 against aggro. Once you stabilize, this deck can swing boards really hard, but it is usually very difficult to survive against the aggression of Odd Pally or Kingsbane Rogue. 

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