Dragon priest is a fairly simple strategy based around playing powerful, undercosted minions which provide additional value through battlecries. The main strategy of this deck is to establish board dominance early on and maintain it with 2 for 1’s, one-sided board clears, and the priest’s powerful hero power. This deck is heavily favored against aggro, while still having a slightly favorable matchup against midrange and control. Tempo Mage, jade druid, cubelock, and naga sea witch giant decks are your unfavorable matchups, however with the right draws, this deck can compete with any deck in wild.
Azure drake can replace cobalt scalebane if you want a better match against control.
Primordial drake improves your late-game against aggro, however i chose to leave it out of the deck die to it’s high cost. If you want to play it, it can replace the curator, however i prefer the card advantage from the curator.
Shadow visions can give you access to more removal if you have difficulty in the midrange matches. The card is not the best against aggro or control, though.
Finally, there’s Brann Bronzebeard. Ths is an incredibly powerful card, especially in the right version of dragon priest. In this build, it somply doesn’t provide enough value to take up a card slot, and brann negates the battlecries of twilight acolyte and vol’jin.
This is my first post, so im not sure if there is anything else i should include. I almost reached legend with this exact list, however i fell just short due to time constraints. Overall, the deck held a solid 68% winrate out of over 200 matches, so i am quite happy with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated, especially if anyone tries the list for a few games and offers some possible changes.