Wild Healbot OTK

Class: Priest - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-52 - Style: fun

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You may remember this unconventional combo deck from the end of Kobolds and Catacombs, most notably being played by Thijs and Stancifka. This is my best attempt to make it work in Wild.

What’s the combo? Well, if both your Corrupted Healbots die, you resurrect them and then kill them off while you either have Aunchenai Soulpriest on the field or have played Embrace the Shadow. 4 Healbots mean your opponent gets hit with 32 damage, which is enough to kill most decks that aren’t Druid or Control Warrior. This flexibility of the combo (at least after both Healbots are dead) is one of the main reasons to play the deck, and why it’s one of the cooler Priest OTKs in my opinion. 

Since Corrupted Healbot and Embrace the Shadow are now Wild, we can use some Wild specific legendaries and boardclears to improve our chances. Baroni Rivendare means you can do 32 damage with only one Twilight’s Call. Emperor Thaurissan is great for Combo decks in general, and is mainly here so we can deal 64 damage if need be: a must in the Druid matchup, which is otherwise unwinnable. 

How does that one work? Well, you play Embrace the Shadow + Baron + Twilight’s Call x2 and then Circle of Healing. Of course, that’s more then 10 mana, so you need at least 2 of those pieces to be discounted. You can also theoretically go higher than 64 damage by using both Shadow Visions for Twilight’s Calls and trying to discount all the pieces with Emperor, but that’s a fringe scenario and the Druid deck will probably kill you before you can do that. 

Is this deck super viable? No, not really. But it is fun! 

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