Pretty simple idea, probably not original. Naga Sea Witch then Glinda Crowskin at 10 mana allows you to fill the board with 5 8/8s. Because this combo only uses up one Giant, it’s another way to set up lethal and bait out AOE if you don’t have Loatheb in your hand yet. Played on curve, she’s a really effective soft taunt, and at low enough health she can even give you a bunch of Molten Giants without Naga Sea Witch.
[Wild] Giants Handlock ft. Glinda Crowskin
- 0Sacrificial Pact2
- 1Kobold Librarian2
- 2Defile2
- 3Hellfire2
- 4Lesser Amethyst Spellstone2
- 4Shadowflame1
- 4Voidcaller2
- 6Glinda Crowskin1
- 9Mal’Ganis1
- 9Voidlord2
- 10Bloodreaver Gul’dan1
- 2Doomsayer2
- 5Loatheb1
- 8Naga Sea Witch2
- 10Sea Giant1
- 12Clockwork Giant2
- 12Mountain Giant2
- 22Molten Giant2