Combining a few concepts here. Starting with the powerful early game provided by the 1 mana hero power into mountain giant, twilight drake, anatheron, and dark alley pact help the deck get off to a fast start. Follow it up in the midgame with more threats like abyssal summoner, voidcaller, and flesh giant, along with some board clears and healing. To finish it off the lategame is basically composed of five “waves” of threats. Preferably the first one comes from Archwitch Willow, to ramp into the next two waves of N’zoth, and Gul’dan. Then the last two waves come from a Kanrethad Prime, and hopefully a 2nd Kanrethad Prime after reviving Kanrethad Ebonlocke with N’zoth.
The list could probably use more anti-aggro cards and spells, but even being a reno-lock, it’s really hard to fit all the greed I want in here along with those cards.