Yes, this deck is up to date and many players reached Legend with it last season. It does have a few bad matchups (including all Paladins), but can really punish slower-developing decks.
I find the most trouble with even shaman and most rogue decks. in my experience though every matchup is winnable with good draws and paladins often underestimate the damage in your hand.
It’s heavily dependent on the matchup, but Life Tap is typically a good option. Later in the game Steady Shot can help provide the finishing damage. Against other board centric decks, Fireblast can maintain your hold on the board.
Is this deck currently viable? Looking for a cheap deck
Yes, this deck is up to date and many players reached Legend with it last season. It does have a few bad matchups (including all Paladins), but can really punish slower-developing decks.
Thank you! As a Standard player, it feels good to see that Shaman is not dead at least somewhere
I find the most trouble with even shaman and most rogue decks. in my experience though every matchup is winnable with good draws and paladins often underestimate the damage in your hand.
Any good replacement for Finley?
A second Diremole should help shore up your one-drops, but Finley’s effect is extremely helpful in a lot of games and cannot be directly replaced.
0-3 great experience
you must suck then
Nah, Warlocks and Paladins piss on this deck, and that’s pretty much all you see on ladder so…
this deck wrecks warlock usually. you just suck mate. what rank are you?
Are the Doom hammers Essential what can I switch them out with?
Probably fine to replace one with Aya since there are already some jade cards in the deck.
doom hammers are essential imo, like 25 percent of the time they are how I finish the game
What are u looking for on Finley? Warlock?
It’s heavily dependent on the matchup, but Life Tap is typically a good option. Later in the game Steady Shot can help provide the finishing damage. Against other board centric decks, Fireblast can maintain your hold on the board.
if you’re running the doomhammer variant than druid is pretty good too.
what can i replace aya with?
A second Bloodsail Raider, Lava Burst or an Azure Drake would work well in that spot,
I’ve now lost 20 games with this “Best” deck. This website lies. DO NOT waste your dust on this deck!
This deck is good, stop the cringe.
Are you sure you’re playing the deck well? If you are then it’s probably just bad luck.
The deck is good you just need to learn to play it, aint that hard