While there will be a lot of new cards that will support deathrattle Rogue in the upcoming expansion… Here are my first thoughts and were rogue could go as a miracle/deathrattle value combo maybe… I feel that C’thun is not necessary at this moment!
This deck has akready early removals through Plague of Madness, Sap, EVIL Miscreant, Necrium Blade, Blightnozzle Crawler
Card generators through Gral, the Shark, Myra Rotspring and Necrium Vial
Defenses and survivability with Rotten Applebaum, Tunnel Blaster
and amazing value with Mechanical Whelp, Da Undatakah,Necrium Vial
I hope we get more powerful spells as this was promised by blizzard the day preparation was destroyed (for gadgetzan of course)