Weasely Sandworm Deck

Class: Hunter - Format: kraken - Season: season-34

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Yeah these are your best early game drops.

The idea of this deck is to fill the board. As the board is filled it is hopefully cleared on your terms either buffing a hyena  or helping you draw basically all of your cards. (Hyena should generally force your opponent to use one of there better removals). You finish your opponent by whittling them down to 10 hp by turn 9 or 10 and dropping King Krush. The Gian Sand Worm rarely sticks but if it does your opponent will hate there life especially if you couple it with bestial wrath clearing the board and dealing 10 dmg. 

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  1. asdasd
    July 7, 2017 at 6:07 PM

    learn the difference between ‘their’ and ‘there’ lol

  2. Bling
    January 9, 2017 at 9:54 AM

    (to use one of THEIR better removals)* Sorry that was bugging me. Cool deck I love seeing decks that aren’t just iterations of Pirate Warrior and Midrange Shammy. Keep it up!