General Mulligans
Vona is always kept unless you know you're against hyper-aggro, as you should consistently be able to activate her by turn 6 - 7.
Geode and Nydus are both almost always good to keep to get your draw engine started.
Bloodbound Imp is fantastic in the opener, as it will often single-handedly be able to contest the board while you set up or dig through the deck.
Aggro Mulligans
Spine Crawler is a surprisingly strong wall against aggro even without a location to pair with, as 6 health isn't shabby despite being unable to attack.
Spirit Bomb and Ultralisk Cavern are both good removal depending on what type of aggro you're facing.
Sheriff will be online very quickly against aggro and can be key in stopping large minions in the midgame from decks like Cycle Rogue .
I mainly created this deck because I enjoy tinkering around with cards
other players consider bad (AKA every Warlock card from the mini-set),
but was shocked to soon find myself on a 7 game win streak in upper diamond.
My overall win / loss record was 11W – 4L, and I climbed from D4 to
Legend without any issue in just one night of play.
This deck has two primary win conditions:
- Find Party Planner Vona as quickly as possible by utilizing Warlock’s incredibly powerful draw engine and copy the deathrattle of Ourobus, World Serpent onto Zergling or other low cost minions to resummon it repeatedly throughout the rest of the game.
- Swarm the board with large minions in a manner similar to Cycle Rogue through a combination of Forge of Wills, Ultralisk Cavern, and Seaside Giant.
Miscellaneous Tips
- Using Spawning Pool‘s deathrattle in tandem with one or more Ourobused Zergling allows for incredibly powerful swing turns, so it is often worth holding onto the last use unless you need to clear your opponent’s board ASAP.
- While the self-damage portion of the deck can drop your health to dangerously low numbers, Consume and Zilliax Deluxe 3000 are both extremely powerful healing tools. Additionally, if you can get Party Planner Vona online, you’ll be able to protect yourself with a recurring wall of 8/8 taunt minions. Don’t be afraid to use your HP as a resource.