Value Bakube

Class: Hunter - Format: wild - Season: season-61

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One last meme before the new season. This is a midrange Baku Hunter designed to regain board around turn 4-5, then pressure the opponent down with minions and the hero power. Don’t knock it until you try it — this has enough gas and pressure to beat control warriors.

Vs fast

Losing board early can lead to a blowout, so be ready for more aggressive decks with tar creepers, bombs, unleash, and springpaws. In the midgame if you are not the beatdown, use kill commands for removal. If you can stick Zilliax and cube it, you should be in good shape. Divine favor can be a problem, so play out your hand against Paladin rather than weaving in hero powers.

Vs slow

If against a deck that will start slow, mulligan/track/tracker to get your eggs out and use your deathrattle activators. In the turn 5-7 range, try to start weaving in a hero power almost every turn to put the opponent on a timer.

Against control warrior, don’t use all your activators on eggs, try to save some for cube. You want to use the cubes and the activators to generate lots of eggs using cube to punish them for board clears. Don’t play greedy and you can run them out of threats. Dropping a big void ripper on a board with 5 eggs is tempting, but never do this if they could be holding brawl or other full clears.

Res priest is not a good matchup because you will likely not win before turn 9. Be ready to meet cloning gallery with an unleash, or you will die turn 10.

If you somehow manage to stick an automaton, go all in and cube that sucker for a hero power OTK. Life pro tip: you’re not going to remember every win or every loss, but you can remember the times you make your opponent die from shame.

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