Unholy Even Deathknight (61-18 to Legend)

Class: Death Knight - Format: wild - Type: aggro - Season: season-110 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

1. Always keep necromancer and geist
2. Keep plague strike, bone flinger and dark transformation against aggro
3. Keep priest, murlocula and pozzik if you already have good early cards in hand


Icy Touch is insane against weapon rogue, quest druid, and is a fast answer against aggro or a big boy

Leeroy is a good finisher and you can pull 13 damages from hand with grave strenght if you have 10 manas

And well… Loatheb is Loatheb lol

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  1. Arkyria - Author
    May 25, 2023 at 10:51 AM

    I talked about it in the description, icy touch is insanely polyvalent imo :
    1. it’s a fast answer against aggro (if you don’t have time to play Loatheb/Leeroy)
    2. it allows you to freeze a big minion and keep the control of the board to kill opponent
    3. it allows you to freeze enemy hero which makes you win against weapon rogue and quest druid
    4. In a few situations it can be 2 damages for a lethal

  2. Fistouille
    May 24, 2023 at 2:06 AM

    Why icy touch ?