General Mulligans
- Any of our 3 mana Taunts work they all provide good value
You will notice how Shadow Visions never appears in mulligans. It is one of those cards that if it happens it happens, but definitely keep it if you have it.
Aggro Mulligans
You will notice how Shadow Visions never appears in mulligans. It is one of those cards that if it happens it happens.
You can still keep shadow visions against supposed aggro decks, if you don't have an AOE in your hand.
Only but always throw quest away against Warriors.
Control Mulligans
- Any of our 3 mana Taunts work they all provide good value
Welcome to the Wild Jungle!
The Deck’s Sales Pitch
Oh boy my most popular and one of my favorite decks of all time is back once more! You thought one Reno Jackson was enough? Can imagine your Reno putting you at 40 instead of 30, and maxing at a possible total of 108 health points? The name says it all for this deck (only sort of). This deck takes the Deathrattle Priest deck and combines it with the Reno Priest. For reference to those of you who don’t play wild as much. A lot of the decks circulating there are growing more and more into value/synergy hungry monsters. In our latest version drop a Kel’Thuzad on a board with some trades waiting to happen and spring miles ahead. This deck uses the old-school version of Kabal Talonpriest (Dark Cultist) to make for the same great Deathrattle buff potential. While we are at it why not throw in a The Lich King and Raza the Chained combo? Even though the duo takes a detour from the Deathrattle theme of the deck. Both The King and Raza are good at playing control; especially if you are lucky enough to get Rexxar, Uther, Valeera, Garrosh, Jaina, Anduin, or even Guldan can be nice. For our grand finale, we have N'Zoth, The Corruptor! Unlike the other N’Zoth decks, in this deck, he doesn’t need to summon quite the same mega minions like N’zoth Pally does, this deck needs it so that minions themselves are valuable. This is mainly thanks to the “double Reno” play available in the deck, and the games often lasting down to the last cards.
Why those cards?
I am no hearthstone pro, so I am definitely open to any and all feedback about the deck. I will be swapping cards in and out of the deck as we move through the Frozen Throne expansion and seasons to follow.
Northshire Cleric 
The greatest thing about Cleric is its capability of denying enemy 1 drops. Playing a turn one Cleric forces your opponent to either just let you draw cards, and after being pressuring enough on board you just have to stop healing your cleric. Saying that you don’t run into ab instant removeal you have a couple advantages. Our Cleric if they don’t play anything not wanting to let you draw cards just acted in a way as a turn 1 doomsayer. Turn two comes around now and following the previous sequence. In your hand, if you have Museum Curator, play it; however, if you have a turn 3 deathrattle play your quest instead. Sidenote, if starting with coin, and you got to play cleric as a “doomsayer”, make a judgement call based on your opponent’s turn 1 whether or not you play your quest turn 2 still as you might want to coin out a 4 drop minion in your hand on turn 3 to deal with first minion(s). In the late game, cleric + 1 hero power use can go for 3 mana, do your best to always draw a card right away off of northshire if it isn’t in the very early stages of the game.
Obsidian Statue 
Obsidian Statue is actually a ridiculous card that they decided to add into the Priest Control Arsenal with KFT. To start off a 9 mana 4/8 with taunt and lifelink is already good. Is it as good as Primordial Drake no, but that is also due to tags. Now lets add on the Deathratte the Statue has “Destroy a Random Enemy Minion.” That is a 3 mana effect according to Deadly Shot, and Volcanic Potion a 3 mana spell is the same as the Primordial Drake effect. Now moving on to Deathrattle in terms of a “tag” Firstly N’zoth can summon it back, Secondly it has synergy with Baron Revindar and Umbra Spiritsinger, and anything that summons minions directly such as Resurrect. At the end of the day I think the cards are even but also Meta defining the same way Primordial Drake was.
The Reno loophole for this deck. Shadow Visions creates a way for you to pick up an important extra Dragonfire Potion or Lightbomb from your deck. This deck has 7 spells, excluding Shadow Vision, 4 of the spells are board sweepers 3 large 1 small. When doing the math to calculate the percentage of getting a board sweeper off of Shadow Visions. You have I believe a 42%, 50%, and 60% chance to get at least one of the three large board sweepers, for just 2 extra mana. (Those numbers are the odds for each of the individual cards that are displayed in the “discover UI”) Those are great odds to be getting an extra board clear. Now, if by some unfortunate odds that you end up not having either sweeper coming up you are guaranteed to get to choose between Entomb, Spirit Last, and both Shadow Words
Talking about how you would play the card and those last three choices. Depending on the class you are playing against, you can probably very quickly make assumptions about whether you want Entomb or a sweeper. In my opinion, if you have the card in your opening hand I suggest not playing it until you have decided what kind of deck your opponent is playing, so you can make sure you optimize your pick. If your opponent is weird and it’s hard to tell what kind of deck they are playing just hold onto the card, but not longer than neccacary when in doubt just go for the big sweeper before you draw the actual copy into your hand.
The Lich King and Arfus 
Originally this deck was running Spiritsinger Umbra in this slot since I first made the deck. Now I have decided to drop her, as she hardly ever gets value, but the value she does get in this deck can definitely sometimes win you the game. Then we have brought in Medivh, and his value doesn’t come immediately but rather over a drawn out period of time not which isn’t good enough anymore. We had a nice slew of spells available for him but he was just to slow. Now we have an excellent new method and Taunt by using the Lich King. He can Stimulate more “win power”, because of synergies with Raza. Arfus can get us Heroes as well because of him being a Deathrattle he contributes in 2 ways, Quest and Death Knights.
This powerhouse slot of the deck has already seen 3 other minions Ragnaros the Firelord, Dr. Boom, and Sneed's Old Shredder. Dr. Boom got dropped because his Boom Bots, even though they add a lot of value to speeding up the quest, lack in providing powerful N’Zoth value. To balance his loss we added Deathlord in the early game replacing the MCT (Mind Control Tech. That swap alone we have kept a 1:1 ratio with the deathrattle. For the actual value of Sneed he is an incredibly slow card being an 8 mana 5/7 with no immediate impact on the board. What I mean by that is an opponent can essentially ignore him for a turn if they already had board control. He really kicks in when he summons another legendary minion. There are hardly ever any bad pulls off of his deathrattle even Millhouse Manastorm won’t be a harmful pull because his ability won’t activate and you are left with a 4/4. Keeping the idea of tempo.
Unlike Sneed, Kel’Thuzad is a powerful 8 drop that can continue to press any tempo already present on the board. The downside to him though is he is more difficult to play on an empty board. Thankfully to cards like: Piloted Shredder, Sludge Belcher, and Cairne Bloodhoof we have a lot of stickier minions.
Card Substitutions
- Obviously, if substitutions overlap you can’t have both included.
- Substitutions are not in order of value as it’s hard to say based on other substitutions you might make.
- I am definitely open to other suggestions.
Bloodmage Thalnos
- Loot Hoarder
- Loot hoarder is a perfectly fine replacement, and the only one you need, but the spell damage is now buffed if you can get lucky and can play it with a Spirit Last, Lightbomb, Dragonfire, or Excavated Evil.
- Barnes
- Makes a good substitute because the odds are in your favor that you will hit something worthwhile.
- Elise the Trailblazer
- #Value plays
- Ragnaros the Firelord
- Not a Deathrattle but was the original pick before Dr. Boom
- Cairne Bloodhoof
- Good Value
- Sneed's Old Shredder
- See Kel’Thuzad’s description above
The Lich King
Swaps are Identical to that of Thuzad’s.
- Shadowreaper Anduin
- A good board clear in mirror matches with decent interaction with hero power.
- Medivh the Guardian
- We have enough 5-6 cost spells to make it worth it.
- Cairne Bloodhoof
- Good value
- Sneed's Old Shredder
- See Kel’Thuzad’s description
8/13: Version 4.0 Begins
Cleared “Edit Log” and made following changes
-1 Unstable Ghoul +1 Spirit Lash
-1 Mirage Caller +1 Arfus
-1 Stalagg +1 Raza the Chained
-1 Feugen +1 The Lich King
-1 Medivh, the Guardian +1 Obsidian Statue
-1 Cairne Bloodhoof +1 Tar Creeper
I’ve been playing this for a while now and I managed to take it all the way to rank 5 so far! I’ve been playing tons and tons of games though. I didn’t just cruise right to it but I did make it pretty nicely got hung up around the 12-9 mark. Great deck and guide my friend!
I run +1 Doctor and +1 SW:P +1 Thalnos -1 Skygolem -1 Volatile -1 Loot Hoarder.
Oh, and you may have forgotten to update the guide in some areas since you substituted certain cards.
Nice work! I do need to add Thalnos back in for this guide, I must have accidentally got rid of him at one point.
Yeah, I haven’t been able to update the guide as much as I would like. Check back soon! Looks like you are doing pretty well though.
Substitution for Raza? i really dont want to craft him just for this deck.
Add another Shadowform, or drop Shadowform and Raza to be replaced with Justicar and shadow word pain. If not shadow word pain for issues with shadow visions try a northshire cleric.
Those are my instinctual thoughts.
Hey dude I just wanted to tell you that your deck is fricking awesome, I’m 9 – 0 so far. I also managaed to get umbra + piloted sky golem into the hunter 4-drop that summons 2 spiders. Overall the deck is funny but also a value monster. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the awesome positive feedback. I’m still looking for ways to improve this deck right now. Might just be because I’m not the greatest hearthstone player with my highest rank being 13. With this deck though I hope to see that change.
Nice, i had the same experience when I first started using this deck on the day of release. On the 1st the day of release i went 10-0 before i finally lost.
Is there any possible changes for Raza, Kazakus, Cairne AND Sylvanas??? I want to try so bad a priest deathrattle deck, but it seems impossible to me with all those expensive cards…
It should be possible, but you will have to run a version that uses duplicates. That eliminates two of the legendaries, and if you were to replace Cairne with a second Sky Golem. You could replace Sylvanas with maybe something like Sated Threshadon. I run the no duplicate version because it is good for control. Using a duplicates you can play a much more aggressive tempo variant.
How do you beat Jade Druids? I met 2/5 of them at Rank 15 … seems unbeatable for me, you cannot answer all the Jades
… Still its a very cool Deck and fun to play
I surprisingly have only met 1, and i just used my entomb on the aya and that’s slowed him last A LOT I also dropped my N’Zoth earlier than I normally do. Mainly because I already had a Sky Golem and Sludge Belcher die. Saved my lightbomb for right before N’Zoth. That did the trick, I’ll keep an eye out for anything I pick up against Jade Decks.
For any wild players who enjoy N’Zoth and Shaman. I have revamped an old Shaman Deck of mine for the upcoming Un’Goro Expansion.
Yes I admit it I am a N’Zoth Addict.
I don’t know what it is about having more neutral cards than priest cards disturbs me. Feels like the deck is weaker because of it. Looking at this though I feel that because doomsayer, unstable ghoul, and Deathlord are all on that side it is ok.
Would it be ok to replace piloted sky golem with Vol’jin? He has some synergy with shadowform and getting rid of high health minions such as Tyrantus.
That would be a nice replacement with these new possibly large adapt minions, and also because this deck doesn’t have many large minion removals.
Love the idea, I’m planning on playing a similar wild Reno N’Zoth once the expansion launches. Just wanted to point out that your odds of getting an aoe are not 120%. You could be offered your 3 other spells, and not the 2 aoe. The odds of NOT being offered aoe are (3!*2! / 5!) which is 0.1. Odds of getting aoe, therefore, 90%. I’m running excavated evil in my version, instead of doonsayer, so even more likely.
Thought about it answer you are definitely right, because logic would say you can’t be garunteed a card unless it’s the ONLY option.
My bad I will go ahead and change it.
Very well written guide! I think Barnes might be worth a spot, possibly even removing Doom Sayer. Also Sneed’s Old Shredder could provide a lot of value here. Might be a bit too greedy, though. Thanks a lot for the effort!
Not sure if both would work, but who would get dropped for Sneed? I could see it if Boom left and then replaced MCT with Deathlord like someone else suggested.
Sneed is definitely the better one for N’Zoth.
I got along to playtesting. This is where my version differs compared to your current (09/04/2017) version:
– Shadow Visions
– Shadowform
– Shifting Shade
– Annoyotron
– Piloted Sky Golem
– Sneed’s Old Shredder
– Dragonfire Potion
+ Mistress of Mixtures
+ Zombie Chow
+ Potion of Madness
+ Excavated Evil
+ Holy Nova
+ Herold Volazj
+ Dr. Boom (lol)
Went 11-6 so far. The 1 drop deathrattles help the early game against aggro as well as the quest.
I might try Sneed’s now that this thread reminded me about him :^)
Personally I would like to say that the deck you are running is very very different from this version. As with most of my decks, this deck takes a very passive playstyle for the first couple of turns. Also having that many 1 drops really can hurt your N’Zoth summons. If you picked those cards because you don’t have enough dust for the others try keeping keeping as much midrange control as possible because you don’t have the same midrange power cards. This deck is meant to hold up slowly for the entire game and burst only when N’Zoth will win u the game.
If the deck works for you though it works.
Awesome guide, great use of the deck builder!
Thank you! It took a lot of time and effort piecing it together but you all have an incredibly awesome interface to work with.
While I do have your attention I would like to point something out that I noticed while making the guide. I noticed that when I was clicking on cards to add the card link to the description, it tended to bug out quite often and put the link in the header at the very beginning. To solve this I would normally have to just delete the text and type a couple characters at the spot where I wanted the link, click the card again, and sometimes it would work perfectly the second time others I would just manually type in the name. Either way it’s a small enough thing in the scheme of great U.I. that it doesn’t bother me, but thought I should point it out.
Thanks, I’ll take a look into that issue and hopefully come up with a resolution!
Is MCT replaceable with deathlord?
I’m going to presume so, because MCT’s plan is going to be to slow down the enemy and Deathlord certainly does that. Not to mention that with the Hunter quest being play seven 1 cost minions a lot of times I’m guessing you’ll get a small minion pulled, but if Druid goes crazy then probably not the best idea. Lastly Deathlord cancels any minion who would have adapted, killing those minions’ value.
End of story probably will work the same either way, because you also get another point towards the quest. I do like the sound of that Deathlord.
Added some extra thought to the Deathlord thing and decided maybe you can even replace the Ghoul with annoy-o-tron, and then the Deathrattles just get swapped.
Just a suggestion, could Finely be a replacement for Northshire Cleric? And then replace Shadowform with a different spell or minion?
It’s an interesting idea, but what Hero Power would be worth picking up? Spell would be easy, Probably just add Holy Nova or Shadow Word Death.
Well Priest got screwed over when it came to the Deathrattle quest in standard, not having sylvanas, museum curator, and the other valuable Deathrattle cards, really hurts Priest.
Yeah I noticed that when I was making the Standard version. I added The Beast and Sated Threshadon to try and add some more bulk to the minions.
I just wish I had all of these legendaries… I originally clicked on the deck wondering how it had a 20K dust req, and now I see how… Dr. Boom FTW!
I guess if I make this I have to make a cheaped up version using nearly all of the cheapest subs…