General Mulligans
The best szenario is if you get a 1-drop and a Crackling Razermaw in your starting hand. If you're going second, you can also coin a Kindly Grandmother at the first turn and play the Razermaw next turn. Mulligan these 8 cards if they are in your starting hand because it's not worth to keep them and you could loose a lot of tempo. You can keep the Knife Juggler if you need to do a combo with Alleycat, otherwise mulligan him because he's not a beast.
It’s a nice deck I made. It’s very cheap and is good in early- and midgame. I put a Tol’vir Warden in it because it’s a great card when you have about 5-7 mana. Also you don’t topdeck your 1-drops that often in lategame and you have enough of them for a high chance having a 1-drop in your startinghand.