General Mulligans
The name of the game is DRAW CARDS. Comboing one or more Novice Engineers with the Barista is important enough that if you have PW:Shield in your opening hand, waiting until 3 mana to play it on Novice to improve the odds you'll get to lift a copy with Barista is worth. Playing Cleric on 1 is always strong, but don't be shy about waiting to play your second copy until you can get a decent haul. Potion Vendor helps, especially since we can't use either Circle of Healing. Shuffling extra Clerics into your deck with Spirit of the Dead is always welcome, although keep an eye on how much you abuse that ability, as it lowers the odds of Bwonsamdi pulling your critical combo pieces when the time comes.
Aggro Mulligans
Playing Omega Medic on 3, Auchenai + ping on 4, and Barista on 5 to pick up copies of any stragglers can really help beat back aggro board presence. Mass Hysteria is your only defense against big boards so use it very sparingly. Your Shadequills help a lot with these matchups too. If aggro is really getting your panties in a bunch, consider swapping a Medic for a Sunfury Protector. It can pinch hit in a lot of senarios, playing very well with your Shadequills and being another good target for Barista.
The idea is to combo Da Undatakah juiced with 3 Shadequills and an Auchenai Phantasm to blast your opponent in the face.
There’s a few ways to go about this, but they all rely on the Spirit of the Dead discounts.
First, to get 3 Shadequills to die, you can use Seance and up to one Shadowy Figure– or more if you manage to pick up extras via Barista/Spirit of the Dead abuse (one Shadowy Figure must be left over for the final combo).
Then, you’ll need to discount 1 Shadowy Figure and 1 Auchenai Phantasm with Spirit of the Dead. This can be done easily by playing Spirit of the Dead, Shadowy Figure, and Auchenai Phantasm followed by Potion Vendor, but it doesn’t need to happen all on one turn- any which way that makes sure it works out is okay.
Final combo is Da Undatakah, Shadowy Figure (targeting Da Undatakah), Auchenai Phantasm, followed by two Circle of Healings, dealing 30 damage to your opponent’s face. If you start with the coin, you can attempt to discount an extra Shadowy Figure for an 11 mana combo turn, which would deal 45 damage to face.
Bwonsamdi allows you to pull out your combo cards once you’ve discounted them, which is super useful. Barista Lynchen allows you to get extras of your important cards– Phantasm/Figure –as well as Novice Engineer and Potion Vendor duplicates for more value.
Omega Medic is the flex slot. If you want to be greedy, you can replace them with 2x Regenerate, which opens an extra way to get the 45 damage version of the combo by letting you play Spirit of the Dead, Da Undatakah, a discounted Auchenai Phantasm, and 2x Regenerate (targeting Da Undatakah to shuffle a 1 mana copy in your deck, letting you play both Shadowy Figures alongside it later for 45 damage– note this means you’ll only need to discount one Auchenai Phantasm, discounting the Shadowy Figures/other Phantasm for the final combo isn’t necessary).