General Mulligans
Obviously looking to start your tempo plays off with added value from hand-buffs.
The only addition here might be Tar-Creeper vs Pirate Warrior, or Small-Time Recruits vs Control matchups for added value.
I’ve been playing only paladin in ranked for the past two sets (much to my own dismay i might add). When Un’Goro released and most pro’s were rating paladin as the weakest class I was filled with bitterness towards this expansion. But I’ve been play-testing many different deck-lists for paladin and THIS ONE IS NO JOKE!
went from level 20 to level 10 with only 4 ladder losses!!! and am still climbing.
There are some flavor cards in this admittedly such as bittertide hydra and stonehill defender. I must admit the pressure this deck puts on all matchup’s is SERIOUSLY impressive.